Saturday, October 20, 2012


Cate stared into mirror, unseeing.

The full-length vision reflected back to her was of an elegantly-coiffed, artfully made-up woman.  Her rose-tinted lips were thoughtfully pursed, her gray-blue eyes tired and vacant.  Her steely but weary gaze revealed the battered condition of her soul. 

In stark contrast to the drab melancholy of her expression, lavish drop diamond earrings sparkled in Cate's delicate lobes.  Thick twists of glorious chestnut and mahogany locks swept gracefully upward, baring her neck and shoulders.  Soft amethyst-hued chiffon swathed her lean body, draping in snug pleats from one bejewelled shoulder across her breasts and gathering at an empire waist before cascading to her ankles.  Her polished toes peeked out from silver high-heeled sandals just below the gown's filmy hem. 

She wasn't aware she looked beautiful.  That certainly wasn't how she felt.

She felt empty.

It had been another hard day.  After keeping tabs on her Target at the nightclub until the early morning hours, Cate had returned to her suite and collapsed immediately into bed.  Despite her exhaustion her sleep was fitful, interrupted by nonsensical, troubling shadow-dreams.

A scant few hours later she was up and dressed, craving a workout in the hotel gym to invigorate her body and her spirits.  Before she left the suite Cate had paused on the balcony to dial Jon's number.  Her heart sank as, even at the early hour, his recorded voice answered her call.

After a hard workout, a shower, and a warm room-service breakfast Cate felt more energized.  In the quiet of her spacious hotel suite she had updated her surveillance log, reviewed the day's agenda, and telephonically informed both Agent Quinn and Silvio what she had observed of Target's activity the previous night. 

Once those tasks were complete Cate sat silent for a long moment, forcing herself to breathe, relax, and clear her mind of all work-related matters.  It was a ritual that enabled her to compartmentalize the competing aspects of her life, a mental segregation of professional from personal. 

Then she picked up her iPad, opened her medical chart, and dialed her phone.   

The conversation with Dr. Klein was brief but thorough.  The physician explained Cate's laboratory test results in detail, noting that her body appeared to be functioning exactly as expected in response to the hormone therapy and insemination procedure.  The only deviation was the absence of a pregnancy. 

Dr. Klein offered no speculation as to why the IUI had failed, saying he wanted to discuss the matter in person when she returned to Manhattan.  Feeling a bit like a scolded child, Cate had mumbled her agreement and promised to call for a priority appointment as soon as she knew her schedule.

At the close of the call Cate allowed herself exactly five minutes to digest what she had heard.  Then she wiped away her tears, turned off her iPad, and stowed it away in her bag.  She again closed her eyes, focused her breathing, her posture, and her mind, and pushed aside her personal life. 

It was time to go to work.

By ten a.m. Cate had arrived at the designated meeting place to rendezvous with her partner.  Her assignment for today wasn't to observe Cupid; that task would be left to a pair of male agents better able to blend in to the local scenery.  Instead Cate had the more pleasant but equally important mission of bolstering her backstory as to why she was in Miami at the same time as the New Jersey politician.  That required public activity. 

As assignments went, she had certainly drawn worse.

As much as Cate had bridled at her supervisor's suggestion that she use Jon's Foundation as her cover, she knew he was at least partially right.  One of the hallmarks of artful investigation was creativity within the limits of the law.  Cate knew that:   Hell, she had taught that to hundreds of young Agent Trainees. 

Special Agent Quinn knew it too, and he had immediately seen the obvious angle to avoid the wrench Cupid's social engagement had thrown into their surveillance plan.  The only way to adapt and overcome the challenge was to make full use of every resource available to Special Agent Sullivan and her team.  Including Cate's own pseudo-celebrity.

So today she had taken one for the Team.

 After meeting up with Mirna Hidalgo, the exotic young Latina agent who had been her nightclubbing partner the prior evening, Cate had assumed her role.  Thanks to Yvette's earlier planted "sightings" on local gossip blogs word had reached celebrity-watchers and tabloid-feeders that Mrs. Jon Bon Jovi was in town.  Now Cate's job was to ensure there was public evidence of her feigned leisure.

