Saturday, December 21, 2013


"To me?"  Cate's blue eyes widened.  "No!  Jon... she doesn't need to..."

Jon pushed the phone closer.  "Here.  Take it."

"I don't want it!"  Cate recoiled.

"Cate!"  Jon's voice was now a desperate growl.  "Talk to her!  She won't believe me!"

Cate snorted.  "What makes you think she'll believe me?"

"She wants to talk to you!"  Jon was now half-panicked, his eyes wide.  "Come on!  She's waiting!"

Cate rolled her eyes.  "Oh... Fine."  Her shoulders slumped defeatedly as she reached to take the phone from Jon's hand.  She stuck out her tongue at her petulant husband before raising the device to her ear and speaking calmly.

"Hello, Carol.  How are you?"

The cheery chirped reply made Cate wince.  "Why hello, Cate!  Are you enjoying your vacation?"

I WAS.... Cate clenched her jaw to keep her honest reply from slipping out.  "Yes, very much.  And you?  I hear your plans changed."

"Oh Goodness, yes.  It was just too cold in Pennsylvania.  And we hadn't seen Therese and Louis in such a long time..."

Jon snickered at his wife's reaction as again she rolled her eyes while Carol prattled on with unrequested details of her vacation itinerary.  Cate shot her husband a dirty look before tuning back into what her mother-in-law was saying.

"That's nice, Carol.  I'm glad you're enjoying time with family."

"Yes, well.  It's lovely to see all these nieces and nephews, but I wish we had more of an opportunity to spend time with our Grandchildren on their break."  Carol's lament was followed by a heavy sigh.  Again Cate's nose wrinkled with silent impatience.  She had no choice but to take the bait.

"Carol, I'm sure the boys would love to see you and John.  Please come over and join us.  I understand you're only an hour away."

"Oh, I don't know, Cate.  I'd hate to intrude on your family time... After all, I know you don't get to spend much time with Johnny's boys.  Since you're always working..."

Cate shot another sideways glare at her husband.  He cringed apologetically though he couldn't hear the words that triggered his wife's stink-eye.

"You wouldn't be intruding, Carol."  Cate's lie was convincing.  "This is a family vacation, and you and John are family."

"But you have already made plans...."

"I'm sure we can get two more tickets to the luau."  Cate cut her off, impatient with Carol's fishing for sympathy.  "And tomorrow we have no concrete plans; we're just wandering around Epcot."


Cate didn't let Carol finish her thought.  "And as Jon said, we can easily get you a room at one of the resorts.  It will only take a phone call.  The VIP staff here is exceptional."

"But Cate, I know how you dislike having plans disrupted..."

"Carol... I insist."  It was all Cate could do to keep her tone pleasant.  "It's silly for us to debate this.  To have you here will be a lovely surprise for Jake and Romeo."  Cate turned and arched a brow at her husband.  "And I can tell Jon is very excited too.  He's sitting right here, smiling and nodding."  She gave her husband a smug smirk as his blue eyes narrowed in response to her veiled sarcasm.

"Well... if you're sure it won't be any trouble..."

"Not at all.  What time should we expect you?"

"Oh!"  Cate's direct query caught Carol off-guard.  "It's... half-past two now?  Oh my, by the time we pack our bags,  and load up the car, and say our goodbyes..."  Cate shook her head as she heard Carol address John Senior.  "When will we get there, John?"

"When are they coming?"  Jon whispered to Cate, realizing she was awaiting a response.  She shook her head again, listening to the murmur of background conversation.

"John says we should be there between four-thirty and five.  Traffic permitting."  Carol's voice sounded in Cate's ear, cheery and bright.  "My goodness, we'd better get a move on, then.  Is that alright with you, Cate?"

"Of course."  Cate answered levelly.  "I'll make sure Jon gets you a room now.  He can text you the details."

"Lovely."  Carol's laugh twittered in Cate's ear.  "See you then, Cate.  Give the boys our love."

"I will.  Drive safely."  Cate lowered her chin, giving Jon a pointed look.  "Here's Jon... he wants to speak to you again.  See you soon."

Not waiting for Carol's reply, Cate handed the phone back to her husband.  "They'll be here in two hours.  You've got work to do."

Jon sighed and nodded.  "Sorry, Baby," he mouthed before speaking into the phone.

Cate echoed his sigh, then turned her gaze toward the pool.  An amused smile played over her lips as she watched her stepsons frolicking in the water.  Though they loved her dearly, even Jacob and Romeo quickly tired of their grandmother's overbearing demeanor during her frequent visits.  The boys would be happier to see their laid-back grandfather.

A full five minutes later Jon finished the call.  With a groan he slumped back against his chaise, raising a hand to cover his eyes before swiping down his face.

"Ohhhh.... what have we done?"

Cate shot him a sideways look.  "She's your mother."

"Exactly."  Jon raised his arm, inspecting the dial on his wrist.  "If we leave now, just throw our shit in the car and drive like crazy, we can be halfway to the Georgia line before they hit town."

That made Cate snicker.  Her expression softened.  As much as Carol had annoyed her with her self-serving drama, this visit wasn't the end of the world. 

"You wanted a family vacation.  Now you got it." 

Jon grimaced and turned his head toward Cate.  He gave her a gentle smile and reached for her hand.  She smiled back when his fingers twined with hers.

"Sorry, Baby."

"S'okay.  It will be fine.  Maybe even fun."

"I hope so."  Jon squeezed Cate's hand and sighed quietly again.  "At least we don't have anything big planned.  The luau thing tonight... what do you want to do with them tomorrow night?  I can ask the concierge to find us tickets for a show or something...."

Cate shrugged.  "I don't know.  We were just planning to go back to Epcot, weren't we?  Eat somewhere there, then see the Illuminations show?"

"Yeah, I guess."  Jon nodded, his lips pursing thoughtfully.  He was silent for a moment before his mouth curved, a slow smile spreading across his face.  "Orrrr......"


"Mom and Dad can take the Chuckleheads back to Epcot for dinner and that show thing.  Then we can go out for dinner somewhere else.  Just us."  Jon gave his wife a self-satisfied smirk.  "Maybe them staying here ain't such a bad idea, after all.  Free babysitting."

"Jon, don't you think your parents will want...." 

Cate paused her dissent, realizing she didn't disagree with her husband's plan.  They had been on vacation for a full week with very little time alone.  They had spent nearly every waking minute with Jacob and Romeo.  Now John and Carol were invading their trip and would undoubtedly push the Bongiovi Family Vacation to a new level of togetherness. 

Yes, she and Jon were definitely due a grown-up date night.


"Nothing."  Cate shook her head vigorously and flipped open her iPad's cover.  She tapped the Disney dining icon.  "Where do you want to eat?  I'll make a reservation."


Jacob dropped his backpack on the floor of the little cubicle and slouched against the wall.  He fixed his younger brother with a moody glare as Romeo bounced beside him.  As much as the sycophantic little brat was just asking for a slap, Jake knew he would quickly draw his father's ire if he acted on his impulse.  The boy sighed again and dropped his gaze to the carpeted floor as the elevator doors slid shut.

"What's wrong, Jake?"

His stepmother's query elicited a shrug and a mumbled response.  "Nuthin'."

"Hey."  Jon's quiet syllable was a command.  Jacob raised his chin and looked up at his father, his expression flat.

Jon fought the urge to frown at the boy's demeanor.  Jacob had actually been fun to be around this past week, having let go of his pre-teen sullenness.  Jon wasn't thrilled to see a hint of that attitude in his son's blue eyes.  "What?"

"Nothing," Jacob repeated.

"Then what's with the mopes?"

"Nothing."  Jake answered, more insistently.  "Jeez..."

"Jake doesn't wanna go with Nana and Poppy," Romeo announced.

"Shut up," Jake grumbled, giving into the urge to give Romeo a little shove.

"Stop it!" Romeo protested.  "Dad!"

Seeing Jacob's annoyance with his sibling, Jon ignored the minor physical contact.  "Why not?"

Jake shrugged again, offering no verbal response.

"He doesn't wanna stay at the Old People Hotel," Romeo replied helpfully.  "Jakey said it sucks."

"Romeo!"  Jon gave the younger boy a stern look.  "I didn't ask YOU."  He returned his attention to Jacob.  "What's wrong with the Grand Floridian?  It's the fanciest hotel here."

Jacob sighed noisily and rolled his eyes.  "Dad, will you just.... I said, nothin's wrong!  Jesus!"

"Hey!" Jon growled a warning at his now-petulant son.

Cate saw it was time for her to intercede.  She gave Jon's forearm a warning squeeze as she calmly addressed Jacob.

"Jake, it's just for one night.  And you'll hardly even be in the room.  Your grandparents are going to take you guys back to Epcot for dinner and the light show.  By the time you get back it will probably be midnight."

Jacob turned his face to his stepmother's, his expression half-pleading.  "But we were with them all day.  Why can't you and Dad take us?"

Jon's stern countenance gentled.  He could empathize with his son; a full day of his mother's constant cheerful chatter had nearly driven him crazy.  He answered calmly.

"Because.  Nana and Pop came here to spend time with you guys.  And Cate and I could use a little alone time."

