Saturday, July 14, 2012


“Hey, Beautiful.”

Cate felt warm breath in her ear as the silky murmur floated through her dream.  A tingle ran down her spine, making her shiver in her light slumber.  She smiled, grateful her alarm had not yet roused her.  She wanted to enjoy this dream a little bit longer.

“Good morning.”

“Mmmmrrrrrfffff…” Cate growled.  She wasn’t going to let the sexy voice trick her into letting go.  She was snug and warm and happy in her soft cocoon of sleep.  As soon as she opened her eyes it would all be gone.


The warm nuzzle against her cheek invaded the filmy haze of dreamland.  Slowly Cate cracked open a long-lashed eye.  

The room was shrouded in the pre-dawn violet-gray of winter, making everything look as if it was part of a grainy black-and-white photograph.  Only the figure perched next to her on the mattress’ edge was in clear relief.  Her lips curved into a pout as she realized she was now awake, her lovely dream vanished.

But it wasn’t a dream.  It was better.

My funny Valentine…
Sweet, sexy Valentine…
You make me smiiiiiiiile….. with my heart….

Jon’s sultry croon in her ear made Cate sigh.  A sleepy smile again curved her lips as she snuggled against her pillow, burrowing a little further down into the warm linens.

“It’s too early…” she mumbled.  “My alarm hasn’t gone off yet.”

“I know.  Sorry, Baby.”  Jon smiled and with a gentle finger swept a thick mahogany strand from Cate’s cheek.  “But today’s a big day.  I want to start it out right.”

Cate sighed softly, her eyes still closed as her foggy brain processed his words.  “Mmmm… Sorry.  Can’t.  Doctor today.”

Jon chortled throatily.  “Not that, Silly Goose.”  He leaned closer to again nuzzle at her ear.  “Happy Anniversary, Baby.  I made you breakfast.”

“Hmmm?”  At that Cate again cracked her lids.  She gave him a wary look before slowly raising her head from her pillow.  Her auburn locks slipped over her bare shoulders as she turned her head to glance at the clock on the bedside table.  As she noted the early hour Cate pulled in a deep breath, the sweet aroma of cinnamon and sugar filling her nose.


Jon grinned and straightened up, for the moment keeping his perch on the edge of the mattress.  "Cinnamon roll pancakes with fresh raspberry puree -- NO syrup.  And whipped creme fraische.  Your favorite."

“You made them?”  Cate’s husky voice didn’t mask her surprise.

“Yes, I did.  All by myself.”  Jon smirked proudly.  “But they were from a mix, so….   Oh, and don’t go in the kitchen for awhile.  It ain’t pretty in there…”  He chuckled at his self-deprecating tease, mentally picturing the enormous mess he had produced through his effort. 

“S’okay. Cleaning service comes today.”

“And I brought you coffee.  Don’t worry…” he immediately responded to her little squeak of disagreement.  “Decaf, organic.  With raw sugar and fresh cream.” 

Cate sighed and dropped her cheek again to her pillow, blinking slowly as she awakened more fully.  “I should have my tea.”

“Not today, Baby.  Treat yourself.”

“Mmmm… Well….”  The sheets rustled as Cate slowly shimmied around under them, turning from her stomach onto her side and propping herself up on an elbow.  She smiled weakly.  “I do miss coffee…”

Jon slipped gracefully off the edge of the bed.  He padded silently over to the dresser and picked up the tray he had left there just a few minutes ago.  Careful not to jostle the dishes and glasses, Jon carefully carried their breakfast back to the bed.

Cate rubbed her eyes and yawned, then pushed herself up to sit.  A gentle smile warmed her expression as Jon settled the tray across her lap before rounding the bed to crawl back onto the mattress.  He slipped under the sheet and sidled over to her, then ducked his head to give her a tender kiss.

“Morning,” he murmured, renewing his greeting.  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Baby”

Cate smiled and nuzzled his cheek as Jon pulled back from the kiss.  “Happy Anniversary.”  She turned her attention to the breakfast tray, humming happily as she reached for the metal travel mug.  Its warmth in her hand made her sigh as she raised it to her lips for a sip.

“Ohhhhh… God, that tastes good,” she groaned softly, savoring the rich flavor.

Jon chortled and slipped his arm behind his wife, curving his hand around her side.  “Sometimes it’s the small pleasures, huh?”

Cate nodded.  “You don’t realize how good they are until you can’t have them.”  She sipped again, then reached  to dip her finger in the whipped cream that adorned the stack of golden-brown pancakes covered in bright red glaze.  She hummed again as she licked the sweet foam from her fingertip.

“Jon?  Why did you get up so early to do all this?”  Cate sighed and tipped her head against Jon’s bare shoulder.  “We could have had breakfast together after my workout.”

“Because.”  Jon wrapped his fingers around the little electronic box at his side.  “I thought it would be nice to watch the sunrise together.”  He raised the remote and aimed it at the sensor in the corner, pushing a button.  A quiet whir filled the bedroom as the curtains slowly parted, revealing the spectacular panoramic view from the Manhattan penthouse’s floor-to-ceiling windows.

“But Baby, the sunrise won’t be for another hour or so yet.  It’s winter.”  Cate’s eyes scanned the skyline, which was just beginning to glow faintly pink through the velvety pre-dawn gray.

“So we’ll just stay here in bed and cuddle and talk and take our time with breakfast.”  Jon again ducked his head to nuzzle at Cate’s neck.  “No workout today.”

“Well…” Cate’s reluctance lasted all of a second.  “Okay, I guess.”  She smiled and turned her face to again capture Jon’s lips with hers. 

“It’s a big day today,” Jon murmured softly.

“Mmm Hmm.”

“You’re only going in to the office for a few hours, right?”

“Yes.”  Cate smiled and reached for a fork, unable to resist the tantalizing aroma of the cinnamon pancakes any longer.  “Just ‘til noon.  I took leave for the rest of the day, and for tomorrow.”

“And you’re turning off your phone, right?”  Jon arched a brow with his question.

Cate chuckled gently.  “You know I can’t do that, Baby.  But I promise I won’t answer it when we’re at the clinic.” 

“Well, alright,” Jon conceded with a little smile.  He chortled softly as he watched Cate cut a piece from the pancake stack and spear it on her fork, then dab it with raspberry sauce and whipped cream.  Willingly he opened his mouth for the bite when she raised the morsel to his lips.

“Mmm.”  Jon chewed and swallowed.  “Damn, that’s not half-bad if I do say so myself.”  He smirked at Cate.  “You totally just tested that out on me, didn’t you?”

Cate giggled.  “Yup.”

“Like the old kings used to have some poor servant taste their food to see if it was poisoned?”


“Gee, thanks.”  Jon’s fingers curled against Cate’s side, giving her a playful tickle.  She squirmed lightly.

“Hey, survival of the fittest.”  Cate chuckled as she lifted her own bite of breakfast to her lips.  She hummed happily as the flavors awakened her taste buds.  She chewed and swallowed slowly, then washed the bite down with another sip of hot, sweet coffee.

“Seriously, Baby… this is delicious.  Thank you.”  Cate smiled and offered Jon another sweet kiss.  He chuckled upon discovery that her lips tasted like raspberries and cinnamon.

They ate slowly, sharing the pancakes and savoring the quiet.  When they finished Jon carried the tray back to the kitchen, returning with a fresh cup of Valentine’s coffee for Cate.  She sipped at the rich beverage while Jon settled back into his place on the bed, then she set the cup aside and curled into his arms. 

Cate sighed happily as the warmth of Jon’s embrace enveloped her.  She could easily stay here in bed with him all day, all week, forever.  But that couldn’t happen, especially not today.

Reading her thoughts, Jon reached up to stroke Cate’s hair.  “A little nervous?”

“Yeah.  A little.”  She sighed softly.  “Not so much about the appointment.  About… after.”

Jon’s heart squeezed.  He didn’t want to hear the thought any more than Cate wanted to voice it.  But he knew their recent disappointments had made her gunshy, afraid to allow herself to hope for a pregnancy this time.  

“Our life’s about to change, Cate,” Jon murmured softly.  “When the sun comes up tomorrow, things will be a little different.  It may not seem that way, but we’ll know.”

Cate nodded, her cheek brushing against Jon’s firm chest.  Her arms tightened around his waist.  “So it’s good to enjoy it today.  Together.”

“Yeah.”  Jon’s reply was barely a whisper as he pressed a kiss against the crown of her head.

Their words ceased but their hearts spoke as they lay together, watching the sky lighten over the city.


“And there they are… The Lucky Val-en-tines…”

Cate giggled at Edie’s sing-songed greeting as the cheerful nurse sashayed into the consultation room.  She was dressed for the holiday in festive red scrubs under her white lab coat.  A pink ribbon sash draped across her chest, proclaiming her to be “Queen of Hearts.”  On her bottle-blonde hair gleamed a pink rhinestone tiara.

A wide grin split Jon’s face at the nurse’s getup.  “Look, Baby.  We got the pageant winner today.”

“Ta dah!”  Edie twirled slowly in front of Jon, then gave him a saucy wink.  “You rock star types, always flirting with us supermodels.”

“Nah, I only flirt with the prettiest ones,” Jon gave Edie his best sexy smile.  “And I’ve been savin’ up for you, Doll.”

“Pffft.”  Edie waved a hand at Jon as she sputtered at his attempted suck-up.  “You better have been savin’ up, if ya know what I mean.”  She gave him a dirty smirk.

“Oh, I know.  And I have been.”  Jon grinned back at Edie, then glanced at Cate.  His smile gentled.  “Gonna make sure we do this right the first time.”  Her nod affirmed his statement.

Edie chuckled.  “Well, you’ve had a little practice at this, so I’m pretty sure you’ll do just fine on a ‘one-shot deal’.”

Jon laughed at her pun.  “Yeah, well.  I just hope you got some better porn in there this time.  All that old stuff is gettin' kinda boring.”

“Well excuse me, Mister Sex and Booze and Rock-and-Roll!” Edie bantered back.  “Sorry we have boring porn in the Whackadoodle Room.”  She rolled her eyes playfully, then gave Cate a cheery smile.  “Actually, I think we might have a little something in there this time you’ll enjoy.”

“Oh really?”  Jon arched a brow at the nurse, grinning sexily.  “You got somethin’ special in there? Just for me?”

“I sure do.  Just for you.”  Edie gave Jon another wink, then turned her attention to Cate.  “Okay, Missus… You want to head on down to the lab for your pee-test?  You know the drill.  I’ll jab ya with the needle when you come back.”

Cate nodded, exchanging a conspiratorial smile with the nurse.  She picked up her oversized tote bag and looped the handles over her shoulder before standing up from her seat.  “See you in a couple minutes, Baby.”

Jon tipped his head as he smiled back at Cate, mildly puzzled by her farewell.  “Okay.  I’ll be here.”  He watched her move quickly to the door and slip out of the room.

Nurse Edie stepped over to the counter, tapping at her electronic tablet to bring up the couple’s chart.  “Alright, Handsome.  Off with that sweater.  I gotta get your blood pressure before I send you down the hall to raise it a few points.”

Jon chuckled at Edie’s playful but accurate statement.  Uncrossing his legs and leaning forward in his chair, he reached behind his neck to tug his gray v-neck sweater up and over his head.  He heard and felt a crackle of static as the wool slid over his shaggy hair.  He absently smoothed a hand over his hair before draping the sweater across his lap.  “Which arm you want?”

“The Superman one, of course.”  Edie grinned, not looking up from the chart.  She had done enough pre-specimen exams with Jon to have noted the location of all his tattoos and distinguishing marks.

With a little grin Jon pushed up the short sleeve of his black t-shirt, baring his upper left arm.  He waited patiently while Edie made a few notations on the tablet, then pulled the blood pressure machine over to where he sat.  Jon passively offered his arm for Edie to wrap in the uncomfortable rubber cuff.

“So, how’s Cate doing with this?”  Edie’s voice was still cheery, but her question was more serious.

“She’s a little nervous.   Excited, too.”  Jon let his arm hang limply at his side as the nurse slipped the metal diaphragm of her stethoscope under the rubber wrap.  She pressed the switch to inflate the cuff around his bicep.