Together Cate and Mirna had lunched at a trendy and highly-visible beach restaurant, then shopped their way through Miami's most expensive and glamorous retail district.  By early afternoon they had spotted at least two cameras aimed in their direction.  Despite her automatic sneer of distaste at the appearance of the paparazzi, Cate had dutifully pretended not to notice them while giving her credit card a workout.  She knew an armful of shopping bags would at least provide a byline for the otherwise unremarkable photographs of two women spending their husbands' money on a Miami afternoon.

Only one aspect of the performance had given her pause.  While working their way along the Bal Harbour shops Cate and Mirna had encountered a lavish boutique filled with decadent baby and toddler goods.  The sight of frilly little dresses and elegant nursery decor in the window had made Cate's heart throb miserably, but she had taken a deep breath and led Mirna inside. 

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Cate had browsed through the extravagant baby goods before carrying a few items to the register.  Minutes later, she emerged from the shop carrying a large shopping bag boldly emblazoned with the "Precious" logo.  She had little doubt the provocative shot would soon be featured on a gossip website.

Later, upon their return to the Ritz-Carlton, Cate had sent the layette home with Mirna for the agent's new niece.  The dainty little garments would only serve Cate as a painful reminder of the failing aspect of her private life.  It was a distraction she didn't need.

Throughout the day Cate had repeated her attempts to call Jon, but each time reached his voice mail greeting.  At least she knew he had received her messages; Jon had acknowleged via brief texts during his breaks on the set.  His promise of an evening call hadn't given Cate any comfort.  She would be working well into the night.

A quiet electronic ping pulled Cate from her thoughts.  Her head swiveled toward the sound, her gaze fixing on the iPhone resting on the desk in the suite's sitting room.  After a short hesitation she moved slowly from the bedroom to retrieve the device.

7:12 p.m.    Leaving now.  Will be in hotel limo queue at 1930.   -JPena

Cate nodded absently in response to the message.  Though she would attend tonight's charity dinner alone, she wouldn't exactly be flying solo.  Another of Silvio's agents posing as her driver would be her distant backup.  Agent Pena would keep an eye on guest comings and goings and an ear out for chatter.

She brushed a finger over the screen to close the message, then hesitated.  Cate's lips pursed thoughtfully as she debated whether to try once more to contact Jon. 

A slow shake of her head revealed her answer.  No, it was almost time for her to leave.  She needed to use these last few minutes to mentally prepare herself for the evening's role.  With any luck she would do much more than just watch Cupid from afar.  She needed to get in close to glean the details that would make this surveillance a success.  That meant she needed to be prepared for conversation.

Still... she needed to at least say goodnight, to let her husband know why she wouldn't answer his call.

Her short, polished nails clicked quietly against the little screen as she tapped out a brief text message.

7:14 p.m.  Leaving for work in 15 mins, will be out late. I'll call when I can, may be tmrw.  I Love You. - C

Cate sighed wistfully as she dropped her phone into the open  mouth of her small beaded evening bag.  Then she reached for her iPad, which was charging in its dock.  A few quick manipulations made the tablet's screen glow to life, displaying the fundraiser's event website. 

Though she had already scoured the site and others for any facts that may serve her well in the evening's conversation, Cate's eyes automatically scanned over the text.  She smirked wanly as she recalled the old cop adage:  "You can never have too many bullets or too much information."

A few minutes later, satisfied with her preparation, Cate wandered back into the bedroom.  She gently dropped the tablet onto the bed as she passed its foot on her way to the walk-in closet that housed the suite's ample courtesy safe.   As she leaned down to touch the code on the little vault's keypad she heard another electronic alert.  This one was also familiar, but unexpected.

Her heart jumped as she recognized the chime.  The corners of Cate's mouth curved into a hopeful smile as she moved quickly from the closet, hurried back around the bed, and picked up the iPad.  The glowing alert of an incoming Skype transmission made her pulse kick up even more.  Settling on the thick mattress' edge, Cate quickly tapped the tablet's screen to open the window.

"Hey, Baby.  I was hoping I'd catch you before you ran outta there."