Jake shrugged again, then looked from his father to his stepmother and back again.  Seeing their encouraging smiles, the boy sighed.  He knew what "alone time" meant, considering his and his brother's forced evacuation of the villa for the night.  Plus, his father hadn't been able to keep his hands off of Cate all day.  It was kinda gross.

"Why can't they just stay with us at the villa?"  Jacob arched a brow, wondering if his father would give him a straight answer.

"Because.  They like the Grand Floridian," Jon replied evasively.  "And it's closer to Epcot.  You guys can take the monorail back."

Jacob rolled his eyes and dropped his chin again.  He prodded at his backpack with the toe of his sneaker.  "Whatever."

Feeling Jon's arm tense under her hand, Cate quickly spoke up.  "It's just a few hours, Jake.  Most of which you'll be sleeping.  Your Dad and I are coming for breakfast in the morning."  She gave Jon a sidelong glance, silently warning him to keep his cool.  She could fully understand Jake's reticence to spend another twelve hours with his grandmother, even while unconscious.

"Yeah.  Tomorrow we'll head out early to Magic Kingdom, so we'll be back here before you know it." Jon agreed, nodding.  His voice had gentled, sympathetic to Jacob's true motive.  "And if Nana gets to be too much tonight, just hang with Pop.  He'll protect you.  He gets it."  Jon waited for Jacob to look up, then gave the boy a wink.

"Nana said she's gonna buy us ice cream," Romeo announced happily. 

Jon snorted.  "Yeah, well... if she does, it's at her own risk."  He shot Cate a sideways smirk.

"Can't you just come back and get us after you have dinner?"  Jake tried once more, though he knew the attempt was futile.  "Please?"

"Sorry, Bud.  We're gonna be out late."  Jon reached up to cover Cate's hand on his arm with his own hand.  "I feel like puttin' on my boogie shoes."

Romeo giggled along with Cate's throaty chuckle.

"Dinner and dancing?  Wow.  This is gonna be some night, huh?"  Cate's tease was playful, her lips curved in amusement.

"You know it, Baby."  Jon grinned, then returned his attention to his boys.  "Look, guys.  We've spent every minute together since we left home.  Cate and I just want a few kid-free hours, okay?  To enjoy the grown-up stuff here.  We can't exactly drag you along to nightclubs, ya know.  And Nana and Poppy want to spend time with you.  So it's a win-win situation." 

He nodded, encouraging their agreement.  When neither boy followed his lead, Jon resorted to bribery.  "Plus, you get ice cream..."

"Yeah, okay.  Whatever."  Jake sighed defeatedly.  He had known when they left the villa with pajamas and toothbrushes in their packs that protest was futile.  That was why he had kept his silence.  Until his father started this whole debate, anyway.

"Jakey..." Jon's comment was interrupted by the quiet ding of the elevator, announcing their arrival on the fifth floor.  Jacob stooped to pick up his backpack as the doors swooshed open.

Cate and Romeo filed out of the car, followed by Jacob, then Jon.  As the doors closed behind them Jon stopped Jake's shuffle with a hand on his shoulder.  He stooped to speak quietly in the boy's ear.

"Listen, Jake.... I know.  Sometimes your Nana is a bit... much."

Jake sighed.  "She treats us like babies, Dad."

"I know, I know.  But that's just how she is.  Hell, she still treats me like her Baby Boy.  And I'm a helluva lot older than you."  Jon's heart warmed as he felt Jacob chuckle.  "Look, I'm sorry, Bud.  But we just... Cate and I... well, we just need a night together.  Alone.  Capice?"

Jacob rolled his eyes, though his father couldn't see.   

"Yeah, Dad.  I get it.  You're horny.  Just... do what you gotta do."

Jon couldn't stop a snort of laughter at his son's resigned reply.  He gave the boy's shoulder a gentle shake, then  prodded him to resume his shuffle down the long hallway toward the senior Bongiovis' suite.  Ahead of them, Romeo skipped ahead of Cate. 

Jon's grin broadened as Cate glanced back over her shoulder at him, then continued her stroll.  His blue eyes dropped to her derriere, which swayed enticingly beneath a swishy, mid-thigh skirt with her slow, high-heeled gait.  He chuckled huskily before murmuring his wry defense to Jake.

"Well, can you blame me?  I mean, come on..."

"Dad.  Eww."  Jacob's faux-disgust was only half-convincing through his smirk.  He had mostly gotten over his embarrassment from his accidental peep-show earlier in the week.  But that incident aside, he was a typical pre-teen boy.  It wasn't like he couldn't appreciate his stepmother's assets.

"But you're still abandoning us with Nana."

"I'll make it up to you tomorrow.  Promise." 

Jake turned his head, his smirk still in place.  "It's gonna cost ya, ya know."

"I have no doubt."  Jon chortled, his heart squeezing pridefully as he saw himself mirrored in his son's demeanor.  The kid really was his spitting image.  "No doubt at all."

Leaving his hand on Jacob's shoulder, Jon followed him down the hall.

Fifteen minutes later Jon and Cate were hustling back down that same hallway, hand-in-hand.  Having handed over custody of Jacob and Romeo to the Bongiovi grandparents, they had done their best to avoid entanglement in a discussion of the evening's events as they backed out the door.  They had been only partially successful on that front.

When they reached the elevator, Jon stabbed impatiently at the button then guided Cate into the car when it arrived.  They shared a brief, chuckling kiss in the momentary seclusion before striding through the Grand Floridian's ornate lobby.  Jon's arm circled Cate's waist while they waited at the hotel entrance for a cab.  Both their faces wore the matching blissful smiles of temporarily child-free parents.

They spoke little during the cab ride from the resort to the Japanese restaurant Jon had chosen for dinner.  They sat close together, Jon's hand on Cate's knee and hers on his dark denim-sheathed thigh.  By the end of the fifteen-minute drive Cate's skirt had somehow shortened from its modest, top-of-the-knee length to barely covering her hip.  Jon's hand rested not on filmy, feathery nylon but on tanned, stockingless flesh.

Dinner at the teppanyaki-style restaurant was delightful.  Jon and Cate were seated at the side of a large hibachi grill-top, along with a family of six from Minnesota.  The star-struck parents could hardly believe their dining experience included the company of an international rock star and his wife, but their teenaged boys were less awed and more engaging. 

Jon was immediately enamored of the adorable twin six-year-old girls, with whom he drew pictures on napkins.  By the time the chef arrived the Bongiovis and the Ericksons were happy companions, and they enjoyed a fantastic two-and-a-half-hour meal together.  They parted cheerfully after a round of photographs of Jon with the family, children, parents, chefs, and waitstaff. 

At the restaurant's coat check, Cate chuckled softly as Jon retrieved her wrap.  "So much for a kid-free dinner, huh?"

Jon nodded, grinning.  "Yeah, but it was fun.  Nice family.  And when they're not your kids it's easy."  He shook out the black-and-gold shawl, holding it as Cate turned her back to him.  After settling the wrap across her shoulders Jon leaned down to nuzzle at her ear.  "And you know what a sucker I am for little girls."

Cate's heart warmed.  "Yeah, I know.  They were cute, weren't they?"

"Adorable.  But not as cute as ours will be."

Cate turned and gave him an amused smile, one brow lifted.  "Oh, so you want twins now?"

"Sure.  Why not?  Double the fun."

Cate snorted.  "How about double the stretchmarks.  Not to mention double the work."

Jon reached for Cate's waist, turning her toward him and stepping close.  She felt her lips curve and couldn't stop a soft sigh as the heady scent of his cologne filled her senses.

"Nah.  That stuff's easy.  But I'll be happy with just one if she's as beautiful as you."

Cate's sapphire eyes sparkled as she looked up at his sexy, tender smile.  Her smile.  She felt her knees wobble.  Damn.  He could still do that to her.

She couldn't resist.  Resting a hand against Jon's chest, Cate leaned up to kiss him.  His breath against her mouth sent a shiver through her.  It was delicious.

When she pulled back, Jon grinned.  As much as he wanted his wife physically, this playful, tender soul-connection they shared this evening was more exciting.  It had been a long time since they had shared an evening of fun, just the two of them.

"So... you ready to go hit the floor?"  Jon gave his wife a blue-eyed wink.

Cate blinked.  She hadn't thought he was serious when he mentioned nightclubbing earlier.  All day Jon had been murmuring in her ear salacious hints of his naughty after-dinner plans that included neither dance floors nor clothing.  "Umm... what?"

"Dancin', Baby."  Jon grinned at her surprise.  "I told ya, I got my boogie shoes on."

"You were serious?  You want to go to a club?"  Cate gave her auburn head a little toss, as if to shake away her befuddlement.

"Sure.  Why not?  The night is young."

"Uh... okay.  I'm game if you are."

Jon chuckled and stepped back, turning to stand beside her.  A hand slipped to the small of her back and he guided Cate toward the restaurant's entrance.  "We don't have to stay long.  Just have a drink, listen to some music, soak up a little atmosphere... I'm just in a mood to have a little party.  Before the real party."

Cate smiled.  "Okay.  But do you even know what nightclubs are around here?  I can't really see you enjoying some rave place where they have some crazy deejay wearing an electronic Mickey-Mouse head."

He laughed.  "I asked the concierge at the Floridian, when we were waiting this morning.  She said the Hard Rock has a pretty good dance club.  For old people like us, anyway."