Edie nodded as the machine emitted a low hum.  “It’s been a long road for you two already.  But now we’re getting serious about this babymaking stuff.”

“Yeah.”  Jon nodded, his voice softening.  “She’s doing okay, hanging in there.  But she’s afraid, too.  We’ve had so many disappointments already…”

“I know.  But you gotta keep believing and supporting each other.”  The machine beeped, halting the inflation on the cuff.  Edie paused for a moment, looking at the numbers on the machine as she listened to Jon’s pulse thudding in her ears.  Satisfied, she tugged the stethoscope earpieces from her ears and pressed the pressure release button.  “Looks good, as usual.”

“We’re trying.”  Jon smiled as the nurse unwrapped his arm, the Velcro making a sharp ripping noise.  “Sometimes it’s hard, but we get through it.”

“Good.”  Edie gave Jon a genuine smile, then pushed the machine back to its corner.  She paused to note his blood pressure on the electronic tablet, then turned back to face him.  

“Okay, so.  You know the procedure.  Wash your hands first, sterile cups are on the shelf above the sink.  Don’t open the cup until you need to; just loosen the cap for easy access in a hurry.”  She smirked slightly.  “Don’t touch the inside of the cup, cap it immediately and get it over to the window as soon as possible.  After you take a minute to get yourself cleaned up, of course.”

“And Doris takes it from there.”  Jon nodded his understanding.  He had already been through this process more than a half-dozen times.  The indignity of it had worn off.

“Yep.  But tonight we’re gonna set those little swimmers free upstream, after they have a nice little bath.”  Edie chuckled softly.  “I assume you’ll want to be with Cate when Dr. Klein does the insemination?”

“Of course.”

“Okay.  After you provide your sample you’ll have about an hour to wait while it’s processed and we prep Cate for the procedure.  It’s not a big deal, but we don’t do it in a regular exam room, just to be on the safe side.  We want to keep everything as sterile as possible, so we use what we call a ‘clean room’.   Kinda like an operating room, but a little fancier.” 

Edie paused and gave Jon a sympathetic little smile.  “So, I hear you had to cancel your Valentine’s Day plans for tonight, huh?”

Jon shrugged.  “Yeah.  Actually, it’s our wedding anniversary today, too.  So it was more anniversary plans than Valentine’s.”

“Aww.  That’s sweet, that you were married on Valentine’s Day.”  Edie grinned.  “You’re just a big Sap, aren’t ya?”

Jon laughed, nodding agreeably.  “Yep, I admit it.  I’m a total, hopeless, starry-eyed romantic.  Moreso than my wife.”

“Really?  Usually that’s the other way around.”  Edie chortled softly.

“Oh, Cate’s mushy, too.  She just doesn’t really wear it on her sleeve.”  Jon’s blue eyes gleamed, his voice gentling as he described his wife.  “But she actually has a truly romantic heart.”

Edie smiled at Jon’s obvious affection for the woman who shared his life.  It always warmed her heart to hear a man talk about his wife with such reverence.  While she dealt with loving couples on a daily basis, it wasn’t often she saw such devotion from the man during private conversation.

“I’m sure she does.”  Edie’s smile turned to a little smirk as she stepped over to the consultation room door.  “Okay, Loverboy… you ready?”

Jon stood, draping his sweater over his shoulder rather than pulling it back onto his torso.  Considering where he was headed there really was no point.  “I was born ready, Darlin’.”   

“Oh, Lordy.”  Edie’s swear was delivered with a little chuckle as she gave her eyes an exaggerated roll.  She led Jon out of the consultation room and down the hallway toward the laboratory wing of the clinic.

Jon chuckled, following her.  “You realize I do know where I’m going, right?”  He didn’t normally get a personal escort to the specimen collection suite.

“I know.  But you were the one whining about the boring porn in the collection room.”

Jon snickered.  “What, you got some private stash you’re gonna break out for me?  The good stuff?”

“Something like that.”  Edie smirked cryptically as they turned the corner from one hallway to another.

Jon’s blue eyes narrowed as he detected the smugness in her reply.  “Alright, Nurse Ratched… What are you up to?”

“Me?  Nothin’.  Just doing my job.”  Edie kept her eyes straight ahead as she marched down the hall.  She couldn’t control her grin, though.


The nurse ignored Jon’s suspicious half-plea.  She didn’t stop moving until they arrived at the dark-paneled door to the private specimen collection room.  Reaching up to the gold-framed sign attached to the wood, Edie slid the plaque from left to right, changing the room’s status from “Available” to a discrete “Reserved.”

“Alright, Mister Bon Jovi.  Let’s see what we’ve got in here to help you along.” 

Nurse Edie turned the knob and stepped into the room.  She held the door open just far enough for Jon to follow her in, then she pushed it closed behind them.  She smiled, watching Jon’s reaction to his unexpected surroundings.

“What the fu…???”  Jon stopped his curse just in time as his eyes widened with surprise.  He had been in this very room  more than a handful of times, but never did he recall it looking like this.  The sleek, modern-furnished room had always been dark, manly, and somewhat austere.  But now… now it looked like a private room at a high-end Gentlemen’s establishment.

The black leather couch and chrome-and-glass tables were still where Jon remembered them, against the wall opposite the large television.  The small sink and vanity were still tucked in the corner of the room, plastic specimen cups and rolls of paper towels neatly stacked in the open shelves above the mirror.  A dark, low bookcase still stood against the wall beside the TV, holding a selection of magazines and DVDs that catered to a variety of carnal tastes.  But everything else was new.

Soft violet-hued light glowed from black-shaded lamps on the end tables.  On the black leather couch was draped a dark, clearly plush blanket made of what looked like some sort of fur.  In the center of the room sat a huge round black-leather ottoman, its top inset with a smaller round dark wood table-top.   A violet spotlight streamed down onto the ottoman-table from directly above, illuminating the wood with a purplish glow. 

The spotlight drew Jon’s gaze upward to the source of the beam.  He noticed the other usually-dimmed recessed lights had been replaced with dark purple bulbs as well, adding to the sultry mood of the room.  In between the light fixtures hung large clusters of black paper hearts in varying lengths, subtly hinting at a romantic theme.
Most striking, the room was filled with roses.  Dark burgundy blooms overflowed sleek silver cylindrical vases on almost every surface, their rich perfume scenting the air.  Jon counted eight bouquets of at least two dozen roses each in his quick, wide-eyed scan of the room.  The combination of the flowers with the sultry lighting and the subtle heart motif made the room look like the site an elegant gothic Valentine celebration.  Soft saxophone music drifting from concealed speakers emphasized the dark romance of the setting.

“Edie… what the Hell?”  Jon’s question was a wondering murmur.  He stepped further into the room, pulling his sweater from his shoulder and dropping it onto the sleek round ottoman.  His gaze continued to glide over the decor.  Surely this obviously specially-prepared love den wasn’t for him.  He was only here to provide a medical specimen.

“Surprise, Baby.”  Cate’s soft voice floated through the room, over the music.  Jon’s eyes widened as he turned to look at the one place his gaze had not yet covered, the space behind the now-closed door near the little ledge and window to the adjoining laboratory. 

Jon’s pulse raced as Cate stepped forward, from the shadow into the violet light.  He realized she wasn’t wearing the dark sweater and jeans in which she had been earlier attired.  Now she was wearing a white lab coat that glowed purple in the room’s colored lighting.  Her thick auburn tresses shone with violet highlights, and her creamy pale skin looked almost porcelain while her painted lips glowed the deep burgundy of the roses.

“Cate...? What…?” Jon couldn’t form a full question; his mouth kept falling open in wonderment.

Nurse Edie came to his aid.  Still smiling, she spoke quietly to her tongue-tied male patient. 

“This was all your wife’s doing.  She called this morning and explained how you had to cancel your romantic plans for tonight because of this appointment.  She asked if there was something she could do for you here…” Edie paused to swallow a little lump that rose in her throat at the romantic gesture.”  “…Something to thank you for being so understanding and supportive.  We were happy to oblige.  She had everything sent over this afternoon.”

Jon’s blue eyes glowed brightly as he gazed at Cate.  “This is all… all from you?”

Cate nodded.  “I know it’s not exactly traditional.”  She chuckled throatily.  “But since we can’t really consummate our anniversary, this is the next best thing.  I’m… I’m here to help you.”

Jon’s eyes widened as he realized what her presence in this room meant.  He swung his disbelieving stare to Edie, then back to Cate.  “Help me?  You mean… in the cup…?”

“Jon, it’s actually pretty common for a male patient to have assistance from his partner in producing a semen sample.”  Nurse Edie’s explanation was simple and professional, without any hint of judgment.  “In fact, we encourage it.  Many couples going through fertility treatment find this practice enhances their intimacy as well as bolsters their confidence in the process.”

Cate gave Jon a little smile.  “Since we’re not going to be able to do this the traditional way… well, I thought we should at least share as much of it as we can.”  She felt her cheeks heat with a blush as she gave a little shrug.

A slow grin stretched Jon’s lips as the idea registered in his brain.  Now that he thought about it, having Cate’s assistance with this task would be beneficial.  And much more pleasant than doing it alone, staring at the television.

“We have also found the quality and quantity of the specimen is more robust with partner assistance.”  Edie read Jon’s expression.  “So there are some medical benefits to the interaction, too.  To put it simply, you’re happy, she’s happy, and you get happy sperm.”

Cate chuckled softly at Edie’s cheery description.  She gave Jon a little smile.  “So, Baby?  Willing to give it a try?  We have a little less than an hour.”

“Sure.  Yeah.”  Jon chortled softly.  “In fact, why didn’t you think of this earlier?”

Cate shrugged.  “I guess I was kinda wrapped up in all the other details.

Jon held out his hand.  “C’mere.”  His voice was gentle.  Cate obliged, moving over to stand beside her husband and slipping her hand into his.  She gave Nurse Edie a grateful smile. 

“So, you said there are some rules?”

The nurse nodded.  “Yes.  Like Dr. Klein told you yesterday, with IUI we want to keep the process as clean and pure as possible, without removing fertilization from the woman’s body.  To do that, it’s important we get as strong a sample as possible from you, Jon.”

Jon smirked.  “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

Edie chuckled at his macho boast.  “Yes, I’m sure.  But we also need this to be a clean sample, in that it has no contaminants.  That means you will have to be a little careful about the methods of stimulation you use.”  She paused, looking from Cate to Jon before continuing.

“First off, you both need to wash your hands before either of you have any contact with Jon’s genitalia.  Even something like hand lotion or antibacterial gel can be spermicidal.  Also, you must limit your activities to manual stimulation.  If you need lubricant, there is water-soluble, non-spermicidal lubricating gel in packets on the shelf with the specimen cups.   Use only as much as you need, and apply the gel to your hand, not directly to Jon’s penis.”

“Also, no vaginal, anal, or oral sex.  Avoid genital-to-genital contact such as rubbing or stroking, even while wearing underwear.  No other bodily secretions, including saliva, should be mixed with the ejaculated semen.” 

The nurse couldn’t stop a little smirk at Jon’s involuntary cringe in response to her blunt directive.  Edie glanced at Cate and saw her smile had faded as well, but she maintained a stoic expression.  

“Bottom line is…” Nurse Edie’s smile gentled.  “Take your time.  Enjoy yourselves.  Some couples like to watch the videos together, or read from the magazines.  Some like to role-play.  Some just like to talk.  You know what turns each other on… Consider this back-to-basics, Foreplay 101.”  She gave Jon a little grin.  “And then you get rewarded with a hand-job.” 

Jon chuckled throatily, turning his gaze to Cate’s.  “And hopefully we’ll both be rewarded, in about nine months.”

“Yeah,” Cate agreed softly.

Edie smiled at the couple’s affection.  “Okay.  Any questions, before I leave you alone?”

“Umm… yes.”  Cate spoke up, a little sheepishly.  “Is this room soundproof?” 

The nurse chuckled.  Cate’s query was actually one of the more common ones.  “For the most part, yes.  But there is a door and a window to the laboratory next door, so…”

No screaming,” Jon finished the nurse’s sentence as a little tease for his wife.