Jon's voice sent a tingle through her.  Cate felt her cheeks warm with her smile.

"I'm glad you did.  I miss you."

Jon's grin on the screen disappeared as his lips curved into a pucker.  He let out a low whistle, then his smile was back.  "Well, well.  You look far too dressed up to be sitting in a dark surveillance van all night."  His tease was gentle, but the inquisitive arch of his brow gave away his curiosity.

Cate chuckled throatily.  "Yeah, well.  I guess I drew the long straw for tonight.  I get to actually go inside. You know, where there's warm food and electricity and bathrooms."

"Must be quite some guy you're tailing.  What's he doing, taking Cinderella to the Ball?"

"Who says it's a guy?"  Cate brushed aside Jon's gentle probe with a little smirk.  "Baby, you know..."

"I know."  Jon interrupted her stock reminder that she couldn't discuss her work.  "But I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're the prettiest agent on the team, so you get to dress up and go to the big party."

A light blush tinted Cate's cheeks at her husband's sweet compliment.  She giggled softly.  "Not even close.  You should see my partner, Mirna.  She's gorgeous.  Long legs, big brown eyes, perfect figure... next to her I look like a little Irish Pippi Longstocking."

Jon laughed softly at his wife's self-deprecation.  "Ah, one of those Latina bombshells, eh?  Well, for the record, I like my Irish girls.  Especially the redheads."  His smile gentled.  "So is this the part where you tell me not to worry about you, you're going someplace safe tonight?"

Cate nodded, her own smile fading a little.  "Yeah.  Tonight's all about watching and listening.  I'll just be a face in the very well-dressed crowd.  Plenty of security."

"Good."  Jon gave Cate a long look.  She felt his earnestness even through the transmission.  "I need you to stay safe, okay?"

"I know.  I will."

"Listen, I know you have to go in a minute, but..."  Jon hesitated, clearly considering his words.  "Cate, when you come home... we need to... talk."

Cate felt a little stab in her heart at his quiet statement.  Though he hadn't finished the thought, she silently completed Jon's sentence.  "About the baby."

"Yeah.  I know."  She sighed softly.  "Dr. Klein wants to see us next week."

"Good.  I don't have a call until Thursday, unless something changes."  Jon again arched a sandy brow.  "Does that mean you'll be gone the rest of this week?"

"No."  Cate's reply was quick and emphatic, accompanied by a firm shake of her head.  "I'm not sure when, but I'll be home by Friday.  Promise.  I'm not going to miss your birthday."

"Cate... maybe we should just cancel our plans for Friday night.  Just in case.  That way if something comes up..."

"Jon, I said I'll be there.  I mean it.  Even if I have to call somebody in to cover for me while I fly home." 

"Okay, okay.  But've gotta be tired. So if you don't feel up to going out..."  Jon's lips pursed as he bit back an exasperated sigh.  "You know, I'd be perfectly fine with just staying home on my birthday.  We could order in, curl up in front of the fire..."

Cate's heart squeezed even as she fought back the wave of panic forming in her gut.  Right now few things sounded as lovely as a quiet night at home with Jon, but it was her duty to deliver him to his surprise party at the appointed hour.  She wasn't about to shirk that responsibility, as she had every other detail of the celebration planning process.

"Jon, we have to go out," Cate countered firmly.  "I... I want to take you somewhere special.  I've had the reservation for months."

"Okay, but why Friday night?  Call up the place, change the reservation.  Maybe to Saturday."

"This place has a wait list a mile long, Jon.  I can't just change the reservation."

"So, grease somebody's palm.  Happens all the time."

"I can't."  Cate again gave her head a brisk shake, stirring loose a long copper tendril from her updo.  Her jaw tightened as her brain scrambled to come up with an excuse that wouldn't give away the ruse.  "There's no way.  The wait for this place..."

"Alright!  We'll go out Friday!"  Jon cut her off, rolling his eyes and giving his own head a little shake.  "For fuck's sake, Cate..."

Cate felt her temper spark at his exasperated mumble. "What, is it such a bad thing that I want to take you someplace nice on your fiftieth birthday?"  She snapped her retort. 