"Oh, us 'Old People'? What, does it play music at a reasonable volume and have an Early-Bird buffet?"  Cate wisecracked as she stepped through the restaurant's doorway and nodded her thanks at the attendant holding the door for them.

"Yeah, somethin' like that," Jon agreed with a grin.  "She said they play a good mix of music, though.  A little hip-hop, a little pop, a little Motown, a little rock-n-roll... Place is called the Velvet Lounge or something."

Cate giggled as they stepped up to the taxi stand.  "How cliche'.  A rock star at the Hard Rock Lounge."

"Hey, at least we know we'll get good service."

"I would hope so."  Cate chuckled.  "At least a decent table, away from the dance floor."

Jon let his hand slide downward.  He gave Cate's behind a reassuring pat.  "Baby, I'm pretty sure they can find us one of those fancy booths.  You know, with the heavy curtains and the velvet ropes?"  His hand curved to give one cheek a squeeze and his voice dropped to a sultry croon.  "You know how we rock stars like our... privacy."

Cate smirked.  "Oh, you mean the VIP booths.  The ones with the personal waitresses wearing hot pants and go-go boots.  With big tits."

"That's the one."  Jon smirked dirtily.

"Of course it is."  Cate chuckled and stepped forward as a taxi pulled to the curb.  The valet attendant tugged open the car's back door and chivalrously offered a hand of assistance.  Cate thanked him, stepping down off the curb and ducking into the cab.  Jon followed, handing the young man a folded bill before climbing in next to his wife.

"Velvet Lounge, please.  Hard Rock.  Private party entrance."  Jon instructed the driver.

"Yes Sir."

"Take your time.  We're in no hurry."  Jon dropped a hand to Cate's knee.  It slid smoothly up her thigh as he turned his head and covered her mouth with his.

The cabbie glanced in the rear view mirror and smirked.  "Yes Sir."

A breathless ten minutes later Jon and Cate exited the cab outside the Hard Rock Cafe's entrance.  A queue of nightclub-goers stretched across the sidewalk, the line parted by a velvet-roped corridor that led directly to an unmarked door.  Though his eyes were shielded by sunglasses, Jon's dazzling smile immediately attracted the onlookers' attention.  An excited, squeal-filled rumble followed Cate and Jon as they were escorted to and through the private entrance.

Inside the club a slightly-startled blonde greeted the Bongiovis with a smile and an immediate call to her Manager.  In seconds a sleek-suited Hispanic man had appeared by her side, heartily welcoming Jon and Cate to the Velvet Lounge.  After a clipped one-way conversation into a radio, the Manager escorted his unexpected guests into the club.  They followed a rope-lined track around the perimeter of the huge, packed room, then climbed a quintet of steps onto a raised dais to the side of the dance floor, opposite the deejay stand. 

With a flourish the Manager presented the Bongiovi's "table"; a curved zebra-print velvet-upholstered sectional couch, sunken into the dais' floor.  The seating circle was fronted by an oval glass-and-chrome cocktail table adorned with two small crimson-shaded lamps and an embossed-leather covered menu.  A cluster of jewel-toned faux-candles flickered on a huge chrome platter in the center of the table.

Jon stepped down into the pit, then steadied Cate as she carefully descended the two steps to the black-carpeted floor.  He waited until she was seated before turning to the Manager, leaning close to be heard above the pounding dance music.  The Manager nodded and bowed slightly, then hustled away.  Jon turned to Cate and gave her a broad grin before easing down on the couch next to her.

"What did you say to him?" Cate asked.  She was mildly surprised that the club noise seemed to be lessened now that she was seated on the couch.  Apparently the carpeted pit provided some sort of sound-reduction effect.

"I just told him we weren't expecting anyone else, and to send over a bottle of wine."

"Jon, I'm not..."

Jon smiled and pressed a finger against her lips, silencing the expected protest.  "The wine is for me.  Though they'll probably bring two glasses."

"Oh."  Cate smiled sheepishly. 

"But you're welcome to join me."  Jon raised a brow.  "I know, the hormone therapy and all that... But Dr. Klein has told you time and again that a drink here and there won't do a bit of harm.  Hell, it may be a good thing."

"I know."  Cate sighed softly.  "But I just wonder... As hard as it's been..."

"Shhh."  Jon again silenced her with a gentle finger.  "Not tonight."

Cate gazed into Jon's glittering blue eyes and sighed.  Her lips puckered against his finger in a gentle kiss, then she reached up to pull his hand downward, to her lap.  Her fingers twined between his.  "Not tonight," she agreed softly.

"So... do you want a drink?"  Jon nodded toward the folder on the table.  "I know you're not a fan of my P.G., so how about something else?  A fruity rum thing or somethin'?"

Cate's eyes moved to the menu, then she shrugged.  "I guess so.  Sure.  Why not?"  She leaned forward to pick up the folder with her free hand.  When she pulled it back to her lap Jon helpfully opened the folder's front.  Together they perused the long list of custom cocktails.

"How about a pina colada?" Jon offered helpfully.  "Or a daiquiri, or something?"

Cate wrinkled her nose and shook her head.  "Nah.  I can get those anywhere."

"Okay.  Mai Tai?  Or, how about this?"  Jon pointed to a bright blue drink.  "Gin, vodka, rum blue curacao, sweet and sour..."

"Jesus, Jon!" Cate gasped.  "If I drink that thing I'll be on the floor!"

Jon laughed, shaking his head.  "Oh yeah, I forgot.  Your booze tolerance ain't quite what it used to be.  Okay..."  He flipped the page and scanned the photos and text.  His face lit up with a grin and he stabbed a finger at a line of print beside a photo of a ruby-colored cocktail.  "Aha!  Here ya go.  Perfect.  'Red-Headed Groupie'." 

"What?" Cate half-laughed.  "What the hell is that?"

"Vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice, lime.  See? Nothin' too strong.  I used to have these things all the time, but they were called somethin' else."

Cate snorted.  "Oh, not a 'red-headed'... whatever?"

"Groupie."  Jon gave Cate a lecherous grin.  "But I've had my share of those, too.  I highly recommend them.  Sweet but a little sassy.  Especially the one I married."

Cate couldn't help but laugh at her husband's sly comment.  He had her there.

"Alright, then.  Red-headed Groupie it is."

As if on cue a waitress appeared.  She carefully made her way down the steps into the pit, then lowered a tray bearing an ice-ring ensconced bottle of white wine and two black wine glasses onto the cocktail table.  When the leggy blonde bent over to deposit the drinks, she purposely gave Jon a full-on shot of her ample cleavage, which was barely contained by a black bra beneath a neck-slit, tightly-tied, midriff-baring white Hard Rock t-shirt.

Cate snorted and elbowed Jon in the ribs.  Her description of the waitress had been dead-on accurate, right down to the hot pants and go-go boots.  Jon gave his wife a sidelong grin.

"Would you like me to pour for you?"  The blonde inquired, not bothering to straighten before speaking.

"No thanks." Jon chuckled.  "What's your name?"


"I got it from here, Tisha."  Jon gave the waitress a smile.  "But my wife would like a cocktail."

The corner of Tisha's crimson-painted mouth twitched at Jon's emphasis on the word, but she turned her smile to Cate.  "What can I get you?"

Cate chuckled.  "I'll try the Redheaded Groupie."

"Sure."  Tisha straightened and pulled a black cocktail napkin from the tiny faux-leather bar apron slung low across her hips.  She dropped the napkin onto the glass tabletop next to the wine tray.  "Have you had it before?  It can be a little tart.  I can bring you a glass of Sprite if you want to sweeten it."

Jon couldn't resist.  "Always been good for me.  I like 'em a little tarty."

Cate rolled her eyes and elbowed Jon again.  She gave the waitress an apologetic smile.  "That would be great.  Thanks."

"Okay.  Anything else?"

"I think that covers it."

"Be right back."  With another sultry-eyed stare at Jon the waitress climbed back up the steps and headed for the bar.

"You're awful," Cate sighed, crossing her legs.  With the movement her skirt slipped toward her hips, revealing more of her own tanned thigh.  "And that girl isn't much older than your daughter."

"Which means she's of legal age," Jon countered.  "So I'm in the clear, checking out her tits.  Which she clearly wanted me to do, I might add."

Cate snorted.  "That also puts you in the 'Dirty Old Man' category, Baby."

"So be it."  Jon chuckled and wiggled his fingers free of Cate's on her lap.  His palm curved over her thigh, his fingers slipping toward the edge of her hem.  He leaned closer to Cate's ear.  "Remind me later, when you're screaming my name as I fuck you silly... just how old and dirty I am."

A flush heated Cate's cheeks at Jon's sexy rasp.  Her lips curved into an anticipatory smirk as the delicious visual filled her mind, of their sweaty, sinewy bodies entwined beneath the filmy white canopy that tented that spectacular bed.  Oh, yes.  The villa wouldn't be quiet tonight.  It would be filled with the sounds of passion.

She turned her head, until her lips brushed his cheek.  "We're not going to stay here long, are we?"

"Not if you don't want to."

Cate pulled her face back from his and looked into Jon's eyes.  Her pulse jumped at their fiery gleam.

"Just a drink and a dance, maybe?"

"Sure, Baby."  Jon drawled.  His smirk turned sexy as his hand slid a little higher on her thigh, beneath her skirt.  His pinky finger tunneled into the crease of her crossed thighs, sliding against moist, heated lace.