Cate elbowed him gently in the ribs.  “I was thinking more of the music,” she clarified.  “I didn’t want to disturb anyone.”

“Jeez, Cate.  Guys watch pornos in here with the volume turned all the way up.  I seriously doubt a little music is gonna bother anybody.”

Edie laughed at the couple’s little squabble.  She could sense their nervousness, and knew it was time to make her exit.

“Okay, anything else?  I need to go get the room ready for your procedure.  When the two of you are finished here, just stay put.  I’ll come get you when the lab is done and we’re ready to prep you for the IUI, Cate.”

“Okay.”  Cate’s soft reply was accompanied by her gentle smile.  “Thanks, Edie.”

“My pleasure.”  The nurse turned and reached for the door.  “Have fun, and think positive.”

“Thanks,” Jon replied as Edie pulled open the door and stepped out into the hallway.  When the door closed after her, Jon and Cate exchanged a long look.

“Well, so….” Cate dropped her gaze, suddenly feeling a little awkward now that she and Jon were alone.  The realization that there were people in the clinic who not only knew what they were about to do, but waiting on them to finish, made her cheeks flush.

“So.”  Jon gave Cate’s hand a squeeze before releasing it from his.  He gave her a little shrug and a sheepish half-smile.  “What do you wanna do first?”

Cate paused for a moment, considering.  Then a muffled noise from outside made her spring into action.

First we lock the damned door.”

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Cate shivered as she stepped out of the cab, an icy blast of howling wind hitting her square in the face.  She cursed and hunched her shoulders, trying to shield at least part of her face with the wool wrapped across her throat.  Her auburn hair whipped wildly around her head as she turned up the block and hurried for the glass door under the familiar green-and-white sign.

“Jesus!” she gasped as she stepped across the threshold and out of the frigid weather.  She shivered again despite the warmth of the coffee shop.  Blinking back cold-induced tears that iced her lashes, Cate scanned the room, looking for a familiar face.

“Cate!”  Dorothea waved from a small table in the corner.

Cate tipped her head in acknowledgement before pushing through the queue of customers waiting to place their orders with the barista.  She tugged at her scarf, loosening it now that it was no longer needed.

“Hi.”  Cate greeted her companion a bit breathlessly.  “Sorry I’m late.”

Dorothea waved a hand dismissively.  “It’s okay, I know you’re busy.  Besides, you’re only a few minutes behind.”  She gave Cate a little smile.  “Thanks for coming up to meet me on your lunch break.”

“No problem.”  Cate unbuttoned the top of her heavy wool coat and unwound the muffler from her neck.  She breathed with a sigh of relief, rapidly warming in the small, crowded room.  “I have an appointment away from the office this afternoon, so it worked out well.”

“Do you want to get a coffee before we go?” 

Dorothea’s question caught Cate by surprise.  “Go?  Go where?”  She paused, her woolen scarf hanging suspended from her hand.

“I wanted to take you to see the place I found for Jon’s party.  It’s just up the block.”  Dorothea gestured vaguely toward the street.  “That’s why I asked you to meet me here instead of someplace closer to home.  I thought maybe we’d have a cup of coffee and go over some of the details first.”

“Oh.”  Cate hadn’t given Dorothea’s requested meeting location a second thought.  “I just figured you were in midtown for something else.”

Dorothea smiled half-apologetically.  “No, just for this.  I guess I wasn’t too clear on the phone.”

“Well, okay… Um…”  Cate glanced at the long line of people in front of the register.  “I don’t want to hold you up, and there’s a line.  Let’s just go.”

“You sure?  I don’t mind waiting.”

Cate shook her head and raised her hands to loop her scarf behind her neck again.  “Nah, I don’t really want anything right  now.  And I only have about  forty-five minutes until I need to head to doc…” She checked herself before revealing her personal errand.  “To my appointment.”

“Oh. Well, okay...”  Dorothea pushed back her chair and stood, reaching for her coat that hung on a nearby hook.  “Then we probably should head over.  I told the events manager we’d drop by, so I guess she can go over the plan with us.  The tentative plan,” she corrected herself quickly, before Cate could respond.

Cate re-wound her scarf over her throat, then watched as Dorothea pulled on her coat.  “You found a place near here?  I thought you were looking for something Sinatra-related.”

Dorothea nodded as she loosely knotted her own scarf over the neck of her wool coat.  “I was.”  She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, then gestured toward the door.  Cate turned and preceded her to the front door, bracing herself for another frigid assault.

Once they were out on the street Dorothea stepped up beside Cate.  “It’s down 56th,” she directed a bit breathlessly.  “Fuck, it’s cold.”

Cate nodded, shoving her gloved hands in her coat pockets and ducking her chin to her chest, shielding the lower half of her face with her scarf.  “At least the wind’s at our backs,” she muttered, falling into pace with Dorothea as they hurried down the sidewalk.

“So anyway, I originally thought about the Copacabana…” Dorothea continued to answer Cate’s query.  “But it’s not the original club.  The old place closed, then somebody bought the rights to the name and moved it.  It’s a Latin dance club now, on 47th.”  Dorothea gasped in a breath as a more forceful gust of cold air pushed at their backs. 

“Anyway, they rent out the place for events, but it just didn’t feel right.   Wrong vibe, too… well, new-ghetto, I guess.”  Dorothea gave Cate a little sideways smirk.  “Then I thought about Patsy’s, but it’s just too small.  So I called them up and told them what I was thinking about, and asked for suggestions.”

Cate turned her head to give Dorothea an inquisitive glance.  The biting wind immediately abraded her bare cheek, making her snap her head forward.  “How many people are you thinking, Dorothea?” she asked breathlessly.  “I thought we were going to keep this kind of small.”

“Well, I have a list just short of fifty.” She paused as they approached the corner, nearing a cluster of pedestrians waiting for the walk signal to turn.  Dorothea and Cate weaved through the small crowd and rounded the corner onto 56th Street.  The buildings on the cross-street provided some shelter from the frigid north wind, giving the women a brief respite.

Fifty?”  Cate hoped her response wasn’t too sharp.  “Isn’t that… I thought we’d just invite family and close friends.”

“Cate, that is just family and a few close friends.”  Dorothea reeled off the names.  “Not counting the Guest of Honor, we have you, me, the kids, Matt and Tony and their families, John and Carol, Obie and his family, Richie, Dave, Tico, Bobby, Hughie, Mike, Johnny and their guests, and Craig and Barb, Ron and Anna… and of course Sister Mary…”

Cate nodded slowly in agreement with Dorothea’s quick spiel.  “Yeah, I guess that is pretty much the inner circle…”

“Yes, and you’ll probably have a few people you want to add to that list too.  But just with that bunch, we’re already too big for Patsy’s.”  Dorothea pointed a gloved hand ahead, to the next block and the opposite side of the street.  “Up there, under the scaffolding.”

Cate squinted at the lettering on the glass-fronted entry, but couldn’t make it out.  “Patsy’s recommended this place?”

“Yes, and they can cater here.  Usually places like this won’t let you go outside their group.”

“Dorothea, what exactly is ‘this place’?”  Cate’s exasperation with Dorothea’s cryptic explanation was beginning to creep into her tone.  “I know where we are, that’s the Russian Tea Room.”

“We’re not going there.  The place I want to show you is a cocktail and cigar lounge, very upscale and very elegant.”  Dorothea stepped ahead of Cate, off the curb.  With a quick glance to her left and right she trotted across the street, leading her companion in a mildly-daring jaywalk.  Cate strode quickly behind Jon’s ex-wife, peering at the brass-accented doors as they drew closer.  Finally, when they were almost in front of the building, Cate could make out the letters.

“We’re at Carnegie Hall.”  Cate’s brow furrowed with confusion.  “Dorothea, I don’t think we need a place this big.”

Dorothea chuckled and ducked into the plywood-encased corridor under the scaffolding.  She automatically breathed with relief at the shelter from the wind.  “Not Carnegie Hall, the Carnegie Club.  Wait ‘til you see it.”

“The Carnegie Club?” Cate’s brow furrowed.  “I’ve heard of if, but I didn’t realize it’s actually at the Hall.”  She slowed her pace, dropping behind Dorothea to walk single-file in avoidance of oncoming pedestrians.

“Actually, it’s behind the Hall,” Dorothea replied over her shoulder.  “And it’s not part of the Carnegie.  The proprietors just took named it for the location.”

“Oh.”  Cate almost bumped into Dorothea when the woman stopped abruptly in front of her, her path blocked by another pedestrian.  “Sorry.”

“S’Okay.  It’s just up here.”  Dorothea pointed ahead to a green awning that bisected the plywood tunnel.  Cate caught a glimpse of a dingy maroon carpet leading up to a wide mahogany-colored door with heavy brass handles. 

Once the woman ahead of her began to move, Dorothea led Cate to the door and pulled it open.  Together the women stepped into the dimly-lit vestibule, finding themselves surrounded by polished wood paneling instead of ragged plywood.

“Ladies?” the red-jacketed young man at the walnut podium addressed them with a hint of annoyance.  “I’m very sorry, but we are not yet open for business.  Our hours for today are two p.m. to two a.m.

Dorothea was unfazed by his rebuke.  “Please tell Sabrina Ms. Hurley is here.  She’s expecting me.”  Her directive was firm.

“And this is about?”  The young man raised a brow at Dorothea’s tone.

“A private engagement.”

The maitre’d calmly looked down at the gilt-edged ledger on his podium.  He slid his finger along a column, then looked up.  “I don’t have a note here regarding an appointment, Miss…”

“Hurley.  I just spoke to her less than an hour ago.”  Dorothea’s reply was clipped, her patience with the man exhausted.   She stepped forward, to the closed leaded-glass interior door that separated the entry vestibule from the main room.  “I know where her office is.  Cate, follow me.”

Without awaiting a response from the maitre’d Dorothea yanked open the door and marched inside.  Cate gave the now-bewildered young man a sideways glance, unable to hide a little smirk.  As she stepped through the door, Cate’s eyes automatically turned upward, her attention drawn to the ornately-tiled high ceiling in the elegant room.  She hesitated, gasping softly.

“Wow… Dorothea…”

Dorothea turned her head to give Cate a smile of agreement.  “I know.  It’s beautiful, isn’t it?  Never woulda guessed a place like this is tucked into this block, huh?”

Cate’s gaze swept across the room, taking in the green-topped curved bar, the dark leather chairs arranged around carved dark-wood tables, and the iron-and-walnut-bannistered staircase that led to a cozy looking loft.  Behind the second-story rail Cate could see leather wingback chairs arranged in comfortable clusters, and a huge wood-and-glass humidor against the back wall.  The room’s distinctive scent left no doubt as to the type of establishment, a rich-but-pleasant aroma of combined wood, smoke, leather, and whiskey. 

“It’s perfect.  Jon will love this place.”

Cate smiled.  It was easy to picture Frank Sinatra in this very manly room, reclining in a leather banquette or crooning into the vintage Unidyne microphone on the small corner stage, cigar in one hand and glass of scotch in the other.

“Ms. Hurley?” 

Cate and Dorothea both turned toward the woman’s voice.  Dorothea smiled and extended a hand to the slender blonde woman who approached from a small staircase in the room’s back corner.

“Hello Sabrina.  Nice to see you again.”

“You as well.  And is this Mrs. Bongiovi?”  Sabrina turned her calm, professional smile to Cate.

Cate noticed a tiny flinch in Dorothea’s expression at the Manager’s question.  Her jaw tensed before she answered.

“Yes.  Sabrina McCarron, Cate Bongiovi.”  Dorothea gestured at each woman as she introduced them.

“Hello, Mrs. Bongiovi.  A pleasure to meet you.”

Cate accepted Sabrina’s proffered hand.  “Nice to meet you too.  And actually…I go by Sullivan, my maiden name.  But please, call me Cate.”  Cate felt her cheeks flush lightly at her hasty correction.  She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to clarify her surname; Dorothea knew she had legally taken Jon’s name but used her own name for professional reasons.  Dorothea had done the same herself.

“Very well.  And please call me Sabrina.”  The Manager looked back to Dorothea.  “Would you prefer to speak in my office, or I can bring the file out here…”

“Let’s do it out here,” Dorothea directed.  “Cate only has a limited amount of time, so it might be easier to give her the full picture where she can see the space.”