"No!  It's fine!  I'm just saying..."  Jon stopped abruptly, realizing he was about to be drawn into a petty argument.  He sighed again before continuing in a calmer tone.  "Baby, it's fine.  If you want to go Friday, we'll go Friday."

"Well, that is your birthday.  And this dinner date has been on the calendar for weeks."

"I know."  Jon gave Cate a tight-lipped little smile.  "Besides, I guess we can't go Saturday anyway.  Dorothea invited me for a birthday dinner with her and the kids.  Stephie's coming home, wants to make me a cake."

"Oh."  Cate felt another stab in her heart, this time of jealousy. She silently cursed herself for the childish reaction.  "Well, that will be nice, for you to be with all your children at once.  That doesn't happen very often these days."

"For us to be with all our kids," Jon gently corrected her.  "You're invited too, you know."

"I..." Cate hesitated, his reminder momentarily catching her off-guard.  "Well, that's nice but... but we'll see.  I don't want to intrude on a family celebration."

"Cate, you're Family."

"I... okay."  Cate took a breath, pushing the conversation aside.  She couldn't allow herself to get drawn into this discussion, not now.  She glanced at her watch.  "Jon, I need to go.  My car will be here in a few minutes."

Jon sighed, then gave her another sad smile.  "Okay.  But first will you do me a favor?"


"Stand up and twirl around?  I wanna see how beautiful you  look.  I love that dress on you."

His gentle request made Cate smile.  Even though she would probably be late to the hotel lobby, it was the least she could do.

"Okay.  Gimme a second."  Cate rose from the bed and moved over to the dresser, unfolding the tablet's leather cover.  She carefully propped the device up against the lamp, then stepped back.  "How's that?  Can you see me?"

"Yeah.  Now gimme one of those red-carpet twirls..."

"Okay."  Cate's mouth curved wryly as she slowly turned away from the screen.  She felt a little silly doing this, but she couldn't refuse him this one little pleasure.  Cate rotated slowly, allowing Jon a long moment to get a full view of her back before returning to face the webcam.  Her heart squeezed at his smile.

"You look gorgeous, Baby.  Every guy in the place is gonna be staring at you all night.  The women too."

Cate blushed lightly at her husband's gentle praise.  "Jesus, I hope not.  I'm supposed to blend in."

Jon grinned.  "Well, then.  You're fucked." 

Cate's giggle faded into a wistful smile as she glanced toward the clock.  "Jon... thank you.  I'm sorry, but... but I need to go.  My car's on the way."


"I'm glad you called, though."

"Me too.  Just wish we had more time."

Cate nodded, her heart squeezing.  "I miss you."

"Miss you."

"I'll be out late, so..."  Cate sighed.

"Yeah, I've got another seven a.m. set call.  Probably gonna watch a little T.V., hit the hay early."

"Jon..."  His name stuck in her throat.  "I... I'm sorry."

"Shhh.  S'okay.  Just come home soon."

Cate nodded, swallowing the lump as she blinked rapidly, her thick lashes fluttering against the moisture brightening her eyes.  "As soon as I can."

"Good.  Oh, and Cate... Be sure to wear a wrap when you go out tonight.  I don't want you catching a cold before you come home."  Jon winked knowingly.  "The nights are still a little chilly in Miami this time of year."

Cate chuckled softly at her husband's smug grin.  "Who said anything about Miami?"  Her protest was weak, tacitly confirming his speculation.


"I love you."

"Love you too, Baby.

Cate sighed.  "I gotta go."

He nodded, his smile fading to a look of gentle concern.  "Okay.  Be safe."

"I will."



The window framing Jon's image went dark, his transmission ended.  Cate sighed again and reached for her iPad.  She smiled wistfully as she closed out the Skype window, then powered down the device.  She carried it with her as she retraced her path across the bedroom and into the closet.

When she opened the safe she slid the iPad inside before extracting another item.  Cate closed and secured the little vault, then stepped out of the closet.  She bent slightly at the waist, with one hand gathering the filmy, flowing skirt of her gown into her fist.  She lifted the fabric to reveal a trim, sheer-stockinged leg banded by a thick strip of black neoprene.