She was already wet.  This was gonna be one helluva night.

When Tisha returned with Cate's drink, Jon casually pulled his hand away and leaned forward to pour himself a glass of wine.  After the waitress departed, the couple toasted the night to come, then settled back against the velvet zebra cushions to watch the dance floor.  Casually the chatted and drank, sharing sweet kisses and sexy murmurs.  Finally Jon realized he had to get up and move, or he might not be able to walk out of this place with any semblance of decorum.

"C'mon, Baby.  Let's dance."

Cate wrinkled her nose.  "You wanna dance to this?"

Jon paused, realizing he hadn't even noticed what music was playing.  He had been so focused on flirting with his wife that he had tuned out the world around them.  "What is it?"  He frowned.  Whatever it was, the noise from the speakers certainly wasn't music.

"Kanye."  Cate spit out the name. 

Jon's lips pursed as he listened.  He nodded slowly, finally recognizing a few words in the din.  "Yeah, maybe not.  Next song."

"If it's better than this shit," Cate commented.

"Doesn't it have to be?"  Jon chuckled with his disparagement.  "By definition?"

Cate nodded and sipped from her drink before responding.  "We'll see what the song is.  I don't want you to hurt yourself, shakin' your ass to something too wild."

"What, you sayin' I'm so old I might break a hip or somethin'?"  Jon delivered the line in a cranky-old-man voice.

"It could happen..." Cate laughed her reply.  "No, I just hope they play something decent to dance to."

"Well, whaddya want?  Some Gaga?  Jay-Tee?  Bee-yon-SAY?"  Jon grinned with his exaggerated pronunciations.

"Depends on the song.  I could handle most of those."

"Well, I'm sure the deejay takes requests..."  Jon paused as he heard another beat fade in, a transition to a new song.  It sounded promisingly familiar.  "Oh, well.  Hello.  I think this might fit the bill..."  He winked at Cate, then slid to the edge of the sofa.  With a soft grunt he stood and turned to offer her his hand.

"You can dance to this?"  Cate chuckled, accepting Jon's help in escaping the soft, deep couch.  She smoothed the skirt of her cocktail dress down to its proper state, then smiled at her husband.

"Come find out."  Jon winked, then led Cate up out of their VIP pit and over to the crowded dance floor.  They found a spot near the edge, while all around them young men and women bounced and grooved to the opening bars of P!nk's "Get the Party Started." 

Cate giggled when Jon turned to face her, then started to wiggle his hips in his characteristic rock-star shimmy.  She shook her head, realizing her husband was impossibly dance-impaired.  But he certainly made the most of what he had.  Following his lead, Cate began to sway and groove, letting the music fill her up and loosen her inhibitions.

Pumpin' up the volume
Breakin' down to the beat
Cruisin' through the West Side
We'll be checkin' the scene
Boulevard is freakin' as I'm comin' up fast
I'll be burnin' rubber you'll be KISSIN' MY ASS!!!

Cate and Jon laughed as the youthful crowd shouted the line.  Jon raised his fist in solidarity with the sentiment, then pursed his lips into his unconscious duck-mouth and half-closed his eyes.  He grooved harder, bending his knees and hopping as his arms windmilled around him.  Cate laughed again, her blue eyes sparkling merrily as she watched him enjoying himself.  She shook her head again as she noticed what was going on around her exuberant husband.

Behind Jon, a group of eight young women had noticed his antics and formed a semi-circle as they checked him out.  It was clear from their excited grins and exchanged gleeful glances that they had recognized Jon Bon Jovi in their midst.  Three of the girls had pulled out their smartphones and were now holding them aloft, undoubtedly capturing Jon's dancing on video.

Realizing the women were doing no harm, Cate pushed back her instinct to intervene.  Instead she danced closer to Jon, ducking to avoid his flailing arms as she reached for his waist.  When he felt her hand on his belly Jon muted his movements and leaned in to hear what he could see she wanted to say.

"Turn around!"  Cate half-shouted near Jon's ear, to be heard above the music.


"Just... turn around!"  Cate grinned at Jon, giving him an encouraging nod.  He followed her bidding, revolving to find himself face-to-face with a bevy of beaming young women.  When they saw they had his attention, the group threw up their arms and beckoned him to join them.

Grinning ear-to-ear, Jon melodramatically flung his arms wide in a stage-pose of appreciation.  Then with a toss of his head he danced toward the women.

Cate shook her hair back as she laughed, then took a few steps back to give Jon space for his impromptu dance-floor harem.  She watched, grinning broadly, as her goofy husband took turns dancing with each young lady, taking her hand and spinning her around.  Then as the women surrounded him in a group-dance circle he shimmied with them, pausing to blow a kiss at his wife.

Jon's antics were quickly noticed, and by the time the song neared its end there were several dozen phones held aloft, recording the event.  Realizing it was time for the encounter to end, Jon slowed, then stopped dancing.  He offered feigned applause to his octet of dance partners, giving each a gentlemanly bow and a kiss on the hand.  Finally, he posed for a trio of selfie-photos before Cate stepped forward and offered to take a group portrait with one girl's phone.   After that, the women reluctantly waved their rockstar-for-the-moment back to his wife.

His broad grin and sparkling blue eyes made Cate's heart melt as her husband stepped over and pulled her close.  With his arms around her waist Jon rocked in time to the music, moving her with him as his lips found her ear.

"Well, that was fun."

Cate giggled and moved her mouth close to his ear.  "You certainly gave them a thrill.  You probably made their year.  And it's gonna be all over the internet in about three minutes."

"Good."  Jon pulled back his face long enough to give Cate a saucy grin.  Then he dipped his head to give her a long kiss.  Cate could feel dozens of pairs of eyes on them as Jon's mouth slipped over hers.  She blushed.

When he broke contact, Cate dropped her forehead against Jon's shoulder.  She could feel him chuckle at her modesty.  His hand rubbed soothingly over the small of her back. 

"Ready to go?"  Jon bowed his head to speak near her ear.  Cate nodded and raised her head, giving him a conspiratorial smile.  Jon dropped his forehead against hers, then started to step back, just as the music changed. 

His lips curved into a sexy smirk as he recognized the tune, one he had heard over and over and over again thanks to his daughter's obsession with the song.  It had driven him crazy most of the year, but as a songwriter he admired the simple genius of the melody. It was a perfect pop song:  catchy and sexy and impossible to get out of your head.

And he couldn't walk away from the dance floor while it was playing.

"One more, Baby." Jon crooned to Cate, his blue eyes flashing and his softly-stubbled cheeks dimpling with his sexy grin.  "Then we'll go."

Cate couldn't help but smile.  She knew this one too.  She nodded, then let Jon lead.  He took her hand and stepped back, guiding Cate into a slow, shimmying turn.

Hey Hey Hey...
Hey Hey Hey...
Hey Hey Hey...

If you can't hear what I'm trying to say
If you can read from the same page
Maybe I'm going deaf
Maybe I'm going blind
Maybe I'm out of my mind...

Cate giggled as she saw Jon's perfect mouth forming the lyrics.  He danced closer to her and pulled Cate into a traditional couples-dance position.  His free hand slid to the small of her back as their hips rocked in unison to the uptempo beat.

"You know this one?"  Cate murmured teasingly into her husband's ear. 

"Mmmm Hmmm..." he hummed before crooning his own version of the lyrics back to her.

I know you want it
I know you want it
I know you want it
But you're a good girl
The way you grab me
You wanna get nasty
Can't wait to get at me...

Cate chuckled at his musical foreplay.  Again she felt the tingle of sexual anticipation.  She took a half-step back, separating her body from Jon's before smoothly turning until her back was against his front. 

Welcoming the new pose, Jon circled her waist with his arm and pulled her back against his hips, rocking them together.  Cate smirked and raised her arm, reaching behind Jon's head to tangle her fingers in his soft blonde shag.  She could feel his chest heaving against her back, their contact heightening his arousal.  Her own body heated as Jon crooned dirtily in her ear.

What do they make dreams for
When you got them jeans on
What do they need steam for
You're the hottest bitch in this place
I feel so lucky..
You wanna fuck me...
You're gonna fuck me...

"Hey hey hey..." Cate gasped in breathless agreement with Jon's explicit lyrics.  Instinctively she arched her back, grinding her ass harder against Jon's pelvis as they rocked together.  He was holding her so close that the movement was hardly noticeable, but it was enough to send a jolt through his already-eager cock.  Jon growled agreeably against Cate's neck, grinning at her reaction.

"Easy, Baby... save the twerkin' for later. Not here where everybody can watch..."

Cate felt her cheeks heat again.  "Oh God..." Her gaze darted around, praying no one had noticed.

Jon felt her stiffen in his arms. Realizing she had taken his joke literally, he quickly backpedaled.

"Baby... I'm kidding!"  Jon chuckled softly in her ear, hoping to convince her before the moment was lost.  "But that was fuckin' hot."  He growled for good measure. 

"Nobody...?" Her question was breathless.

"No," he countered before she could continue.  "Just me."  Jon felt Cate relax a bit, and took the opportunity.  He guided her to turn again in his arms, then pulled her close.  "Let's get outta this place."

"Okay," she agreed, nodding.  "I'm ready."