“Excellent.  I have one call waiting, but I will be right back in a few minutes.  Please have a seat.”  Sabrina raised her chin to call across the room to a white-shirted bartender who was busily polishing bottles.  “Jamie, please give these ladies some refreshments while they wait.”

“Sure.”  The handsome young man looked up at the two women moving toward the table Sabrina indicated.  Dropping his towel on the bartop, he sauntered around the end of the counter and over to their location.  He reached hastily to pull out a chair first for Cate, then for Dorothea, then smiled as they settled into the seats.

“Ladies?  What’s your pleasure?  Wine?  Or maybe something to warm you up?”  His green eyes sparkled beneath his dirty-blonde curls.  Deep dimples curved his stubbly cheeks, bracketing a dazzling grin.

“I’d just like a cup of coffee, please.”  Dorothea was the first to answer.  “Skim milk and one sugar.”

“Certainly.  Would you like me to make that Irish for you?”  Jamie gave Dorothea a conspiratorial wink.  “It’s wicked cold out there.”

Dorothea chuckled softly.  “No thank you.  Tempting, but no.”

“Ah.  And you?”  The bartender turned his handsome smile to Cate.   “A wee something warm for the red-haired lass?”  His voice took on an exaggerated Irish brogue.

Cate felt herself blush as she giggled at his attention.  She raised a hand, shaking her head as she returned the handsome bartender’s smile.  “No thank you.  I’m on duty.”

“On duty?  Oh, are you a cop, now?”  Jamie gave Cate a mischievous grin.

“Actually, yes I am.” Cate countered, grinning back.

“Can I see your gun?” Jamie arched a playful brow.

“Sorry.  I make it a point not to show my gun to men I’ve just met.”

“Ah.  A shame, that.”  Jamie returned her banter with a smirk.  “Well, if you’re a cop, then you must drink coffee.”

“No, thanks.  Just a glass of water is fine.”

“Very well.  Twist of lime?”

“Sure.  As long as you don’t ‘twist’ anything else in there.”  Cate gave the friendly bartender a little wink.  “Irish or otherwise.”

Jamie laughed.  “Comin’ right up, Ladies.  Welcome.”

Both Cate and Dorothea automatically tipped their heads as the young bartender turned his back on them to and strolled back to his post.  Their eyes lingered on his taut behind as he moved.

“Nice,” Dorothea murmured, a little smirk turning the corners of her mouth.  “We’ll have to be sure he works the bar during the party."

Cate chuckled.  “Yeah. That’ll do.”  She and Dorothea exchanged a look, then a grin.

“So, anyway…”  Dorothea straightened and looked around the room.  “I think this will work nicely.  They say capacity is seventy-five for dinner, one-fifty for a cocktail reception.  I’m sure we’ll want to do dinner, right?”

Cate nodded.  “Yes, I think so.  Especially if we’re going to have entertainment as well.  I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not be on my feet all night.”

“And I was thinking we could use that banquette back there…” Dorothea pointed to a large circular booth in the back corner.  “… For the littler kids, set up some games or a coloring station or something.  I figured I’d bring Elise to keep her eye on them.  I’m sure she won’t mind.  Besides, she’s practically one of the family, too.  She’s been with Jon and me since Stephanie was a baby.”

“That’s a good idea.”  Cate nodded again at Dorothea’s mention of the lovely Nanny who still helped with the youngest Bongiovi boys.  “Especially with Matt’s littler ones.”

“That’s what I thought.  And since I’m not letting Jake and Romeo bring their DSes to this party, they’ll need constant surveillance.  Lord knows what mayhem they could think up if they’re not distracted.”  Dorothea rolled her eyes.  “Jesse has pretty much had it with the babysitting thing now that Steph’s out of the house, so he won’t be much help…”

She paused as, with a discrete clearing of his throat, Jamie approached their table with a small, laden tray.  “Ladies, I took the liberty of bringing you a little something extra.”  He grinned and set a plate adorned with an assortment of elegant tea cookies on the table between Dorothea and Cate.  “For your sweet tooth.”

Dorothea chuckled.  “Thanks.  You certainly do know the way to a girl’s heart, don’t you?”

Jamie shrugged lightly and winked.  “You pick up a couple things here and there in this line of work.”  He carefully placed Dorothea’s coffee in front of her, then set out tiny silver containers of milk and sugar. 

“And for the Five-Oh…”  The young bartender gave Cate a playful grin as he set a tall stemmed glass adorned with a lime wedge and a sprig of mint in front of her.  He took the last item from his tray and slipped the circular server under his arm before twisting open the lid on a green glass bottle.  A soft hiss rose from the glass as Jamie poured the sparkling water into the goblet.

“Thank you.”  Cate gave the bartender a grateful smile.

“You’re welcome.  So now do I get to see your gun?”  Jamie’s eyes sparkled with his tease.

Cate kept her smile friendly, though inside she privately swooned a bit at the handsome young man’s playful flirt.  “Mmm… sorry.”  She smiled apologetically.  “I’m married.”

“Ahhh, ain’t that always my luck,” Jamie sighed melodramatically.

Cate heard Dorothea’s quiet snort of amusement.  She shot Jon’s ex-wife a smirk, then tipped her head.  “But she’s not.”

“Oh?”  Jamie perked up, turning a dazzling grin to Dorothea.  “Really?  Perhaps ‘tis my lucky day.”

Dorothea gave Cate a wide-eyed faux glare before smiling sweetly at the flirtatious bartender.  “No, don’t think so.”  She raised her hand, displaying the elegant emerald-crusted band on her ring finger.  “Not married, but very taken.”

“Drat.”  Jamie dropped his head in playful disappointment, then gave the women a warm smile.  “Well, I’ll just slink back away to my hole, then, and leave you lovely ladies to your conversation.   Please do call if you need anything.”

“Thanks, we will,” Dorothea chuckled.  She turned her attention to her coffee, sweetening it with milk and sugar.  Watching her, Cate sipped from her water glass.

“Alright, I’ll be the first…” Cate giggled softly and reached for a round shortbread cookie.  She nibbled at the edge, then let out an approving hum at the lemony-buttery flavor.  “Wow.  These are good.”

“Well, I’m gonna have to have one, then…” Dorothea reached for her own biscuit.  She nodded her approval with her bite.

“So, what do we want to do about entertainment?” Cate asked, her gaze again moving to the small stage setup in the corner.  “I looked on line a little bit the other day for singers, but I didn’t really find much.  I thought about asking Bobby to play, but I really just want him to enjoy himself and not have to work…”

Dorothea shook her head emphatically, her mouth full.  She held up a finger, giving Cate the “one moment” signal while she chewed and swallowed, then took a sip from her coffee.  “Sorry.”  She smiled.  “Got it covered.  In fact, it was almost too easy.”

“How so?”  Cate felt a little twinge of guilt at her lack of contribution to the party-planning effort.  She had told Dorothea she would at least look for some entertainment options, but her busy schedule had thus far prevented her from doing anything more than a cursory web-surf.

“Well, when I told the folks at Patsy’s our big-picture idea, they took it to heart.”  Dorothea chuckled.  “You’re not gonna believe it, but on Saturdays this place actually has a Sinatra show.  An impersonator, who is apparently fantastic.  And he’s backed by his own orchestra.”

Cate’s jaw dropped.  “You’re kidding.  My God, Dorothea… that’s perfect!  Is he available on a Friday night, especially on such short notice?”

Dorothea nodded.  “I asked Sabrina to check.  She said he’s available, and he’s holding the date for us.”

“Holy crap.”  Cate took another sip of her water and looked again at the stage.  Her eyes settled on the vintage microphone and she smiled.  “Jon is going to be blown away.”

“If we can get everybody to keep their big mouths shut, anyway.”  Dorothea chuckled.  “I’m almost afraid to tell Richie.  And I’m not telling the boys, so be sure you don’t slip and mention it in front of them.

Cate nodded her agreement.  “Good point.”  She was quiet for a moment, picturing the room filled with Jon’s friends and family, the music he loved rolling through the beautiful space.  She sighed.

“Dorothea… thank you.  For doing all this.”  Cate’s eyes met  Dorothea’s.  “Honestly, I never would have even thought to do all this for Jon.  And God knows, I would never have found all this stuff, especially so quickly…”  Her voice trailed off and she shrugged sheepishly.  “I’m so bad at this kind of thing.  I just…”

Dorothea smiled back at Cate, then fluttered a hand dismissively.  “It’s no problem, Cate.  Really.  I’m glad to do it, and I have the time on my hands when the boys are in school, so…” Her voice gentled.  “And truthfully, I’m grateful you’re letting me be part of this.  Jon and I have been friends forever, and he’ll always have a special place in my life.  Even though… well, you know.”

“I know, Dorothea.  He feels the same about you.  You’ll always be special to him.”  Cate swallowed, hoping her smile didn’t falter.  She meant her words but felt strange actually hearing herself speak them.

Dorothea looked down at her coffee cup.  “You know, Cate… I guess I’ve never said this, but...”  Her smiled turned bittersweet.  “Well, I’m just… thankful, that we get along.  A lot of women would have a problem with the relationship Jon and I still share.”

“Well…” Cate took a breath, this unexpected turn in the conversation catching her a bit off-guard.  “I guess I’m just not the jealous type.  I mean, I know Jon loves me…” She tried not to cringe at the awkwardness of  the statement.  “And the history you two share, and the kids…”

Dorothea looked up, her eyes meeting Cate’s.  She gave her a serious look.  “But still… it’s a strong woman who can see her husband continue a close relationship with his ex-wife, kids or no kids.”

Cate blinked, the bluntness of Dorothea’s comment hitting her full-on.  She responded automatically.

“And it’s a strong woman who can support the father of her children when he wants to have a baby with another woman.”

Dorothea’s eyes widened slightly, the dilation of her pupils betraying her surprise.  She and Cate stared at each other for a long moment, before Dorothea was the first to look away.

“Cate… I do hope you and Jon have a baby.  I honestly do.  Being a mother is the most wonderful and important thing I’ve ever done, I’ll ever do.  I hope you can feel that joy.”  She smiled, a little sadly.  “And I hope Jon can experience it all over again.  And that this time he can savor it.”

Cate felt her eyes mist at Dorothea’s quiet blessing.  She blinked rapidly and picked up her glass, taking a drink to disguise her reaction.  The moment gave her the chance to pull her emotion back into check.

“Thanks, Dorothea.”  Cate’s response was soft and calm.  “Knowing you're in our corner… well, it makes this all a little easier.”

Dorothea nodded and gave Cate another little smile before raising her coffee cup for a sip.

“Ladies, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting… that call went on a few minutes longer than I thought.”

Cate and Dorothea both breathed silent sighs of relief at the Manager’s inadvertent intrusion on their moment.  While their conversation hadn’t exactly been uncomfortable, both women had been slightly taken aback by its gravity.  Sabrina’s return brought the focus back to their reason for being here together in the first place.

Sabrina dropped a short stack of files on the table before pulling out a chair and settling in it.  “Here you go…” she prompted Cate, handing her a gold-embossed navy folder, then giving an identical item to Dorothea.  “So, why don’t we start with dinner options?  Patsy’s has done a number of things here in the past – buffet style, full service…”

Cate glanced at her watch, noting the time.  Her eyes widened when she saw that she had only twenty minutes until she needed to be in a cab on her way to Dr. Klein’s office. 

“Umm… Actually…”  Cate interrupted Sabrina’s introductory pitch.  “I have to go in a few minutes, so can we start with the big-picture logistics and the contracts?”  She gave Dorothea an apologetic smile before addressing the Manager directly.  “I’m sure you and Dorothea can decide on the menu and other details without me.  Dorothea has impeccable taste, and she knows exactly what Jon will like.  Probably better than I do.”

“Oh!  Well, certainly, Mrs. Bongiovi…”  Sabrina shuffled through the files in her stack.  “I have the base contract here, and we can add in options as we go, but I really won’t be able to give you an accurate quote until we know what we’re doing for catering and liquor and desserts…”

“That’s fine.”  Cate nodded and waved a hand, signaling Sabrina to dispense with the small talk and get to the point.  “If we can just hit the high points really quickly, then I’ll give you my credit card for whatever deposits you need…”

“Cate, don’t worry about it… I already put a deposit on the Club and the entertainer.”  Dorothea quietly interrupted.  “And I can take care of Patsy’s too.”