Cate deftly slipped the snub-nosed pistol into the thigh holster.  Straightening, she let her skirt slide from her grip and fall to the floor before smoothing both hands over her hips.

Then, without another glance at the mirror as she passed, she gathered her wrap and purse and headed for the door.


"Champagne, Miss?"

Cate turned toward the polite, Latin-tinged male voice.  She gave the handsome young waiter a small smile as she reached for the offered tray and lifted a flute of sparkling bubbly.  "Thank you."

"My pleasure."

The little smile remained on Cate's lips as the waiter moved away.  She didn't bother to take a sip from the sparkling beverage; it was merely a prop.  Cate returned her blue-eyed gaze to the well-dressed crowd, making mental notes as she scanned the room.

Everything had gone according to plan so far.   Cate had arrived at the party just moments after Cupid, her agent-chauffeured town car pulling into the estate's long drive right behind the Target's limousine.  Not wanting to encounter him just yet, Cate had feigned a phone call before exiting the car, delaying her entrance at the gala by a few moments.  Once several more guests had followed Cupid inside the mansion, Agent Sullivan stepped from the car and made her way inside.

After being greeted by the gala's host and hostess Cate had stopped to leave her wrap with the coat check, then had stepped into the powder room.  There she pretended to check her perfect makeup in the vanity mirror while mentally gathering her wits.  Her job tonight was to watch and listen, but she would also have to play the role of interested philanthropist and arts patron.  That meant she would have to mingle and chat her way through the room of Miami's society elite. 

She needed to work her way as close to Cupid as possible, to note who he spoke with, how he reacted, and, if possible, what he talked about.  Cate wouldn't have the luxury of recording or photographing his interactions, so she would have to rely on her powers of observation and her keen memory.  Ideally, she wouldn't come face-to-face with her Target, but if she did she needed to have her cover story down pat.

Before departing the powder room Cate had fully assumed her role, giving her reflection a bright smile.  She hoped no one else would notice it didn't quite reach her eyes.

Cate raised the champagne glass to her lips as her gaze settled on Cupid.  New Jersey Assemblyman Valentin DiCarlo was clearly enjoying the attention of a small circle of well-heeled guests, grinning and gesturing broadly as he engaged in animated conversation.  He looked exactly like a Hollywood caricature of a corrupt middle-aged Italian-American politician:  sleek salt-and-pepper hair combed back in a Frankie Valli pompadour, glittering dark brown eyes bracketed by deep creases, Shore-weathered olive skin, and a hawkish nose perched over gleaming white teeth.  He wore an elegantly-cut designer suit over a white shirt, a wide silver silk tie knotted at his throat.  As he waved his hands with his conversation gold rings on four of his thick fingers flashed in the soft party lighting.

Cate snorted softly to herself as she noticed the new diamond-crusted band circling Cupid's pinky.  The fit to the stereotype was almost laughable. 

After noting that none of Cupid's current conversationalists looked familiar, Cate turned her gaze elsewhere.  Around the room women in beautiful gowns glided about, smiling and chatting, while dark-suited and tuxedoed men stood in loose huddles, laughing heartily.  A few guests stood along the walls, clearly not interested in socializing, their heads bowed as they busily worked their smartphones.  Other gala-goers took brief breaks from their socializing to pose for the event photographer.

She needed to start moving, to work her way closer.  Cate took another tiny sip of her champagne, then strolled slowly toward a small group of people gathered near the hors d'ourves table.  It was always good to start party-chat over food.

Nearly an hour later, Cate had made small-talk with several dozen gala-goers.  She had been careful to introduce herself by her married name, the familiar surname immediately heading the conversation in the desired direction.  As expected, most of the women asked questions about Jon and his various entertainment projects, and the men were curious about his business and philanthropic efforts. 

Cate repeatedly sidestepped discussion of Jon's Foundation, making it clear that she was in attendance of her own accord and not as a representative of her husband's charity.   Cate found it both amusing and mildly insulting that no one thought to ask her about her own career, though she had no intention of answering that question truthfully.