"Baby, you have no idea how ready I am..."  Jon's blue eyes blazed as he lowered his forehead to Cate's.  "I wanna get you back to that villa... NOW."

She purred softly, the intensity of his stare sparking another surge of heat from her core.  She pressed her hips harder against Jon's, savoring his reaction.  "Let's go."

Without answering, Jon stepped back and turned away, capturing her hand as he moved.  He led Cate back to their table, where he gulped down the remainder of his wine and tossed a hundred-dollar bill on the table.  Together the couple strode purposefully back along the path to the private entrance, Cate pulling her shawl across her shoulders as they moved. 

When they reached the hostess stand the Bongiovis were informed it would be a few moments until the attendant hailed them a cab.  Jon's breathing was ragged as he shuffled impatiently next to the door.  He slipped an arm around Cate and gave her a half-desperate, conspiratorial smile.  She nodded her agreement.  Hurry the fuck up!

The buzz against her hip made Cate start.  She looked down, then realized its source.

"Baby, you have a message."


"Your phone.  Didn't you feel it buzz?  Just now?  In your pocket?"

"Cate, I can only feel one thing right now.  And it ain't in my pocket."  Jon gave her a wry smirk, then slipped his arm from around her waist.  He fished his leather-covered iPhone from his jeans and swiped a finger across the screen.  Immediately the phone buzzed again, followed closely by another three alerts.

"Musta had a bad signal in there," Jon muttered.  "It's from Dad, an hour ago."  His eyes narrowed and he frowned.   "What the.... Fuck!"

Cate's eyes widened at his exclamation.  "What?  Is everything okay?"

"I... Yeah, but... Sonofabitch!"  Jon growled his displeasure, then raised a hand to rake through his hair, his typical annoyance tell. 

"Jon, what?"

Jon turned his blazing eyes and tight-lipped expression to Cate.  Then he held up his phone, displaying the series of text messages he had just perused.  "Mom and Dad.  Guess where they are?"

Cate shook her head, her brow furrowing with concern.  "I don't know..."

"At the motherfucking Villa.  The boys convinced them to go back there.  And now they're staying the night."

"What?  How...?

"I have no fucking idea.  But when I get my hands on those little Shits..."  Jon growled and again tugged his hand through his shaggy bangs.  "Jake.  He didn't want to stay at the Floridian.  I swear to God..."

Cate bit back a chuckle.  She could see her husband was about to explode with frustration, both parental and sexual.  She wasn't thrilled about this unexpected turn of events either, being more than a little turned on herself.  But it was what it was.

"Baby... take it easy.  You don't know how this all happened.  Maybe it wasn't the Boys."

"Yeah, right."  Jon snapped the cover of his phone shut and turned to face Cate.  "What the fuck are we gonna do now?"

This time she couldn't stop the chuckle from slipping out.  As angry as Jon was, he was rather adorable in his ruffled state.  "What do you mean, what're we gonna do?  We're gonna go home, Jon.  Back to our Villa.  We'll just have to be really, really quiet."

"Cate, we can't go back there and..." Jon halted, suddenly realizing the hostess was within earshot of his rant.  He lowered his voice.  "My Mom doesn't sleep.  At all.  She hears one tiny little sound and she's up.  Hell, she's probably sitting up waiting for us now.  And the boys probably aren't even in bed.  I betcha they're watching a movie with Dad."  His explanation was delivered through clenched teeth.  "And I'm in no fucking mood to be quiet."

The spark in his blue eyes made Cate's womb clench.  She had to admit she wasn't exactly looking forward to another night of chastity, either.  But what other choice did they have?  Even if they did send John and Carol back to the Grand Floridian, there would be no reason for Jake and Romeo to go with them.

"So, what are we gonna do?"  Cate sighed softly.  "What can we do?"

"Sir, your taxi is here."  The hostess interrupted politely.  "When you're ready."

Jon nodded curtly in acknowledgement.  He looked down to the phone clenched in his hand, then up at Cate, then back to the phone.  Suddenly his mouth curved into a sinister smirk.

"What?" Cate asked, half-startled by his sudden change of expression.

Jon reached for her hand.  "Get in the cab."

Saturday, November 16, 2013


"JON!"  Cate choked out his name as her blue eyes widened.  Automatically her gaze shot sideways, toward the bedroom.  Her heart pounded even as gasped with relief when she saw no one there.

But still, there was someone, somewhere.  The adrenaline rush had unblocked her blissfully hazy senses.  She could feel the presence.

Another involuntary spasm from her heated core informed Cate that her husband was unaware of her sudden vigilance.  Cate's thighs tensed and she squeezed them together, closing over Jon's cheeks.  Her hands dropped from their holds on the rail and the trellis to his net-veiled head.

"Mmmmmffff... OW!  What the fuck...?"  Jon let out a muffled curse of surprise when his head was yanked backward, his scalp tingling as Cate's hands fisted his shaggy hair as a means of control.  He was all for a little rough sex-play, but her semi-violence was unexpected.

"Somebody's HERE!" Cate hissed, her head swiveling toward the landscape.  Her blue eyes narrowed as she quickly scanned the horizon.

"What?"  Jon blinked, then winced as Cate's clench tightened, inadvertently tugging again at his hair.  "OW!  Damn, Cate!"

"SHHH!" Cate scolded, though she loosened her grasp.  Her eyes dropped to the deck's floor.  Beneath their perch was a curved patio and a path leading to the hot tub.  An unannounced visitor could be lurking down there, perhaps one of the villa's staff.

Jon frowned.  Shaking his wife's hands off his head, he turned his eyes toward the master suite.  The boys had been asleep just minutes ago, he had confirmed it.  He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when he spied the empty room.

"Baby, there's nobody watching us." Jon chuckled softly.  "You're paranoid.  Relax."

The accusation made Cate's eyes narrow.  She shifted her gaze from the floor to her husband's face, now smirking up at her from beneath her sheer gown.

"I am not paranoid."  I heard something.  Close by."  Her snarl was soft but serious.

Jon knew better than to laugh.  He swallowed his chortle and twisted his amused smirk into a sexy grin, determined to get their encounter back on track.  "So?  Maybe you did.  But, Baby...I don't give a shit if somebody's around.  They're not up here, are they?" 

Jon lowered his chin, blowing a puff of heated breath against the spot his mouth had moments ago covered.  Cate's flesh quivered involuntarily in response.  "And if they can see us... Fuck 'em.  Let 'em watch."  He growled evilly, licking his lips before leaning forward to taste her again.  His hands tightened around her hips, holding her still.

Cate squeaked softly though she felt a pang of annoyance at Jon's dismissal of her caution.  Again her hands rested on his head, though this time she didn't push him away. 

"Jon, maybe we should go inside..." Her whisper was husky and anxious.

"Mmmm Mmmmm......"  Jon shook his head slightly, humming his disagreement against her as his mouth slid side-to-side, eliciting another reluctant gasp from her lips.  He fully intended to carry his wife inside and ravish her in that big, romantic bed, but not just yet.

"But Jon..."

"Shhhhhhhh......"  This time he was the one who shushed, without moving his mouth from its objective.  Jon smirked as he felt her thighs quiver with his breath against her clit.

"Jesus..." Cate growled, half-frustrated with him and half-helpless against his onslaught.  She exhaled slowly, trying to calm her pounding heart.  She leaned back against the half-wall and trellis as her head tipped back and her eyes slipped half-closed.  Maybe she had imagined it; maybe her detection senses were in overdrive due to her hypervigilance for Jake and Romeo.

"Ohhh...."  Cate sighed hoarsely as Jon's tongue flattened against her, lapping her with broad strokes.  "My Godddd...."  Her lashes fluttered as she lost the struggle to keep her eyes open.   Resting against the trellis, her head rolled to the side, turning her face toward the morning sun.

As warmth crept through her body the corners of Cate's mouth turned blissfully upward.  Her hands curved over Jon's skull, lightly riding his head as it moved with his deliberate efforts.  Cate slid her tongue over her plump lower lip, nodding slightly as she savored the sensations he was evoking from her body.  Her every nerve ending was alive and tingling, hyper-receptive thanks to the endorphins flooding her system.  She felt like she was glowing, emitting energy like some celestial body.

Cate purred softly in agreement with her self-realization.  Perhaps that was it, why she had sensed something strange... her nervous system was hopped up on pleasure, oversensitive to stimuli.  Maybe she had imagined a foreign presence.  Maybe it was simply her conscience playing tricks on her, amplifying her week-long worry about the boys catching her and Jon in the act.  Maybe it was guilt, that she had put off her husband's amorous advances for too long.

Another gasp escaped Cate's lips with a shift of Jon's technique.  She shivered blissfully and purred again.  He had to know she would acquiesce to him, let him make love to her on this glorious, idyllic morning.  Maybe even right here on this wide veranda, overlooking this spectacular kingdom.  Like a scene from a movie, the one in which she was fantasizing herself when he had suddenly materialized, like the leading man.

With another happy purr Cate parted her lashes, slowly opening her eyes to take in the romantic African splendor beyond their villa.

But she couldn't see it.  There was something in the way, partially blocking her view.

And it was looking back at her.