Cate’s eyes widened as she turned her gaze to Jon’s ex-wife.  “Dorothea!  No!  I can’t let you pay for all this… It’s my husband’s party and I’m already dumping most of the work on you.  Hell, and now I have to run off…”  She shook her head firmly.  “No.  No way you’re springing for this.”

Dorothea smiled patiently, then gave Cate a direct look.  “Cate, look.  You’re busy.  I’ll take care of all this, and we can figure it out in the end.”

“But Dorothea…”

Dorothea snorted and gave Cate a light smirk.  “Look, if it makes you feel better, it’s all Jon’s money anyway.  You know what our settlement was.”

Her sarcastic tease stopped Cate’s protest.  Realizing she had no good argument for Dorothea’s practical analysis, Cate closed her mouth.

“Good.”  Dorothea smiled.  “Okay, Sabrina… let’s go over the base contract before Mrs. Bongiovi has to go.”  She gave Cate a sideways glance.  “She has a very important appointment, for which she can’t be late.”

Cate saw in Dorothea’s look that Jon’s ex-wife knew her next destination.  She gave Dorothea a small grateful smile before turning her attention to the document handed to her by the Manager.


“So, Doc?  What’s the word?”  Jon gave Cate’s hand a little squeeze as he peered at the LCD monitor.

Dr. Klein smiled at the excitement in his male patient’s question.  “Well, I’d say the word is ‘Go.’”  He raised a hand to point at several circular gray shadows.  “We have a nice cluster of mature follicles here, and a matching set on the other ovary.”

Cate let out a little sigh of relief from the examination table, where she lay on her back with her feet in the stirrups.  After dozens of exams, tests, scans, procedures, and transvaginal ultrasounds, she hardly even realized any more just how immodest her position was.

“So I’ll get the trigger shot today.”

“Yep.  I’ll have Edie mix it up for you right now.”  Dr. Klein smiled and rolled his stool back away from Cate’s midsection, snapping off his latex gloves with the movement.  “You can put your legs down.”

Cate pulled her feet from the stirrups and closed her knees, then let Jon help her sit up on the exam table.  She cringed as she felt the gooey gel lubricant from the ultrasound probe trickle downward.

“What’s the procedure going to be this time around?” Jon’s voice was still upbeat but betrayed a note of anxiety.  “Since we’re trying the IUI?”

Dr. Klein smiled patiently and stood from his perch on his wheeled stool.  “Tell you what.  Cate, go ahead and get dressed.  Then I’ll meet you both in my office to go over the protocol.  After that I’ll give you the trigger shot and you’ll be done for the day.”

“Okay.” Cate nodded her agreement.  She slid from the end of the table and moved over to the hook where her clothes were neatly hung.

“Need any help, Baby?”

Cate chuckled. “I can dress myself, Jon.”  She lifted her slacks off the hook and shook them out, then bent to step into them.

As she dressed Cate smiled at Jon’s impatient sigh of response.  He hadn’t attended her last few appointments because his shooting schedule for his television role had conflicted.  Cate knew that bothered him, not just because he wanted to support her but because he felt like he was missing out on important information.  As if he had any control over her hormone levels or egg-follicle development.

But she was glad that Jon had been insistent on attending this appointment.  When he saw that he had scenes on this afternoon’s call sheet Jon had gone immediately to the Director and informed him that the filming of his scenes would have to be postponed.  Though he didn’t reveal the true reason for his insistence, Jon had prevailed.  He wasn’t scheduled back on set for three days, much to Cate’s relief.

This month was important.  They were taking the next step in their fertility journey, and Cate needed Jon by her side through the entire process.  The fact that he would be physically required to contribute aside, Cate’s fragile psyche needed all the support he could provide.

Slipping her holstered weapon into her waistband at the small of her back, Cate turned to face Jon.  She saw the crinkles of his worry lines around his mouth and eyes were a little deeper, though his lips curved into  gentle smile.   She stepped into her shoes, then smiled back at him.

“Okay, so let’s go get our marching orders.” 

Jon followed Cate out of the exam room and down the hall, holding open Dr. Klein’s office door for her to enter first.  They settled into the twin chairs in front of his desk and looked expectantly at the doctor.

“Okay, Cate.  Everything looks good again this month.  Your body has responded well to the hormone treatments, and your blood work is much more consistent this month.  Looks like you’re evening out, which is good.”  Dr. Klein nodded as he regarded Cate’s medical chart, which was flipped open on his desk.  He looked up at his patient.  “You’re right where we want you to be for IUI.”

Cate’s gentle smile of relief was contrasted by Jon’s thoughtful frown.  “So now what?” he asked directly.  “Once she gets the trigger shot how much time do we have?”  His serious façade cracked  with a little grin.  “It’s been almost a week, Doc.  I’m ready for a little relief, if ya know what I’m sayin’.”

Dr. Klein chuckled at Jon’s mostly-serious confession.  “Well, Jon… you’re gonna have to last one more day.  Abstention from ejaculation for at least three days is to ensure you’ll have a nice, dense specimen for us to use in the insemination.”  He raised a brow.  “You haven’t held off for more than a week, have you?”

Cate shook her head, answering for him.  “Today’s five days.”

Jon arched a brow at his wife, turning his face to give her a little smirk.  “How do you know?” 

“Because, Jon.  The last time we had sex was Thursday.  Remember?  We were watching the Flyers?”

“That was the last time we had sex.  How do you know what I did or didn’t do in the shower?  Hmmm?”

 Cate stared at Jon for a moment, then felt a blush creep to her cheeks.  “Jon!” she hissed in a half-whisper.  Then she realized the truth of his statement.  “Wait… you didn’t… Jon, I told you….”

Jon laughed and shook his head.  “Just kidding, Baby.” He looked back at Dr. Klein, who was watching the exchange with an amused half-smile.  “She’s right, Doc.   Today’s Day 5.  And for the record, the Rangers beat the Flyers Thursday.”

Dr. Klein chuckled.  “I know.  I was there.”  He flipped Cate’s chart closed, then picked up a pair of light blue papers from the corner of his desk.  “Okay, so…”  He reached to hand the papers to his patients.  Jon and Cate immediately quieted, scanning the text on the form letters.

“The next steps.”  Dr. Klein launched into his explanation.  “All the basics for your next appointment are there.  It is very important you follow the instructions closely, especially once you arrive here at the clinic.  We want to be sure we get the best semen specimen possible from you, Jon, and that your uterus is in optimal condition to receive the insertion, Cate.”

Cate chuckled softly, even as she nodded.  “I’m not really sure what to do differently to ensure ‘optimal condition,’ Doctor.”

“Not much.  Just what you’ve been doing, for the most part.  Don’t bathe or sit in water, no douches or feminine wash products.  Other than that it’s just general good health:  diet, exercise, no alcohol, smoking, drug use… and of course, no sexual intercourse or manual stimulation.”

Jon looked up from his instruction sheet, his expression more serious than it was during his earlier playful tease.  “So, in layman’s terms, what exactly is gonna happen?”

Dr. Klein leaned back in his chair, resting his elbows on the chair arms and steepling his hands.  “We’ll have you come in together, eight to twelve hours prior to the predicted time of ovulation.  Jon, you’ll go to the lab and produce a semen sample, which will be processed by ‘washing.’  In the washing process the sperm is separated from the seminal fluid and the quality and quantity of the sperm will be analyzed.  If the quality is good, those are the sperm we will implant in Cate’s uterus.”

The doctor turned his gaze to his female patient.  “Cate, about an hour after Jon’s sperm are prepared, we’ll conduct the insemination procedure.  It only takes a few minutes and is very simple, usually with no discomfort to the patient.  I will insert a very small catheter through the cervix and into the uterine cavity, and inject the sperm directly into the uterus.”  He paused to smile at her.  “Quick and painless.” 

“So basically, you’re just bypassing the sex part.”  Jon observed drily.  “The biology without the fun.”

“Well, it’s a little more than that.”  Dr. Klein chuckled.  “By using IUI we control more factors than through simple sexual intercourse.  While we know from test results that your sperm were actually penetrating the cervix and making it into the womb, we don’t know if there was some reaction between your seminal fluid and the hormones or biochemicals in Cate’s uterus that was either making the sperm unable to reach the tubes for fertilization, or preventing implantation of a fertilized egg, or for some other reason creating an inhospitable environment for development of a pregnancy.” 

“In IUI we won’t deal with cervical mucous or seminal fluid or other hormones or secretions that surge during male or female sexual arousal.   Basically, we’re trying to make the process as pure and clean as possible without taking it outside the body, as happens with IVF.”

“And what about after?  Does Cate have to stay off her feet for a couple days or something?”  Jon gave his wife a worried sideways glance.

“No, she’ll be able to resume normal activity immediately following the procedure.”  Dr. Klein gave Cate a little smile.  “Although we don’t want you doing something extremely strenuous, like running a marathon or climbing a mountain or something.  But for the most part you can go about your normal lives.”

“What about sex?  I read that we should avoid intercourse for a few days after the insemination procedure.”  Cate’s question was calm and clinical.

“Well, that’s a matter of debate,” Dr. Klein replied.  “Some physicians recommend abstinence for up to 72 hours, and some say anything goes.”

“What do you recommend?”

“I personally advise moderation.  Since we’re doing the insertion about twelve hours before we expect you to ovulate, I say give the fertilization a chance to occur.  If you wait 36 to 48 hours before sexual intercourse, that should be plenty of time for the sperm to reach the eggs.”

“After that, it doesn’t really matter?”  Jon interjected.

“Not really.  There’s always a chance that if fertilization wasn’t achieved a ‘second wave’ could result in pregnancy, but given your medical history I’d say that’s unlikely.  The optimum fertilization window would have passed.”  Dr. Klein smiled again.  “But you never know.  Biology is funny like that.”

“And how soon will we know if it was successful?”  Cate’s question held a hint of quiet wariness.  Jon glanced at her, seeing she had put on her emotional armor, steeling herself for another disappointment.  He bit back his automatic optimistic response, to assure her they would be successful this time.

“We’ll test for pregnancy ten days after ovulation.”

Cate nodded, then turned her face to look at Jon.  “Okay.”  She gave him a little smile, then looked back at Dr. Klein.  “So, when do we need to be here for the procedure?”

“Tomorrow evening”  Dr. Klein reached for his electronic tablet, tapping at the screen to raise his calendar.  “I do IUIs in early evening, so my patients can go straight home and rest or go to bed.  We have your lab time scheduled from five-thirty to six-thirty p.m., insertion at seven.”

“Ah, shit.”  Jon’s little growl of frustration made Cate look back at him in surprise. 

Dr. Klein tipped his head at Jon’s swear.  “Did you have Valentine’s Day plans?”

“Oh,” Cate gave Jon a disappointed little smile.  “I’m sorry, Baby.”

Jon shook his head, then sighed.  He looked up at Dr. Klein.  “Anniversary plans.  We were married on Valentine’s Day.”

“Oh.  Well, congratulations will be in order tomorrow then, I guess.”  Dr. Klein smiled apologetically.  “But this isn’t really something we can delay or reschedule.  We need to stay within the time parameters to ensure the best possible chance of fertilization.”

Jon nodded.  “Of course.  Hell no, we’re not postponing this.  I’ll just cancel our dinner plans and see if somebody else wants our theater tickets.”  He gave Cate a little grin.  “I’ll make it up to you later, Baby.  Promise.”

“It’s okay, Jon.  We’ll just have a nice quiet dinner at home, after our appointment.”   Cate shook her head, giving him a gentle smile.   “Besides, it’s kind of fitting we spend our anniversary – and Valentine’s Day – here, trying to make our Baby.”

“Yeah, nothing says ‘Happy Anniversary’ quite like romancing a plastic cup in a urologist’s lab,” Jon quipped ironically.

He and Cate both turned their heads toward the sound of the opening office door.