While she socialized her way through the crowd Cate kept a covert eye on Cupid.  He was clearly enjoying himself, holding court before a rotating circle of guests.  A bored-looking, green-eyed brunette bombshell was the only person who stayed near the Assemblyman, occasionally leaning to whisper something in his ear.  Cate hadn't seen the woman arrive with Cupid, but she immediately recognized the cool demeanor of a paid escort.  She chuckled softly, certain her team would see more of the woman after this party was over.

"Ah, Mrs. Bongiovi!  There you are!"

Cate pulled her gaze from Cupid at the enthusiastic greeting.  She automatically smiled, turning to look at the beautiful Latina woman who now approached her.

"And how are you enjoying the party?"  Isabel Duque extended a slender, manicured hand to Cate.

"It's lovely," Cate smiled, accepting the hostess' gentle handshake.  "Your home is beautiful.  And the food is delicious."

"Why, thank you!"  Mrs. Duque cheerily brushed aside the compliment she had already heard a hundred times.  "I'm so glad you're having a good time.  I wanted to find you before dinner, to thank you again for coming.  We were so excited when your assistant called to tell us you wished to attend."

Cate blushed lightly, the flattery making an impact.  If only she knew... 

"Well, I'm honored that you were able to accommodate me on such short notice."  Cate gave Isabel a genuine smile.  "This is a wonderful cause.  Helping families is an issue that is near and dear to our hearts."

"Yes, absolutely.  It's a shame your husband couldn't come with you."  Isabel's lashes fluttered excitedly as she mentioned Jon.  "We would have loved to have him here.  His Foundation does so much good work.  Maybe next time?"

Cate chuckled.  "Perhaps.  I'm sure he would enjoy an evening like this.  But unfortunately he's pretty busy right now."

"Oh?  Is he working on new music?"

"Not right at the moment.  Actually, he's taken a recurring role on a television series."

Isabel's eyes widened with excitement.  "Ooh!  I hadn't heard he had returned to acting.  Which show?"

Cate gave the woman an apologetic smile.  "I'm sorry, but I can't say.  It hasn't been announced yet."

"Oh."  Isabel's smile turned persuasive.  "But you can give me a little hint, can't you?"

Cate arched a coy brow, recognizing Isabel's troll for gossip.  She could easily see that whatever she told the hostess would be known to everyone in this room within the next hour.  
"Well..." Cate paused, pretending to consider her disclosure.  "Okay, just a hint.  I can tell you it's a series on cable, and it's been on for two seasons already."

"A drama?"  Isabel's tone was hushed, joining in the conspiracy.

"Yes.  Jon will play a recurring character beginning in the season premiere."  Cate smirked lightly.  "It's a role unlike anything he's done before.  He's really enjoying the challenge."

"Oh my Goodness!"  Isabel's response was a half-gasp.  "I can't wait to see it!"

"Well, you should hear more about it soon.  I know Jon has to be involved in some press in a few months, so I assume that's when they'll announce the details."

Isabel reached out to squeeze Cate's forearm.  "I can hardly wait."

Cate smiled and raised her still-half-full champagne flute to her lips for a dainty sip.  "Anyway, because he's working I decided to come down to Miami for a little getaway.  Just me and an old friend."

"That's lovely.  You should have brought... her?... along tonight."

"Unfortunately, she had to fly out tonight."  Cate's lie was smooth.  "A shame.  She loves art.  In fact, she asked me to put a few bids in for her, at the auction."

Isabel's face lit up with Cate's comment.  "That's wonderful!  We have a fabulous assortment of works by some local artists, all donated.  Is there any particular medium your friend enjoys?"

"She has eclectic taste.  But lately she's been interested in sculpture."

"Well, we have several great works.  Perhaps one will catch your eye."  Isabel shifted into the role of consummate saleswoman.  "And we also have a number of exclusive 'experiences' and getaway packages up for auction.  Maybe there's something there you would enjoy.  Perhaps a gift for your husband?  And yourself?" 

Cate smiled.  "Perhaps."