Again Cate's heart leapt into her throat as she stared into the dark-lashed watery brown eye.  But she couldn't move, frozen in shock.  Just feet away the knobbly, splotched brown-and-gold head hovered over the deck's railing, the young giraffe curiously regarding the strange activity of her human neighbors. 

And then it moved closer.

Cate let out a shrill, half-hoarse shriek of alarm.  Instinctively she recoiled from the head's advance, attempting to distance herself from the wild animal.  But Jon's hands on her hips prevented her movement, holding her rooted to the spot.  Without thinking, she did what she was trained to do:  Escape.

In a flash Cate's hands left Jon's head.  Her fingers extended into a bladed position before forcefully chopping down on his forearms, breaking his grip on her hips.  The second she felt the release Cate moved, leaping sideways away from the advancing animal. 

Jon yelped with surprise at the assault, both at the impact on his arms and at his sudden loss of balance when his brace against Cate's body was broken.  He pitched forward, his hands splaying in anticipation of bracing his drop to the floor.  His vision was clouded by a wavy film of chiffon as Cate's gown slid across his face with her rapid movement.  Jon's cry was followed by a dull thud and another swear of painful surprise when Cate's knee impacted his jaw during her hasty escape.

"OWW!  SONOFABITCH!"  One of Jon's hands found the floor as his other raised to his throbbing jaw.  He blinked dazedly as he felt the sheer fabric sliding over his back and shoulders, being tugged along by his wife's frantic retreat.  "Cate!  What the FUCK?"

Startled by the humans' sudden movement and loud exclamations the giraffe yanked back its inquisitive head, its huge doe-eyes now wide with alarm.  A low, barking bleat escaped from the young animal's long throat, a distress call to its herd.  Then it stood still and alert, cautiously regarding the strange people that had piqued its curiosity.

The inhuman noise made Jon's eyes widen.  He turned his head toward it, but saw only a hazy veil of filtered light and color.  With an annoyed growl Jon sat back on his calves and raised his free arm to yank the fabric away from his face, clearing his view.  His other hand held against the tender spot on his jaw as it dropped.

Jon stared at the giraffe, its thick, mottled neck just feet away from where he crouched on the deck's floor.  It stared warily back at him, its fuzzy oval ears twitching alertly.

Movement behind him diverted Jon's attention from the completely unexpected scene.  He turned his head slowly, his wide blue eyes remaining on the seemingly docile giraffe until the last second.  Then he focused his incredulous gaze on his similarly wide-eyed wife who now stood staring at the animal, her backside plastered against the glass wall separating the deck from the master suite and her chest heaving with her shallow, rapid pants. 

Suddenly struck by the comedy of the situation, Jon began to laugh.  He winced lightly as his bruised jaw throbbed, but he couldn't help himself.  He shook his head and dragged his hand through his hair, a wide grin spreading his sex-slicked lips.

Just seconds ago he had been happily enjoying a little morning pussy-snack, now here he was half-nude, fully-hard, on his knees in the middle of the fucking floor.  On one side of him stood his half-panicked, practically-naked, sexily-disheveled wife... and on the other side of him stood a fucking peeping-tom giraffe.

Of all the weird shit that had happened to him over the course of his rockstar life, this situation was up there toward the top of the list.

"Ahhhh... Fuck Me!"  Jon half-laughed, half-groaned his lament.  He let his hands fall to his thighs and shook his head again.  The sudden movement spooked the giraffe, who again jerked its head and eyed him suspiciously.  Jon chortled at the animal's reaction, then waved his hands at it in a shooing gesture.  "Get outta here!  Go on!  Nothin' left to see!  SHOO!"    

The animal started at his last, more forceful bark.  It took a few steps backward away from the deck, then paused and continued to stare.  Still grinning, Jon shook his head and let out a long groan before climbing to his feet.  He stepped toward the railing of the deck, again waving his hands at the curious beast.

"GO!  Go on!  Go eat some leaves or somethin', ya fuckin' long-necked pervert..."  Jon chortled as the giraffe backed away from his advance, then turned and lumbered away.  Grunting softly at the twitch of discomfort in his crotch, Jon leaned against the rail and watched the animal cross the grassy pasture to a trio of its herd members who were plucking leaves from a grove of mimosa trees.

With another amused shake of his head Jon turned to look at his wife.  She had apparently recovered from her surprise, for she was no longer backed against the window.  While Jon dispatched their wild visitor Cate had slipped back into the bedroom and now sat on the edge of the bed, watching him.  When she saw him move toward her Cate's lips curved into a wry smile.

Jon stepped through the open slider door and strolled over to the bed.  His blue eyes twinkled merrily as he gazed down at her for a moment before reaching up to rub the tender spot where her knee had impacted his jaw.

"I'm gonna have bruises, ya know."

Cate ducked her head, her smile turning sheepish.  "Sorry, Baby.  I was... it startled me."  She shrugged.  "See, I told you something was watching us."

That made Jon grin.  "Yeah, yeah.  You were right."  He stepped over and lowered himself onto the bed's edge, beside her.  "Guess it's only fair, huh?"

Cate wrinkled her nose and turned her head to look at him.  The confusion in her sapphire eyes made Jon chuckle again.  "What?"

"They always have humans standing around, watching them mate."  Jon grinned, reminding her what they had learned about Disney's exotic animal breeding program during their tour.  "Guess this one just wanted to even the score.  Maybe pick up a few tips..."

Jon's grin gentled as he saw a light blush pinken her cheeks.  His eyes dropped to her sleek shoulders, then to her decolletage.  His groin twitched as he spied her rosy nipples, still tightly pebbled beneath the film of her gown.  Though their unexpected visitor had interrupted their encounter, it hadn't dampened his desire.

He shifted on the bed, turning toward her before raising a hand to her breast.  He tilted his head forward, crooning into her ear.

"So... where were we?"

He felt the hitch in her breath, then heard her murmured reply. 

"Actually, you were under my gown."

"Want me to go down there again?"

She chortled huskily.  "If you wanna.  I certainly won't complain."

Jon grinned.  "How about we just do away with the gown altogether?  We'll just get all tangled up in it, here in bed...."  His hand fisted against her thigh, his fingers wiggling as he gently gathered a handful of gauzy fabric, raising the hem of her gown to expose bare leg.  "And we don't wanna get it wet in the shower, either."

"No, we don't," she agreed in a silky murmur.

Cate cast a wary glance toward the deck, then sighed and turned her head toward him.  She smiled as his mouth closed over hers.  A husky purr rumbled from her throat as Jon guided her back onto the mattress.

"Mmmm... Baby.... it's been too damned long...." Jon whispered against her lips.  "You know how bad I want you?"   

"Mmmmmhmmmmm...." Cate hummed her reply. 

She sighed again as Jon gathered her gown higher, uncovering her abdomen.  She felt her nipples contract as a light breeze swept over her naked skin, floating in through the open door.  Cate reached across her body for his hip, her fingers tracing over the slick, damp fabric of his running shorts until they found the elastic waistband.  She burrowed her fingers beneath the band and tugged downward.  Jon groaned his approval, shifting on the mattress in anticipation of her removal of his meager clothing.  He gasped when the elastic snapped against his sweaty skin and her hand moved to cup his erection.

"Jeeeeeesus, Cate...."  Jon smiled blissfully and let his head fall back, his eyes slipping closed.  He groaned happily as she squeezed his cock, then her fingers curled under his taut balls.  "Baby, you should do that more often...."


"DAD!!! DAD!!!"

The excited shout and pounding at the suite's door made them both jump.  With a strangled yelp Cate released Jon's crotch and bolted upright on the bed.  She gave him a panicked glare before sliding off the mattress and sprinting for the bathroom, a swirl of creamy chiffon trailing in her wake like contrails from a jet.

Jon grimaced with displeasure before barking out his exasperated reply.  "WHAT?!?!?!" 

He heard the knob rattle before the door swung open.  With an unhappy grunt Jon sat up on the bed, self-consciously yanking a handful of bedclothes across his lap to conceal his rock-hard erection before Romeo bounded into the room.

"Dad, come quick!  You GOTTA see this!" Romeo leaped onto the bed and grabbed Jon's hand, pulling his father halfway over in his exuberance. "Hurry up!"

Jon couldn't help himself.  He snatched his hand out of Romeo's grasp and snarled.  "What the fuck, Romey?  WHAT?  WHAT is so important at eight o'clock in the morning that you gotta come bustin' down my damned door?"  His eyes sparked as he glared at his son.

Romeo shrank from his father's icy stare, his brown eyes widening.  "But Dad... you gotta see...."

Immediately Jon felt a pang of remorse.  The crestfallen look on his littlest boy's face made his heart clench guiltily.  Some father he was, taking out his sexual frustration on his nine-year-old son.  His expression gentled. 

"Sorry, Buddy.  You surprised me.  What's up?"

Romeo gave his father a suspicious look before answering, a note of urgency still in his voice though his enthusiasm was modulated.  "Dad, you gotta hurry, or they're gonna be gone!"

"What's gonna be gone?"

"Come on!  You gotta see!"  Romeo again grabbed Jon's hand, this time tugging more tentatively.  "Pleeeease come on!"

Jon frowned.  There was no way he could follow Romeo through the villa in his current state of arousal.  Not only would it be physically uncomfortable, his son would be sure to notice his running shorts had turned into a tent.

"Romey, I just got back from a run.  I'm all sweaty."