“Dr. Klein, I have Mrs. Bongiovi’s HCG ready to go.”  Nurse Edie half-leaned around the door and gave the couple a friendly smile.  “If you’re done with her I can administer the shot.”

“Any more questions, Cate?”  Dr. Klein asked his female patient.  When she shook her head he nodded toward the door.  “Then Edie can take care of your trigger shot and we’ll start the countdown.”

Jon chuckled as Cate stood from her seat beside him.  She paused and looked down at him, smirking amusedly.


Jon grinned.  “You get Cupid’s shot in the ass this year, huh?”

Cate smacked him lightly on the head, ruffling his hair before leaning down to kiss his cheek.  “Here we go,” she breathed in his ear, her whisper laden with excitement and apprehension.

“Right beside you, Baby.  All the way,” Jon replied gently, turning his head to brush his lips over her cheek as she pulled back.  Pushing himself up from his chair, Jon followed Cate from Dr. Klein’s office.

Monday, July 2, 2012


“Romeo!” Cate breathed out the boy’s name in a startled squeak, her cheeks flaming guiltily.  Instinctively she tugged the covers up over her chest.  Beneath the blankets she heard a muffled curse as her thighs clenched shut.  “What… Honey, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel good.  I want Daddy.” 

Romeo’s pitiful whine made Cate’s heart clench sympathetically.  “He’s… uh… he’s here, Romey.  Just a… minute.”  She didn’t know what else to say as she felt the large lump under the covers shift.  Cate struggled to hold on to her edge of the sheets as Jon crawled to the edge of the bed, attempting to covertly escape from his concealment.

A quiet sob drifted across the room.  “Daaaaah-deeee…

“Oh, Honey, don’t cry!”  Cate sat up worriedly, half-turning on the bed.  She patted the mattress where Jon had reclined minutes ago.  “Come here.  He’ll be right here, I promise.”

With a snuffly moan the boy shuffled across the carpet toward the bed.  “I don’ feel good, Cate,” he repeated listlessly.

“Romey, I’m here.  Buddy, what’s wrong?”  Jon lithely stood, rising from the floor on the opposite side of the bed from his youngest son.  His voice was soft and comforting, but concerned.

“My tummy.  It really hurts, Dad.”   Romeo stopped at the side of the bed, staring miserably at the mattress.

“Hurts how?  Does it just feel all queasy and icky, like it’s full?  Or does it feel like somebody’s punching you, a sharp pain?”  Jon moved around the foot of the bed toward Romeo. 

“Like it’s all icky and full.”  Romeo sobbed again quietly.  “It huuuuuurrrts….”

“Okay, okay.  Lemme see, Buddy…” Jon sat on the edge of the bed and reached for Romeo’s middle.  He gently tugged up the boy’s pajama shirt.  Carefully, Jon slid his palm over his son’s distended belly.

“Feels like you’re pretty full,” he agreed, his voice calm and soothing.  “But it doesn’t hurt where I touch, does it?”

“Nuh-uh.”  Romeo shook his head morosely. 

“Does he have a fever?”  Cate’s worried question interrupted Jon’s evaluation. 

Jon reached up to brush aside Romeo’s damp bangs.  “He’s a little warm, but not bad.  Clammy though.”  He turned his attention back to his son.  “Buddy, did you go to the bathroom before you went to bed?”

“Uh huh.”

Jon glanced sideways at Cate.  “And did you brush your teeth after you ate all those chocolate mints I know you and your brother smuggled out of the restaurant?”  His voice held a tiny smirk.

“Uh huh.”  Romeo didn’t even realize his admission, in his state of exhausted discomfort.  “Daaaaadddd….”

“I think what we have here is a classic bellyache.”  Jon smiled sympathetically at his littlest boy.  “Too much excitement and too much junk food.”

“Daddy, it hurts….”

“I know, Buddy.  Listen, why don’t you climb up in my bed and I’ll go get you some medicine, okay?  Cate will take care of you until I get back.”

“Daddy, no!  Don’t go!”  Romeo sobbed at Jon’s intention.  “Stay here!”

“Romey, it’s okay,” Cate’s eyes misted at her stepson’s pitiful wail.  “Come up here beside me.  I’ll stay with you.”

“I want Mama!” Romeo began to cry harder, lost to his self-pity. 

“Romeo.”  Jon slid off the edge of the bed, dropping to a knee next to his son.  He enfolded the boy gently in his arms, careful not to squeeze his obviously uncomfortable belly.  He swallowed hard as he felt hot tears trickle against his chest.

“I’m just going to the hotel lobby, to get you some tummy medicine, okay?  I’ll be right back, I promise.  Just five minutes.”

No.”  Romeo shook his head against his father’s chest, smearing tears and snot into Jon’s chest hair.

“Well, then… your tummy’s just gonna keep hurting.  Do you want it to hurt all night long?”  Jon’s tone was firmer, but still sympathetic.


“Then I have to get you some medicine.  It’s not gonna stop hurting by itself.”  Jon pulled back a bit, craning his neck to look down at Romeo’s tear-stained face.  “And how about I bring you a soda, too?  You can have a little after you take your medicine.  The bubbles will help your tummy.”

Romeo sniffled loudly, then looked hopefully up at his father’s concerned face.  “I want a Sprite.”  His voice was small. 

“Then you have to stay here with Cate while I go get it.”  Jon tipped his head toward Romeo’s stepmother as he spoke to the boy.  “You can lay here in my bed.  She’ll rub your tummy if you want her to.  Like Mama does?”

Romeo considered his father’s proposal for a moment before nodding sadly.  “Okay,” he agreed in a tiny voice.  “But just ‘til you get me a Sprite.”

Jon looked up at Cate, his little smirk half-visible in the backlit glow of the television.  “Deal.  Stepmama will take good care of you ‘til I get back in a few minutes.”  He gently released his embrace, then stood.  “Climb up in bed, now.”

Listlessly, Romeo did as he was told, letting out a little whimper of discomfort with his movement.  Cate quickly pulled two pillows from her stack and laid them out to cradle the boy’s head. 

As Jon helped Romeo settle Cate reached beneath the covers to hitch up her pajama bottoms.  She shuddered slightly at the possibility that Romeo might later question what he had seen when he entered their bedroom.  He didn’t need to also discover she was bare-assed in bed.

Perched again on the edge of the mattress, Jon leaned down to press a kiss against Romeo’s clammy forehead.  “Okay, Buddy.  One Sprite and one tummy pill coming up.”  He glanced up at Cate.  “They should have Tums in the lobby shop, right?”

“I’m sure they do.  Or there’s a Wawa across the street.  I’m positive they’d have them.” 

Jon reached for the floor, picking up his discarded t-shirt.  He quickly turned it right-side out and pulled it over his head.  Standing up from the bed, he shook out and stepped into his jeans.

“You gonna be okay with him?”  Jon nodded at Romeo as he fastened his fly.

Cate looked sympathetically down at her miserable stepson.  “Yeah, we’ll be fine.  Just hurry, okay?”  She reached up to smooth Romeo’s unruly bangs away from his damp forehead.  He squealed disagreeably with her action, but lay still.

“Okay.  I’ll be right back, Romeo.”  Jon picked up his wallet from the dresser and slid it into his back pocket, then disappeared through the bedroom door.  A few seconds later Cate heard the suite’s exterior door open and shut.  Romeo also heard the sound and sobbed quietly.

“Romey, you want me to rub your tummy?” Cate asked gently.  “It might help.”

“I want Daddy.”

“He’ll be right back.  But until he brings your medicine and your Sprite, why don’t you let me rub your tummy?  It might make you feel better.”  Cate gave the boy an encouraging smile.

“Okay,” Romeo replied unenthusiastically.  His tear-streaked cheeks shone in the dim electric glow of the television as he stared miserably at the screen.

Cate shifted beside the boy, turning on her hip and draping her arm across the top of his pillow.  With her other hand she gently tugged up his pajama top, baring his tummy.  She winced in silent sympathy at the sight of Romeo’s distended little belly.  It was obvious he was in need of relief.

“It’s gonna be okay, Romey,” Cate whispered soothingly as she gently laid her palm against his stomach.  “The medicine Daddy’s bringing you will make it better.”  She began to lightly rub her palm in a slow circle over Romeo’s taut skin.  “Do you want me to turn off the TV?”

“No.  I like Guy.”  Romeo’s small voice was a little calmer. 

“Okay.”  Cate smiled and shifted a little more, finding a more comfortable lean.  Together she and the boy sat silent, watching the figures on the screen.  Cate’s hand continued to circle lightly over Romeo’s belly, soothing his discomfort with her rhythmic caress.

Nearly fifteen minutes had passed by the time the second commercial break aired.  His attention distracted from the television show, Romeo whimpered crankily.  He let out another pitiful squeak as he tried to sit up, brushing away Cate’s touch from his middle and replacing her hand with his own.

“Where’s Daddy?  It huuuuuuurts….”

Cate shot a worried glance toward the bedroom door, wondering the same thing.  “I’m sure he’s on his way back, Romey.  He probably had to go across the street to get your medicine.”

Caaaate….”  Romeo’s whine was interrupted by his loud burp.  The discomfort that followed his emission made the boy yelp, then begin to cry.  “Owwww!”

“Romeo…” Cate’s own anxiety was reflected in her voice.  “Oh, Honey… just try to calm down…”

At exactly that moment Cate heard the welcome metallic rattle of the suite’s doorknob turning.  “Oh thank God,” she muttered gratefully, sitting up in the bed beside Romeo.  She turned toward the distressed little boy at her side, her hand settling on his warm back.  “Romey, Daddy’s back…”

Romeo’s choked sobs took on a different tone, turning to a guttural gurgle.  “Cate…”  He barely choked out her name in a throaty retch as the boy turned his face toward his stepmother. 

“Hey Buddy!  I got your medicine and your soda…”  Jon opened the bedroom door just in time to witness the vomit spew from his youngest son’s gaping mouth… right onto his startled wife’s lap.  He froze, shocked at the scene.

Cate gasped as she saw the contents of Romeo’s upset stomach pool on the comforter that thankfully covered her lap.  She first comprehended the weight of the wet mess on her legs, then the warmth, then the creeping dampness against her skin.

Then the smell hit her.

Choking back her gag reflex, Cate looked away from the carnage to her stepson’s miserable profile.  Tears streamed down his cheeks as he gagged loudly, his head bowed and saliva dribbling from his open mouth.  Automatically her hand moved to rub between his shoulder blades, trying to calm him and to prevent a second wave.

“Romey, Honey… it’s okay.  You’ll feel better now that you got all that yucky stuff out of your tummy.”  Cate’s ingrained crisis management demeanor took over, keeping her voice even and her expression veiled while inside she struggled to keep her own queasy stomach in check.

Jon’s eyes widened at Cate’s reaction, then he stumbled into action.  Rushing into the bathroom, he yanked a clean hand towel from the bar and dashed back to the messy scene.  Jon silently handed the towel to Cate as he sat on the edge of the mattress, his bag of purchases still clutched in his other hand.

“Buddy, it’s alright.”  Jon’s hand covered Cate’s on his little boy’s back.  “You couldn’t help it.”  He lowered his face to plant a kiss against the side of Romeo’s bowed head, trying to ignore the foul sight and smell just inches away.

Cate quickly pressed the clean towel against Romeo’s mouth, gently wiping away a thick strand of drool.  “It’s okay,” she repeated softly.  “Here.  Sit up, Romeo.  Let Daddy help you.”

Romeo responded sluggishly, raising his head and his shoulders before leaning sideways to slump against Jon’s shoulder.  His pitiful whine was followed by a wet, gagging cough. 

Jon tensed in anticipation of a second discharge, then exhaled with relief when it didn’t happen.  He slipped his arm around his son, cradling the poor boy against his shoulder. 

Dropping another kiss against the top of Romeo’s head, Jon glanced up at Cate.  He found her staring wide-eyed back at him, a combination of shock, disgust, and sympathy painting her expression.   Despite the tragic circumstances, the corners of Jon’s mouth curled in a bemused smirk. 

He glanced again at her vomit-covered lap and winced, quickly returning his gaze to Cate’s.  “Welcome to Motherhood, Baby,” he half-whispered, his smirk turning into an ironic grin.