Isabel giggled softly.  "Well, then.  Let me take you over to the auction tables.  We're doing both a silent auction and a live auction, so you have several options."  She reached to take Cate's hand, giving it a little tug.  "Come."

Nodding, Cate reached to set her champagne glass on a nearby table.  She glanced again toward Cupid's location. Seeing that he hadn't moved from his spot, she allowed Mrs. Duque to lead her across the room and through a large arched doorway.  

Cate's eyes widened slightly as she stepped inside the adjoining room.  It was the size of a large hotel ballroom, opulently decorated with crystal chandeliers and gold-leaf ornamented pillars.  Lavishly-decorated round tables filled the center of the room, flanked by a small dance floor on one side and a long, fully-stocked bar on the other.  In the corner a sextet of white-coated musicians played soft Latin music.  A few beautiful couples glided and twirled around the dance floor, enjoying the rich melodies.

At the front of the gorgeous room was a long display of colorful artwork, arranged on huge panels behind black-skirted tables.  Massive canvases decorated with oils, pastels, and black-and-white photographs dominated the walls, and sculptures of stone, clay, glass, and mixed media sat on lower pedestals and tables.  Another long table featured colorful displays advertising the non-artwork items up for auction.  Small groups of well-dressed patrons gathered in front of various works, obviously evaluating them as potential purchases.
"Many of the artists are local.  As you can imagine, there is a predominant Latino-culture theme."  Isabel continued her pitch as she guided Cate around the edge of the dining area and to the auction floor.  "But we do have several pieces that are more traditional, or more modern."  She smiled as she stopped at the side of the exhibit.  "We even have a painting done by an elephant, from the Miami Zoo."

Cate laughed softly, more at Isabel's enthusiasm than at the thought of an elephant artist.  "That's fantastic.  And there are already a few things that have caught my eye.  What a beautiful collection."

"Thank you.  Our artists are very generous, particularly for this event.  Every year our selection is larger and more impressive."  Isabel patted Cate's arm, then nodded.  "Now, I really must greet a few more guests.  As much as I'd love to stay and chatter to you all night..." She giggled musically.  "I'm sure you will meet some lovely people here."

"I'm sure I will, Isabel. Thank you."  Cate's reply was warm, though she was already mentally mapping her route back to the other room.  She needed to keep a visual on Cupid.

"As a matter of fact..."  Isabel held up a finger, then turned to wave at a cluster of people gathered around a pedestal bearing a large abstract sculpture.  A silver-haired woman responded, raising a hand to gesture back to the Hostess before excusing herself from the conversation.  The woman glided quickly over to Cate and Isabel, smiling cheerfully.

"Mrs. Bongiovi, this is Ellen Stallings-Coate.  She is one of our wonderful volunteers who helps obtain the donated works for this event.  Ellen, please meet Cate Bongiovi."

The older woman extended a hand.  "What a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bongiovi."

"You as well."  Cate smiled as she exchanged the greeting, fighting the urge to glance back toward the door to the other room.  She didn't want to be rude, but she really didn't need to spend much more time away from Cupid.

"Now, I'm sure you've gotten this question all night, but are you...?"  Ellen left the remainder of her query dangling, giving Cate a knowing smile.

"Yes.  Jon is my husband."

"How wonderful.  He's quite an icon.  A very generous man, as well."

The simple compliment made Cate smile.  After all the questions about Jon's music and acting and hair and family and physique it was nice to hear a simple acknowledgement of his kindness.

"Yes, he is.  Thank you."

Isabel nodded, indicating her agreement.  "Ellen, could you please tell Mrs. Bongiovi a little about the works we have up for auction?  She mentioned an interest in sculpture, for a friend."

"Certainly."  Ellen gestured gracefully to the tables and pedestals behind her.  "We have a number of lovely pieces to choose from."

Cate stifled a sigh, realizing she probably wasn't going to get out of this evening without making a purchase.  Therefore, it probably would be a good idea to at least pick out something she liked.

"I'm not looking for anything in particular," Cate cautioned gently.  "Just whatever catches my eye."