"I need to shower, Buddy.  I'll come to your room after."

"No, Dad!  You can't!  They'll be gone by then!" 

The boy's plaintive tone made Jon's heart clench again. He growled an exasperated sigh and tugged a hand through his damp shag, leaving it sticking up in all directions.  "Romeo, WHAT will be gone?"

Realizing he wasn't going to get his father to do his bidding unless he revealed the subject of his excitement, Romeo sighed.  "The giraffes!  Dad, they're right outside my room!  Come on!"  He bounced off the bed and stood expectantly at its side.  "They're so close I can touch them!  Hurry UP!"

Jon groaned silently.  The last thing he needed to see was more fucking giraffes.  The long-necked bastards were obviously Hell-bent on fucking up his morning.

But he was the one who had chosen this damned villa for his family's vacation residence.  In the middle of Animal Fucking Kingdom.

He sighed.  "Okay, Buddy.  Run back to your room and I'll be there in a minute."

"But DAD!  What if they leave?"

Jon waved his hand toward the door.  "That's why you need to get back there!  They may already be gone!"


"Romeo, for Christ's sake!  I gotta take a piss, then I'll be there, okay?"  Jon blurted out the fib, desperate to get the boy out of his bedroom.  If he was going to trek to the other side of the villa he would need to find something to camouflage his erection.  Or a way to get rid of it... quickly.  "Now GO!  Feed 'em some leaves or something!"

Romeo's eyes brightened at his father's suggestion.  During their barn tour the keepers had let him feed hay and fruit to several of the giraffes.  He knew exactly what they would like to eat.

"Okay, Dad!  I'm gonna get the bananas from the kitchen!"  With that announcement Romeo dashed through the suite's two doors, not bothering to close either behind him.

"Oh for fuck's sake..." Jon groaned, slumping back onto the bed.  His recline relieved some of the pressure on his crotch, but not much.  But he didn't have a choice... he was going to have to get out of bed and get down to Romeo's room in a matter of minutes, or the boy would return to drag him there.

"Caaaate..." Jon's plaintive call went unanswered for a moment, then she emerged from the bathroom.  Jon noticed she had covered her nightgown with a plush terrycloth bathrobe.

She smirked.  "Giraffes, huh?"

Jon sighed.  "Any chance you can take care of this for me, in two minutes or less?"  He pointed to the mound of sheets covering his crotch.

"Sorry, Babe."  She chuckled sympathetically and crossed the room to stand beside the bed. 

"Aw, come on."  He made a weak attempt at a sexy smile. It came across more as a desperate leer.  "It probably won't even take two minutes."

Cate shook her head firmly.  "Jon, I'm not gonna blow you a minute before you go spend one of those memorable bonding moments with your child." 

"You don't have to blow me.  I'm fine with a hand job."

"Oh, well then.... sure. 'Cause that's more appropriate.  " Cate's nose wrinkled as she shook her head, contradicting her sarcastic agreement.  "Jon, just... Eww.  What kinda twisted Stepmother would that make me, if I jerked you off right before you went to play with your kid?"   

"The BEST kind," Jon grumbled, knowing his cause was lost.  He sighed, then winced again as he pushed himself up to sit. 

Cate chortled at his remark and leaned to kiss his stubbly cheek.  "For what it's worth, Baby... I'm sorry.    I could wring Romey's little neck, too."

Jon gave her a sideways smirk.  "Prove it."

"Nice try."  Cate straightened.  "You better figure something out, and get in there.  You do realize you just told Romeo to go feed wild animals?  Which is strictly against Park policy?"

"He's not gonna get them to come close enough to eat outta his hand."  Jon winced as he pushed the covers off his lap.

"Yeah, sure he won't.  Jon, our giraffe was close enough to lick your ear."

"Well at least then I woulda gotten licked."

Cate smirked at his dirty retort and strolled back toward the bathroom.  "I'm gonna change for my workout.  You got the boys' breakfast covered?"

"Yeah, yeah."  Jon sighed again and stood, tugging out the waistband of his shorts to look ruefully down at his dick.  It was still standing erect, but was starting to relax a bit.  Maybe if he tied a sweatshirt around his waist.... 

"I'll find something to feed 'em.  After I go see the motherfucking giraffes."

Cate snickered and closed the bathroom door behind her, leaving her husband to his fatherly duties.


Cate yawned.  Dropping the tablet to her lap, she looked up. 

Her lips curved in a relaxed smile as she saw she had chosen an opportune moment to pause her reading.  Cate watched Jon emerge from the pool, his arms flexing and pectorals bulging as he pulled himself up onto the concrete deck.  Rivulets of water streamed over his chiseled torso, droplets nesting in the honeycomb of wiry, wet hair blanketing his chest.

Jon raised both hands to cup his face, wiping away the water before slicking back his hair.  As he squinted and pinched his nose Cate giggled softly.  She was sure he didn't realize just how clearly this wet look displayed his receded hairline.  Vanity caused him to keep his longer, fluffy shag, which she didn't mind one bit.  His hairline and the lines around his eyes were the only physical clues of Jon's age.  For a man in his early fifties, Jon still looked damned good.

"Freak," she mumbled affectionately. 

Cate chuckled at herself, then again picked up her iPad.  For the past two hours she had been parked on this plush chaise, enjoying the Florida sunshine, napping, and catching up on her reading while Jon swam and played with his boys.  He had taken several breaks during which he lounged by her side, but he had insisted she not lift a finger.  For the first time this vacation she felt completely and utterly relaxed.  

She sighed as she realized she was bored of reading.  Cate had finally started a novel she had loaded to her tablet prior to leaving Manhattan, but it didn't hold her interest.  Then she tried to covertly peruse a few chapters of a vacation-forbidden fertility and marriage guidebook, but Jon's curious interruptions made it impossible for her to focus.  Finally she had resorted to downloading a few e-magazines and flipping through their pages.  Her current reading material contained commentary on a familiar subject.

Hearing the wet slap of bare feet on pavement, Cate looked up to see Jon approaching her.  She smiled as he stopped beside her chair and reached across her for his towel, purposely dripping tepid pool-water across her bikini-bared belly.

"Hey, careful of the iPad..." Cate scolded mildly, brushing a few droplets from the screen protector.  The swipe made the images move.

"Whatcha readin' now?"  Jon's lips puckered thoughtfully as he peered at the upside-down screen.

Cate sighed, knowing what his response would be, but she confessed anyway.

"New issue of Us Magazine.  Featuring... well... Us."  Cate smirked wryly and turned the tablet on her lap so Jon could clearly see the image and caption.  "Jon Bon Jovi and wife Cate spend a day at Disney's Hollywood Studios with his two youngest sons, Jacob Hurley, 11, and Romeo Jon, 9."  Above the text was a glossy photo of Jon and Cate standing behind the boys while watching a street performance at the theme park.

Jon frowned, then shrugged.  "That's not so bad."

Cate snorted and swiped her finger across the screen, scrolling to the next pair of pages.  It was covered with candid snapshots of their family at various park attractions.  Clearly an incognito paparazzo had followed them for several hours, documenting their day. 

"Fuckers," she growled softly, pointing to an image of her and Jon.  The photograph was of their backs as they stood together in some queue.  A bright-yellow circle highlighted Jon's hand resting on Cate's buttock, over her shorts.  A corresponding neon headline shouted "JBJ Cops a Feel!  Why?  Because He Can!"  

Jon echoed her snort and shook his head.  "Baby, why do you even bother reading that trash?" he asked wearily.  Draping the towel over his damp shoulders, he wandered around her chair and settled on his own.  "It doesn't mean shit.  And it just pisses you off."

She shrugged, knowing he was right.  But it was also her nature.  By trade she was a gatherer of information, a collector of clues.  Together the pieces told a story.  And it was always good to know what stories were being told about you.

"It's what I do, Baby," she confessed with a sigh.  "Intelligence collection."

Jon chortled and pointed at her tablet.  "I'd hardly call that shit 'intelligence'."

She smiled and nodded her agreement.  "Touche'.  And this is one of the decent ones."

Jon settled onto his chair and rubbed the towel over his head, fluffing his rapidly-drying hair.  He gave her an affectionate smile when he peeked out from under the towel.  "Even when you're not working, you're working.  You gotta learn to shut down, Baby."

"I know, I know...." Cate's grumble was gentle.  She waved a hand dismissively at him.  "But reading magazines doesn't count as working."

"I assume all that phone-talking you did awhile ago doesn't either?"  Jon arched a brow at her, his blue eyes twinkling.

Cate grinned.  Busted.  "Okay, yeah.  I was talking to Gus.  But not all about work."

"Oh?"  Jon tossed his towel to the pavement and settled back on his lounger's cushions.  "I suppose you were just swapping recipes?"  He winked at her with his tease.

"No.  He was telling me about his date."

"Ah, dating advice.  Fabulous.  Because you have such vast experience in that realm, having been married for four-plus years."

"Hey, I dated before I met you."  Cate tried to keep a straight face as she challenged him.  She couldn't hold it, and a sheepish smile curved her lips.  "Okay, not often... but I dated."

"What, twice?  Three times?"  Jon continued his tease.  Cate had confessed to him early in their relationship that she had practically no social or romantic life before she met him.  At least not since her previous unhappy marriage.