Cate stared dazedly back at him, speechless.  Then a slow smile curved her lips as she realized the comedy of the situation.  She and Jon exchanged a look of unspoken prediction that this would likely not be the last time they shared such an experience.

From inside Jon’s embrace came a small voice, the question making him chuckle.

“Daddy?  Can I have my Sprite now?”


Jon growled and yanked the page from his legal pad.  He crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it into the open briefcase resting on the seat at his side, then scowled down at the blank tablet on his knee.  He could see the indentation of his discarded scrawl on the fresh page.

Cate looked up from her iPad, silently noting her husband’s frustration.  She peered calmly over the top of her reading glasses as she waited for the retort she knew was coming.

“Fuck it.  I should just call and have their people give me some shit to say.”  Jon fidgeted in his seat, uncrossing and re-crossing his legs and shifting the writing pad in his lap.

“You could do that,” Cate observed calmly.  “That would be the easy way out.”

Her subtle needle hit its mark.  Jon snorted derisively.  “Yeah, and I’d sound like some boring stuffed shirt.  Plus they’d probably get it all wrong.”

“Well it is the Government.” 

Cate’s wry observation from the facing seat made Jon growl softly again.  He got the message; she wasn’t going to put up with his whining.  “So if I want it done right I gotta do it myself, huh?”

“Probably so.”  Cate returned her gaze to the screen in front of her.  A tiny smirk turned the corner of her lightly-glossed lips as she skimmed over the text on her tablet, brushing up her own presentation set for later in the day.

Jon sighed heavily and turned his face to the train car’s window.  He stared at the rushing scenery for a few minutes, thinking.  His remarks for this evening were meant to be casual and to a friendly audience, but he never felt completely comfortable in the Washington D.C. spotlight.  Jon was fully conscious of the fact that, in that realm, he was rarely even close to the brightest or most powerful guy in the room.

Realizing his wife had gone back to her own work, Jon returned his attention to her.  He tipped his head back against the first-class seat’s leather headrest and stared.  He couldn’t help but smile a little at what he saw. 

Cate was the vision of a high-powered business woman in her dark gray tailored trouser suit and crisp white blouse.  Her auburn hair was pulled back from her face, wound into a neat bun at the back of her head.  Tortoiseshell-framed reading glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, aiding her deep sapphire eyes that were narrowed in concentration. 

Jon’s smile turned to a proud smirk.  He was sure to unsuspecting admirers Cate would look like a corporate leader, traveling the New York to Washington Acela train for high-stakes entrepreneurial affairs.  What they didn’t know was  there was a powerful handgun concealed at her waist and she could maim them with a single tactical strike.

Jon’s eyes dropped from Cate’s lovely face, following the line of her jaw downward.  A thin platinum chain circled Cate’s graceful throat, the engraved pendant obscured by her modestly buttoned blouse.  Though he couldn’t see it, Jon knew the Tiffany tag that nestled between her breasts was one of the few sentimentalities Cate allowed herself when she was working.  He had given it to her last fall, when her confidence was waning.  It was a reminder of their solidarity and devotion as they worked through the difficult struggle toward parenthood. 

Jon’s smirk gentled again as he saw that today she was wearing her wedding band, another symbol of their love.  Like her husband, Cate didn’t always wear her rings when she was working.  He preferred to leave his band in a safe place while he was onstage; she chose to conceal her marital status for security reasons.  Seeing the diamond and platinum circles on Cate’s finger when she was in agent-mode always made its symbolism more poignant to Jon.  It affirmed the place of priority he knew he held in her life.

“It’s not polite to stare, Jon.”

Cate’s quiet murmur made him chuckle.  She hadn’t looked up, hadn’t given any other acknowledgement of his attention.  

“Can’t help it.  I like your hair up like that.  And you know how I love those glasses.”  Jon gave her a cheeky grin when she glanced up at him.  “You look like some kinda sexy librarian.”

Cate rolled her eyes, but couldn’t stop a little smile.  “The librarian fantasy?  Really?”

“Yeah.  You’d be a totally hot librarian.  One of those skinny skirts, black patent heels…”

“Jon, write your speech.”

“And the way you give me that stern little look when I’m not doin’ what I’m supposed to…”


Jon chortled, knowing he had her attention now.  He stared at Cate for a moment until she sighed and dropped her iPad to her lap.  Cate looked up at him, giving him a tight-lipped, resigned smile.

“Okay, what’s the deal?  It’s just a short little three-minute thing introducing the new program.”  Cate’s expression softened.  “Baby, you can do that in your sleep.  You talk about the Kitchen all the time.”

Jon fidgeted again, this time uncrossing his legs and propping one foot on the empty opposite facing seat, next to where Cate sat.  “I know.  But this is kinda different…. It’s not the usual spiel for the soundbyte.  These men and women are all Department people, the ones who are gonna make this whole initiative fly.  I gotta give them something more than “The Power of We.”

“Jon, it’s not a press conference.  All you gotta do is get up there and tell them a story and thank them in advance for all the hard work they’re gonna do.”  Cate chuckled softly at her husband’s insecurity.  “It’s a cocktail reception, Jon.  Nobody wants to hear the bureaucrat-ese.  The people at this thing just want to have their three glasses of chardonnay and swoon over how handsome and charming and funny and not-at-all-rockstar-like you are.”

“But I don’t want to waste their time, Cate.  I need to say something of substance.  It’s not like I can just get up there and shake my ass and smile.” 

“So don’t waste their time.”  Cate gestured toward the blank legal pad on Jon’s lap.  “Don’t write anything.  Just speak from the heart.  Tell them how this whole thing started, with Leon.” 

She smiled gently at the memory of the homeless man whose story had so touched her husband’s heart.  “The only thing you need to have on an index card is the names and titles of the Secretaries, so you don’t fuck ‘em up when you introduce them.  Other than that… Just be you, Baby.  That’s what people want to see.”

“The rockstar in a suit?”  Jon chuckled ironically.

“No, the rockstar with a heart of gold.”

Jon’s eyes met hers, his heart squeezing at the affection he saw in Cate’s shining sapphire gaze.  He sighed softly.  Of course she was right.  She usually was, when it came to things like this.  His wife saw him in a different light than anyone else in his life ever had.  She wasn’t just his best friend and lover, she was his fan and his honest critic.  And she certainly knew the fickle world of politics and Government better than he did.   

“Yeah, okay.”  Jon nodded slowly, then tossed the legal pad onto the opposite seat.  He reached forward to give Cate’s knee a little squeeze.  “I’ll get the intro stuff this afternoon.  I’m sure there’ll be some young intern at the meeting, in need of something to do.”

“Good.”  Cate gave Jon a curt nod.  “Now I’ve gotta go over my presentation.”  She raised the iPad, tilting it on her lap so she could see the screen.

“What time do you give it, again?”

Cate sighed softly and dropped the tablet again.  She gave Jon a patient smile.  “I told you.  I have to be at Main Justice at ten.  There I meet with the P.C. section to go over the case.  We have a lunch, then I brief the A.A.G at three.”

Jon smirked.  “P.C.?  A.A.G?  E-I-E-I-O…  Again, in English, por favor?”

Cate giggled in spite of herself.  “Fine.  I really shouldn’t be telling you this, but since I know you’ll badger me relentlessly… I’m meeting with the Public Corruption Section Chief at the Department of Justice.  He’s the guy who reads all my status reports.  We have some bigger-picture stuff to discuss…” 

Cate raised a brow as Jon opened his mouth to pose a question.  “I can’t tell you,” she warned, cutting him off.  “Anyway, we’re going to lunch with some guys from Secret Service, then I brief the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division at three o’clock.”

Jon let out a low whistle.  “Wow.  Running with the Big Dogs today, huh?”

Cate shrugged.  “Yeah, I guess so.  But it’s just part of the job.”  She gave Jon a wry smile.  “Not like you’re gonna be slumming, exactly.”

Jon dropped his foot to the floor and leaned forward, propping his forearms on his knees.  He reached for Cate’s hand, giving her a gentle smile.  “You know I’m proud of you, right?”

Cate’s heart melted at the earnestness in his soft voice.  “I know,” she replied with a little nod, her voice catching a note of huskiness.  “But thank you for saying it.”

Jon looked down at Cate’s fingers resting against his palm.  The diamond on her ring finger sparkled brightly in the artificial overhead light.  “Thanks for coming down with me.  Sorry we haven’t had much time together these past few weeks.”  He sighed guiltily.  “Every day I haven’t had to go to the set I’ve had something else going on.”

“It’s okay, Baby.  We’re both busy, we both have jobs.  That’s life.”  Cate curled her fingers against Jon’s palm in a comforting caress.  “I’m glad it worked out that we could travel together.  I was gonna have to come down to D.C. anyway.”  She smiled gently.  “It’s much nicer to travel with you than by myself.”

“You sure you can’t stay tonight?”  Jon’s voice was softer, almost pleading.

Cate sighed and shook her head.  “I can’t, Jon.  I have to be in Trenton by nine tomorrow morning.”

“So?  Take the early train back in the morning.”  Jon looked up, giving Cate a hopeful half-smile.  “We could go out after the reception, have a late supper, curl up together in one of those big ol’ beds at The Willard Hotel…”

Cate’s smile turned bittersweet.  “Baby, I wish I could, but I just can’t.  I have to get back tonight.  Hell, haven’t even packed for Trenton yet.”  She chortled softly.  “Besides, all I brought was a different blouse and some heels for the reception tonight.  I don’t even have a toothbrush.”

“That’s easy to fix.  I’ll buy you whatever you need.”

“Jon… I can’t.”  Cate repeated her declination gently, but firmly.  “Besides… it’s not like we could have a… romantic… night tonight.”  Her voice dropped to a soft murmur as she shared the regret.  She and Jon had been disappointed but not particularly surprised when her unwelcome monthly visitor arrived three days ago, right on time.

“I know, Baby.”  Jon’s reply was quiet, following Cate’s discretionary tone.  “But we could just talk, and fall asleep together.  Hell, it seems like we don’t even get to do that anymore.  And when’s the last time we got to go out for dinner, just the two of us?  It’s been at least two weeks.”

 “Jon, I know, but there’s just no way.  If I don’t get back tonight I’m gonna be so behind the eight ball for the rest of the week…”  Cate sighed regretfully, but shook her head again.  “Believe me, I would love to stay here with you tonight, but  I just can’t.”

Jon felt a pang of guilt at the sadness in Cate’s resigned reply.  He didn’t want to darken her mood, especially as she headed into an important day.  He squeezed her hand gently, then gave her a little smile.  “Okay.  But remember, our date for next week is unbreakable.  ‘Kay?”

A warm smile curved Cate’s lips at the mention of their long-planned anniversary celebration.  She didn’t know where Jon was going to take her and she didn’t care.  As long as they could be together, alone, for one night to celebrate their lives together, it was fine with her.

“Of course.  I’m taking a half-day, remember?  Just to be sure I don’t get stuck at the office late.”

“And I told the show I’m not available Tuesday or Wednesday, non-negotiable.”  Jon chuckled.  “I didn’t tell them why but I might have hinted something about visiting a big white house…”

Cate giggled softly.  “Hey, I have no problem with implied deception if it means I get you all to myself, all night.”

“That’s a promise, Baby.”

They exchanged an affectionate smile for a moment, until Cate gently tugged her hand from Jon’s.  “Okay, I really do have to go over this briefing again before we hit Union Station.”

“Sheesh, so much for that Hallmark moment.   And you call me a workaholic?”  Jon chided teasingly.

Cate gave Jon a faux-stern look and raised her iPad.  “I’m sure there’s something you can do to get ready for your meeting.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Jon chuckled and reached for his briefcase.  “Yes, ma’am, Agent-in-Charge Sullivan.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

Jon snickered quietly as he pulled out his file.

A half-hour later the Bongiovis strode quickly through the arrival gate at Washington D.C.’s Union Station.  Though he was not attired in his usual casual garb of jeans and a sweater, Jon kept his eyes shielded by his sunglasses as he moved through the busy hall.  He was well aware that even though he was wearing a dark overcoat, suit and tie like more than half the men on nearby Capitol Hill, he was still easily recognizable. 