"Excuse me, Cate?  I'm going to leave you in Ellen's competent hands now," Isabel interrupted.  "I see someone I really do need to speak with.  I'll try to catch up with you later.  Have a lovely time!"

"Thank you, Isabel."  Cate's reply was almost lost as the hostess hurried away.  Cate turned to give Ellen a little smile and a shrug. 

Ellen laughed.  "She's always on the go, that one.  A lovely woman."

"She seems like it."  Cate turned her gaze to the art displays.  "So, what's the hot item?"

"Well, we have several.  But we think the top bid will go for that Nunez."  Ellen pointed at a massive abstract oil painting, done in rich shades of blue and green.

"It's beautiful.  And large."  Cate chuckled.  "Not quite what I'm looking for, though."

"Is there anything that catches your fancy, at first glance?"

"Well..."  Cate hesitated while she scanned the artwork on the walls.  Not seeing anything particularly noteworthy, she dropped her gaze to the lower exhibits.  Her eye was immediately drawn to a shiny black sculpture that appeared to be some sort of distorted human figure.  "That is rather striking."

"The sculpture?  Ah, yes.  We've had a good bit of interest in that one.  It's actually one of the first recently done by the artist.  He's experimenting with differing media from his usual preferences."  Ellen turned and gestured for Cate to follow her.  "Come, get a closer look."

Cate obliged, following Ellen over to the black-draped pedestal.  Now that she was closer she wasn't sure exactly what the sculpture was supposed to be.  She stared at the three-foot-tall ebony mass, evaluating the curves and grooves in the glossy material.  "Is it clay?"

"No.  It's soapstone, coated with a resin glaze.  Interesting."

Cate's brow furrowed as she further evaluated the piece.  "Yes.  Interesting." While she couldn't make out a familiar shape or a form, there was something about this sculpture that intrigued her.

"Does it have a title?"

"No."  Ellen gave Cate a little shrug.  "The card identifies it as 'Untitled, Number Fifty'."

"Hmm."  Cate moved around the pedestal, evaluating the sculpture's form.  "It's almost like... kind of like... waves.  Vertical waves.  But... not really."

Ellen chuckled softly, wordlessly acknowledging Cate's musings.  As a gallery owner she knew not to comment on a potential client's interpretation of a work of art.  Art was subjective.  If the buyer saw waves, they were waves.

"I wonder what the artist's inspiration for this was...." Cate murmured as she continued to circle the piece, her eyes sliding over the sleek curves.  The piece was growing on her.  It might be a suitable purchase.  At least Jon wouldn't hate it. 

"Would you like to ask him?  He's right over there."

Cate turned her head to look at Ellen, mildly surprised at the offer.  "He is?  Well... okay.  I guess."  She watched as Ellen waved briefly at someone located behind Cate, then gestured the person to come closer.  Cate turned to greet the artist, a curious smile turning her lips.

Her blue eyes widened when she heard his unmistakable baritone rumble, even before she recognized his handsome, weathered face.  Immediately her stomach clenched.

"Hector, this lovely woman is quite intrigued by your sculpture.  Would you mind speaking with her about it?"

Tico's lips parted with a soft gasp of surprise as he recognized the lovely patron.  Then a slow grin split his face.

"Well Hola, Cate.  What are you doing here?"


  1. First of all I'm soooo happy you are back! I have missed Jon and Cate so much! Second of all, OOPS! I hope Tico doesn't blow her cover!!! This is good!!!

  2. Yep me too, so happy to have you back. Love the Tico twist, while I was reading I was wondering if he might make an appearance. Oh yeah and loved the fact that Jon figured out she was in Miami. Wo I don't want to push my luck here but are we back to a weekly posting? fingers crossed :-)

  3. Welcome back Catte!
    We missed ya!
    Hope Teek plays along with her cover!

  4. Thanks for the new chapter!


  5. Instead of blowing Cate's cover, Tico might actually help her without even realising it. Jon must have read one of those entertainment sections announcing where his wife was spotted for him to comment about Miami.

    I don't think he will be very happy when he finds out Cate used his philanthropy as a cover.

    Welcome back, Catte