"Shut up," she grumbled playfully.  "I just preferred to keep things simple.  You know, use a guy for sex and kick him out."

"And is that what Gus wanted?  Your advice on one-night stands?"  Jon grinned.

"No.  Not that it's any of your business... but his date with Emily was quite lovely."  Cate sniffed.  "My suggestion paid off."

"Way to go Gus!"  Jon gave Cate an exaggerated leer before parroting a silly vocalization of porn-film music.  "Bow-chicka-WOW-WOOOOWWWWW!

She rolled her eyes.  "See?  This is why I don't talk to you about these things."

Jon chortled.  "Alright, alright... he's good, though?  Gus?"

"Yes.  He's fine.  The case is going well."

"Well, Thank God for that."  Jon couldn't keep a hint of sarcasm from his reply.

Cate's gave him a mild stink-eye.  "You missed a call too, by the way.  Your phone rang while you and Jake were having your water-cannon war."

"Who was it?"

"Jon, don't you think I would have said who it was if I knew?"  Cate started to scold him, but stopped when she saw the mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes.  He was purposely trying to get her riled up.  "Check your phone."

"Yes ma'am."  Jon chuckled again and reached for the tote bag containing their personal effects.  He pulled out his iPhone and squinted at the screen.  His expression sobered.  "Huh.  It was Dad."  A swipe of his thumb revealed his voicemail account contained no new messages.

Cate turned her head to look at her husband, noting the concern in his tone.  "Did he leave a message?"

"Nope.  That's weird."  Jon frowned.

"Baby, he's probably just calling to say hello.  If there was a problem he would have left a message, or one of your brothers would have called."  Cate's expression sobered as well, mirroring Jon's concern.  She knew John Senior was a creature of habit, preferring to chat with his sons and grandchildren on Sunday evenings.  He rarely made purely social calls at other times.

Jon pushed the "call" button and raised the device to his ear.  "Hope everything's okay," he mumbled as he listened to the ring.

Cate watched Jon as he waited for a response, a shadow of worry niggling at the corner of her mind.  It didn't take long to solve the mystery.

"Hey Dad!  What's up?"  Jon gave Cate a relieved look, then swung his feet up onto his chaise.  "Saw you called earlier.  Sorry I missed you.  We're at the pool."

Cate smiled and returned her attention to her iPad, though she continued to listen to Jon's side of the conversation.  After a few comments it appeared all was well.  She could hear relief in her husband's voice as he asked about his mother and brothers, then briefly recounted their vacation activities.  She idly flipped through the remaining pages of the electronic magazine on her tablet, not really paying attention to their contents.

"Oh, you're not at Aunt Barbara's?  When did you come back?"

Cate looked up at Jon, surprised by the comment.  He met her inquisitive gaze and shrugged.  When they had left Jersey Jon's parents had been headed to Pennsylvania to spend time with Carol's extended family.

"Oh.  So now you're at Cousin Therese's?  Where's that?"  The corner of Jon's mouth curved amusedly as he gave Cate another shrug before countering his father's response.  "Pop, how the fuck am I supposed to remember where they all live?"  His free hand waved with the query, his voice picking up a hint of ethnic cadence.  Cate chuckled as she saw Jon's Italian coming out.

"What villages?.... Oh... The Villages?  Is that a place?"  Jon's brow furrowed as he tried to decipher whatever his father was now telling him.  "That's the name of the place?  The Villages?... Where is it?.... In Florida?"

Cate's smile faded just a bit.

"Oh.... just an hour?... Oh, Ma does, huh?"  Jon's blue eyes met Cate's.  She could see it written in his expression.... Shit.

"Uh... yeah.  Sure.  Put her on."  Jon nodded as if his father could see him, then dropped the phone from his cheek.  "They want to come here," he hissed to Cate.

"Here?"  Cate's eyes widened.  "When?"     

"I don't know... they're only an hour away! OH!  Uh... Hi, Ma!"  Jon's half-desperate whisper turned to a cheery greeting as Carol came on the line.  Cate could hear her voice chirping from the little speaker near Jon's ear.  "How's Cousin Therese?.... Good!... Yeah.... give her our love too."  He shrugged at Cate, then rolled his eyes.  She covered her mouth to contain her giggle.

"So, Ma... Dad says you wanna come over and see the Boys?"  Jon's gaze darted back toward the pool, where Jacob and Romeo were still involved in a game of kids' water-volleyball led by Disney "Pool Camp Counselors".  His eyes turned back to Cate.  Her smile had faded and her jaw had tightened at the overheard news.  He shrugged apologetically before answering his mother's query. 

"Um... sure!.... No, no... Today we're just hanging out, taking it easy..... Uh, tonight?  Just dinner, I think.  Lemme ask Cate.  Hold on, Ma..." 

Seizing the opportunity for a pause in the one-sided conversation, Jon lowered the iPhone from his face and covered its speaker with a finger.  He cringed slightly as he spoke, inadvertently telegraphing his opinion of the idea.  "They're about an hour away.  They want to come see the boys."

Cate took a breath, then smiled.  She knew as well as Jon did they couldn't decline his parents' visit.  It wouldn't do any good.  Carol and John Senior would show up anyway.

"Jon, we can't exactly say 'no.'  They're your parents."

He gave her a skeptical look.  "But we're on vacation, Cate."

"Family vacation, Jon.  And they're family."

Jon sighed.  "Look... I know my Mom makes you a little nuts..."

"A little?"  Cate snorted.

"Okay, a lot.  Baby, if you want me to tell her we're busy, I will."  Jon's smile was desperately hopeful.  "I mean, she knows you don't get to spend much time with the boys..."

"Oh no you don't!  John Francis, don't you DARE pin this on me!"  Cate poked a finger at Jon, emphasizing her rare use of his middle name.  It worked.  He cowered.

"Oh... alright."

Cate sighed.  "When do they want to come?"



"Yeah!  Why do you think I said I'd ask what we're doing tonight?"

"Well you'd better tell her!"  Cate pointed to the phone.

"Shit!  What are we doing tonight?"

"The luau.  At the Polynesian."  Cate shrugged.   "We can probably get two more tickets..."

"Okay."  Jon nodded, then took a breath before raising the phone to his cheek.  He gave Cate another wide-eyed grimace.

"So, Ma... I checked with Cate.  We're doing some luau dinner thing tonight, but I think we can get more tickets..."  He wrinkled his nose at Cate as Carol cut him off.  Cate couldn't make out the words, but could again hear her chatter.  She gave Jon a sympathetic smile.

"No, no... Ma... It's no trouble.  Seriously, it's fine."  Jon rolled his eyes.  "Jake and Romey will be excited to see you both."  His mouth curved with the sentiment.  He listened for another minute, then again his eyes widened.

"Uh... yeah, I guess so.  Tomorrow?"  Jon looked at Cate, silently asking for her input.  She mouthed the word to him, using her hands to mime the shape of a sphere. 

"Epcot.  We're going to Epcot tomorrow."  Jon stared at Cate as he listened to his mother's proposal.  "Sure, if you and Dad want to tag along... No, I don't think we have plans tomorrow night..."  Again he cringed and gave Cate an apologetic look.  "I think we were just going to have dinner wherever.  Maybe in the park."

"Tomorrow?"  Cate mouthed the question, her brows raised.  Jon understood.

"Are you gonna go back to Therese's tonight, then?..... Oh.... Yeah.   I guess an hour is kinda a long ways late at night..."  He shot Cate a panicked look.  "Um... here?  Yes.  Yeah, Ma... no worries.  I'll take care of it.  You like the Grand Floridian, right?"

Cate's eyes widened as she understood.  This wasn't going to be a brief visit... John and Carol were joining their vacation.


"No, Ma.  It's no trouble.  I'll just call the VIP desk and get you a room.  Don't worry about it..... Uh... our place?  We're at the Animal Kingdom.  Yeah... uh, I don't know.... it's kinda small...."

Cate choked back her laugh.  Their villa could be described any number of ways, but "small" was not an adjective that came to mind.  She gave Jon a sympathetic smile, silently thanking him for steering his parents to other accommodations.  It was one thing to share part of their Disney experience with John and Carol, quite another to have to sleep under the same roof as them.

"Ma, I told you.  It's no trouble.  Consider it done."  Jon's tone strengthened, taking on a note of exasperation.  "What time will you and Dad arrive tonight?  I'll call the VIP reservations number as soon as I get off the line with you.  They'll have a room waiting at the Floridian when you get there.  Check in, and we'll come meet you."  He rolled his eyes and shook his head again.

Cate sighed and closed her iPad's cover.  It was obvious their day of relaxation was over.

"Of course Cate won't mind, Ma.  She'll be happy to see you both."  Jon gave his wife another pained smile when she looked up at the mention of her name.  He shook his head slightly as he replied to his mother's query.  "Ma... MA!... Um.... okay.  Hang on."

Again Jon dropped the phone from his cheek and covered the little sound-hole with a finger.  He smiled resignedly.  "I'm sorry, Baby."

Cate sighed.  "It's fine, Jon.  Really.  It will be good for the boys to see their grandparents."  She chuckled ironically.  "But thank you for insisting they stay in their own room."

"If they stay overnight."  Jon grimaced and extended the phone toward his wife.  "Mom thinks you'll be upset about her intruding.  She wants to talk to you."