Cate automatically fell into her protective posture, remaining a half-step behind Jon and warning off obvious gawkers with laser-like glares.  Though dozens of people stared and pointed camera phones in their direction, Jon and Cate were not delayed in their beeline for the taxi queue at the front of the grand terminal.

They waited only a few minutes for the cab, shivering slightly in the gray, damp February weather.  Once safely inside Cate gave the driver the address.  He was duly unimpressed with both his passenger’s celebrity and with the destination.

Cate slipped her hand into Jon’s as she settled back against the seat while the taxi pulled into the dense morning traffic.   Jon gave her a questioning look. 

“Don’t we need to drop you off first?”

Cate shook her head.  “No, that’s okay.  I have to go to the Inspector General’s office first.  It’s just two blocks, on New York Avenue.  I can walk.”

“Oh.  Okay.”  Jon peered out the window, squinting at the leaden sky.  “Looks like it might snow.”

“Forecast is only for flurries.” Cate’s reply was a little hard-edged, making Jon smile.  His wife hated snow.

“Would be a pity if you got snowed in down here tonight.”

Cate gave Jon a sideways smirk.  “You can keep hoping, Baby.  But I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

Jon chuckled and gave Cate’s hand a squeeze.  They spent the remainder of the short drive in silence, each thinking ahead to the professional duties they were about to commence.

When the cab pulled up to the corner alongside the stark black iron fence, Jon helped Cate out onto the sidewalk before claiming his overnight bag from the trunk.  With a curt “thanks” to the stoic cabbie he paid the fare and a tip, then rolled his bag over to where Cate waited near a small guard shack.  Through the shack’s tinted window the silhouette of a burly security officer was clearly visible.

“You have your I.D. handy?” Cate inquired as she held out Jon’s briefcase to him.

“Got it in my coat pocket.”  Jon smirked as he took his case.  “I have done this before, you know.”

Cate rolled her eyes and giggled softly.  “Oh, yes, I guess you have.  My mistake.”

Jon flashed her a confident grin.  “What’s that they always say in the movies?  ‘I serve at the pleasure of the President’?”

“Something like that.”  Cate’s smile gentled.  “Well, I better get going.  I wanna pick up a tea at Starbuck’s before I head to the office.  I’ll text you later, see how your day’s going.”

Jon nodded, returning her sweet smile.  “I would say ‘good luck’ on your briefing but I know you don’t need it.  You’ll knock it out of the park.”

“Thanks.”  Cate paused for a moment as she let her gaze travel up and down Jon’s dashing form.  She felt a little surge of grateful pride as she realized how handsome her husband looked, dressed up for his meeting.  “Hope your day is good, too.”

Jon nodded and stepped forward.   He reached a gloved hand up to gently grasp Cate’s arm as he dipped his head forward.  He chuckled softly as his warm lips stroked tenderly over hers.  Jon’s blue eyes sparkled as he stepped back and grinned at his wife.  “I’ll tell the Boss you say ‘hi’.”

Cate giggled softly and nodded.  “Okay.  I’ll see you at the hotel later.”  She took a couple steps back.  “Have a nice day at the West Wing, Dear!” she called teasingly as Jon turned toward the iron-fenced sidewalk.  He responded with a nod and a wave, then tugged his bag after him as he headed for the White House.

She watched him until he disappeared inside the Visitor’s Entrance, then turned around.  With a glance skyward and a muttered oath against the promise of snow, Cate hurried toward the coffee shop on the other side of the intersection.

“You about ready?”

Cate finished swiping the brush across her lashes and paused.  She answered Jon’s question as she stared wide-eyed at her reflection in the mirror, waiting for the fresh coat of mascara to dry before blinking.

“Almost.  Five minutes.”

Jon appeared in the doorway, both hands at his throat.  His slender fingers moved lithely over the twin lengths of dark silk as he stepped up to the vanity next to his wife.  He smiled at her reflection as he expertly knotted the necktie.

“Your hair looks nice.  I like the big curls.”

“Thanks.”  Cate smiled modestly and re-capped her mascara bottle before dropping it into her cosmetics pouch.  She rummaged through the little bag for her lipstick.  “It’s from being in that bun all day.  It was damp this morning when I put it up.”

“Mmmm… So the Sexy Librarian lets her hair down…. I like.”  Jon grinned as he referenced their morning conversation on the train.

Cate chuckled and leaned again toward the mirror.  Her mouth formed a round “O” as she drew the burgundy tint over her plump lips.  After completing the circle she rubbed her lips together, making a light smack before blotting them on a tissue.

Satisfied with his knot, Jon gave his necktie one final adjustment before flipping down the collar of his light blue dress shirt.  He gave Cate a little sideways smirk.  “Hey, we match.”

“Hmmm?”  Cate dropped her lipstick back into her makeup pouch and pulled the zipper before looking up at the mirror.  She regarded their shared reflection.  “What do you mean?”

“Blue.”  Jon reached out to touch Cate’s satin-covered arm.  She had packed a few of her own items in his suitcase, to wear when she accompanied him to the evening reception.  One was her favorite dressy shirt, the midnight blue satin blouse she had bought in Italy.  

Jon smirked as he remembered the last time she had worn it, at the Christmas Party they had hosted at their Jersey house.  That had certainly been a night to remember.

“Oh.”  Cate gave another throaty chuckle.  “Yeah, I guess so.”

“So now everybody’s gonna be all ‘oh, how CUTE that they matched their outfits!’”  Jon parroted his prediction in a silly falsetto voice before giving Cate a grin.  “We’re not turning into that couple, are we?”

“God, I hope not.”  Cate laughed softly.  “But if you don’t like the matchy-matchy you’re the one who’s gonna have to change.  This is the only thing I brought.”  She leaned to drop her cosmetics back into the larger tote she had hung from the towel bar.

“Nah, I like it.  I love that blouse on you.”  Jon’s smile gentled.  “It makes your eyes look even more beautiful.”

Cate reached into her tote and extracted another small pouch before turning to face her husband.  “You’re being awfully complimentary tonight.  Obviously you had a good day.”  She stepped closer to Jon and reached up to adjust the knot at his throat, giving him a sweet smile.

“Yeah, it was pretty damned good.”  Jon smiled down at his wife.  “But that’s not why I’m complimenting you.  I’m just saying what I see, is all.”

“Well, thank you.  You know how to make a girl feel pretty.”  Cate reached up to place a gentle kiss on Jon’s lips, following the brush with a swipe of her thumb to remove the trace of burgundy stain she left behind.  She turned again to the mirror and pulled the zipper on the small black bag.

Jon rummaged in his shaving kit, extracting a small bottle.  He splashed a little of the cologne on his hands before smoothing his palms against his soft cheeks and down his neck.  He smirked silently as he noticed Cate’s reaction to her favorite scent.

“Okay.  Ready?”

“One more thing.”  Cate’s fingers dipped inside the pouch.  “It’s almost six, so I’ll have to be a little early.” 

Jon’s blue eyes followed the movement of her hands, his expression sobering as he saw her pull out a slim plastic hypodermic syringe and a small glass vial.  He stood silent as Cate laid out the items on a tissue, then unbuttoned and unzipped her pants.  

Her garments readied, Cate slipped the cap off the thin needle and inserted it into the rubber stopper of the little vial.  Her eyes narrowed as she watched the clear liquid fill the syringe to the required mark.

“Little help?”  Her request was quiet as she offered the filled syringe to Jon.

Jon nodded and took the device.  He held it gingerly while Cate’s hands moved to her hips.  She pushed the waist of her trousers downward, catching her panties with the motion.  Baring the fleshy spot on her upper thigh, Cate leaned forward and braced her free hand against the vanity’s edge.

Jon felt a stab of sympathy as he noticed the purplish bruises on Cate’s thigh.  He took a breath and reached for the spot, doing as she had instructed him weeks ago.  Jon gently squeezed her flesh between his forefinger and thumb, raising it into a small swell before with his other hand lowering the syringe.  Cate winced as the needle pierced her skin, but made no sound.

“Sorry,” Jon automatically murmured.  He pressed the plunger, releasing the drug into Cate’s body, then quickly withdrew the needle.  He rubbed his thumb gently over the tiny red spot, hoping to soothe her discomfort.

“S’okay, Baby,” Cate answered softly, watching him in the mirror.  Her heart squeezed as she saw his distress in his tightened jaw.  She stood upright and rearranged her clothing before taking the used syringe from his hand and capping the needle. 

“Thanks.  It’s easier, when you help.”  Cate gave her husband a small smile.  “It’s kinda hard for me to see back there.”

Jon nodded slightly, his expression still serious.  His gaze met hers and he gave her a long, soulful look. 

“Baby, thank you.  For putting yourself through this.”

Cate’s smile gentled, her blue eyes glistening at the emotion in his husky voice.

“You don’t have to thank me.  It’s for us both.  If it’s what I have to do…”  She sighed softly.  “Well, I’ve suffered worse.”

Jon nodded, his own eyes misting with emotion.  They shared another long look before he spoke again.

“We better go.”

“I just need my shoes and my bag.”  Cate quickly gathered the remnants of her hormone treatment back into the little black pouch, then dropped the pouch back into her tote.  After re-fastening her pants she carried the tote out of the bathroom and back into the suite’s elegant bedroom.

Cate dropped the tote on the floor next to Jon’s suitcase, which was propped open on the valet stand.  She stepped over to the small settee, where her dressy black sandals and small satin clutch sat near the end of the cushion.  Jon silently watched her from his post next to the big picture window that framed a view of the regal city's famous pedestrian mall.

She settled onto the small sofa, her gaze automatically going to the window as she slipped the shoes onto her feet.  Cate gazed out at the tableau framed by the suite’s plush drapes; a view of which she never tired. 

It was already dark, a hazy grayness swirling around the warm electric glow from the streetlamps and the neighboring buildings along Pennsylvania Avenue.  Small, shimmering specks flickered in the illumination, light flakes of precipitation that had flurried through the city all day.  Beyond the street the memorials to freedom shone in the dark distance, the Washington Monument jutting into the murky night sky while the other white-marble temples glowed closer to the ground.

It was a sight that reminded her of her duty and of her gratitude to those who shared her profession.   But right now her duty was not just to her country, but to her husband.  For the next few, brief hours she would be at Jon’s side while he mingled with wonks and lawmakers and civil servants to further promote his philanthropic passion.  It was a role she was more than happy to assume.

“Ready,” Cate announced quietly, picking up her purse and standing once her sandals were securely strapped.  She gave Jon a warm smile.  “Let’s go play the D.C.-after-dark-cocktail-party game.”

Jon chuckled at her gently sarcastic tease.  He moved over to her and stopped, his expression mirroring Cate's.  When he spoke, his voice was tinged with melancholy.  “I wish you could stay, Baby.”

Cate sighed softly.  “Me too.  But you know I can’t.  I have a nine-thirty train.”  She reached up to trace a fingertip along the edge of Jon’s suit-jacket lapel.  “Another time.”

“Yeah.”  Jon smiled sadly.  “So after tonight, I won’t see you ‘til Friday, then?”

Cate shook her head, her mahogany waves bouncing slightly with the movement.  “No, probably not.  I’ll be in Trenton.”

“Cate.”  Jon waited until her eyes met his.  “Since we won’t have time for this later…”

His arm circled her waist, pulling her body loosely against his.  His other hand raised to her face, his thumb grazing her jaw as his hand slipped under her hair and to the back of her neck.  Jon leaned in, gently bending Cate backward as his mouth dropped toward hers.  Her sapphire eyes widened at the unexpected movement.

Jon smiled as he felt his wife’s surprise, her hands first clutching at his biceps, then sliding around his torso.  Then she relaxed, holding on to his body with trusting confidence as he dipped her backwards for a long, romantic kiss.

Cate sighed at the familiar and wonderful feel of Jon’s lips covering hers.  His tongue slipped forward to wrap around hers, sensuous and comforting in its slow, firm strokes.  Her entire body warmed as she let him cradle her in his arms, holding her as he cherished her with his lips and his heart and his soul.

Outside the big window the snowflakes swirled on the night winter wind as the sentinels of the city shone through the inky darkness.