Saturday, February 25, 2012


Sonofabitch!”  Jon spat the expletive as his hand pressed against the center of the steering wheel, triggering an angry horn-blast at the offender.  The driver of the black BMW replied with a middle-fingered salute and continued to block the lane into which he had abruptly entered ahead of Jon’s SUV.

“Fuck you, you miserable piece of fuck,” Jon growled, returning the gesture.  He snorted with disgust and impatience as he smacked the wheel with both hands, then scanned the traffic lanes to his left and right.  They were clogged with immobile vehicles, sitting bumper-to-bumper in the city-bound traffic.

Realizing there was nothing he could do to escape the surrounding gridlock, Jon punched angrily at the dashboard console with his now-idle middle finger.  The sound of a dialtone, then an electronic ring filled the passenger compartment.

“Hey.  Where are you?”  Cate’s husky voice flowed through the speaker.  Her words were clipped and somewhat formal.

“I’m stuck in traffic, heading into the motherfucking tunnel.”  Jon snarled with frustration and reached to drag a hand through his already-tousled hair.  “Are you there already?”

Cate glanced sideways at the two women seated nearest her in the reception room.  Both were pretending to read magazines and unsuccessfully hiding their curiosity at her telephone conversation.  Quickly she stood and crossed the long room to the far end, facing away from the other patients as she looked out the window.

“Yes, I’m here.  I’m in the waiting room.”

Jon sighed and glanced at the clock display on the Escalade’s dash.  Cate’s appointment was due to start in just ten minutes and he was still stuck in Jersey.  “Baby, I’m sorry.  I’m not gonna make it in time.  Tell Doc I’m running late, to wait ‘til I get there to do the test.  Hopefully I’ll be no more than thirty, forty minutes.”

Cate rolled her eyes at Jon’s command.  She wasn’t about to ask Dr. Klein to disrupt his schedule to accommodate her husband’s tardiness.  Jon was used to people planning their days around him, since he was usually the center of attention.  But that was not the case today.

“No, I’m not going to ask him to do that.  Dr. Klein is busy.  There’s a waiting room full of people here.”  Cate’s flat, controlled statement was as much to explain her current lack of privacy as it was to make her point clear to Jon.

“Cate, I’m sure if you tell him…”

“I’m not going to do that.” Cate repeated, cutting off Jon’s protest.  “We’ll go ahead and start, and you can catch up when you get here.”

Jon let out an exasperated sigh.  He could tell from his wife’s tone the matter was not open for further discussion.  “Fine.  I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?  Cate, I’m sorry… this whole fucking day…”

Only half-listening to Jon’s complaint, Cate turned to look toward the doorway where a medical assistant carrying a clipboard had just appeared.


Cate waved a hand at the nurse, silently responding to the summons.  She said a silent “thank you” that Dr. Klein’s staffer had remembered to use her maiden name in the public area.  Jon’s surname was immediately recognizable in almost any setting; probably even moreso in a waiting room filled with women.

She glanced toward the nosy patients before raising a finger, signaling the nurse that she needed one more moment to finish her call.  The nurse gave Cate a tight-lipped smile, clearly not amused by the delay.  

“I have to go.  We’ll talk when you get here.”  Jon heard Cate’s voice soften just a bit.  “Drive safely, okay?”

“ ‘Kay, Baby.  I’ll be there soon.”  Jon reached to disconnect the call, then sighed.

This entire day had been a series of mishaps.  First his early-morning meeting had been a bust, then a thunderstorm had made his flight late departing L.A., then his plane had to circle for almost an hour before landing at Teterboro.  And now he was stuck in Friday rush-hour traffic, trying to get through the Lincoln Tunnel to the most important event on his schedule.

Jon knew Cate didn’t need him there for the hysterosalpingogram; she would be just fine on her own.  The test was basically an x-ray, only minimally invasive and requiring no anesthesia or significant recovery.  But he wanted to be there with her in a show of moral support.  And, truth be told, he needed to be there to bolster his own confidence as they began this new phase of fertility treatment.

C’mon!” Jon growled again at the queue of unmoving traffic.  Though he knew it would do no good he again laid on the horn, letting the world know his frustration.  All around him, similarly-irritated motorists echoed his sentiment.


Cate shivered under the light blanket as her bare back pressed to the fluoroscope’s smooth coated-metal surface.  She stared at the ceiling, acutely aware of the nurse next to her preparing a tray of instruments for the procedure.

This was the second diagnostic test she had undergone this week, and the preparation process was markedly different from what she had experienced just several days ago.  Cate smirked ironically as she realized she actually preferred the surgical procedure to this simple x-ray test.  At least she had been able to sleep through that one.

“Well, hello there, Mrs. Bongiovi,” Dr. Klein’s warm greeting filled the room as he pushed through the door.  “How are we feeling today?”

“Fine,” Cate answered with a little smile.  “Other than freezing my ass off, that is.”  She again shivered with the admission.

Dr. Klein straddled a wheeled stool and scooted it over to Cate’s side.  He gave her a sympathetic smile.  “Sorry about that.  We do have to keep it a little chilly in here.”

Cate chuckled.  “I know, Doc.  I’ve spent plenty of time in hospitals and labs over the years.  The morgues are usually pretty chilly too.  Of course, the patients there don’t really mind so much.”

Dr. Klein gave Cate a comical grimace.  “Well, that’s quite an observation,” he chortled.

Cate smiled sheepishly.  “Sorry.  Cop humor.  Tends to come out when I’m nervous.”

Are you nervous?”  Dr. Klein gave Cate another empathetic smile as he slipped his hands into a pair of latex gloves.

Cate sighed.  “A little, I guess.  Just because of the ‘unknown’ factor.  You know how that goes.”

The doctor nodded.  “I do.  But hopefully we won’t have any unknowns a half-hour from now.  Okay?”  He glanced around the room, noting the conspicuous absence.  “Your husband wasn’t able to come with you today?”

“He’s on the way.  Stuck in traffic at the Tunnel.”

“Oh.  Sorry to hear that.”  Dr. Klein turned to look at the clock over the door.  “I would offer to wait, but…”

Cate shook her head. “No, no… it’s fine.”  She smiled at Dr. Klein when he returned his gaze to her.  “He doesn’t know how long he’ll be.  Besides, it’s Friday. You and your staff probably want to get out of here as soon as possible.  I don’t want to hold you up.”

Dr. Klein laughed.  “I was just going to say ‘I would offer to wait but you’re already undressed and freezing’.  But I appreciate your consideration for my evening plans.”

“Well, that too.”  Cate giggled softly and involuntarily shivered again.  “I really would like to get this over with as soon as possible.”

“Well, then, let’s get started.”  Dr. Klein clapped his gloved hands together, then his expression sobered a bit as he launched into his practiced pre-procedure explanation.

“So, what we’re going to do today is the hysterosalpingogram, or HSG test.  This is a simple procedure by which we will look at the shape of your uterus and evaluate the patency of your fallopian tubes.  And through the marvels of modern technology and digital imaging you will be able to see the test real-time.  I will of course also record it for further evaluation.”  Dr. Klein grinned.  “And for your husband to view later.”

Cate chuckled quietly at Dr. Klein’s comment.  Jon had apparently been an active observer during her laparoscopy earlier this week.  The doctor was probably secretly relieved at his absence for this procedure.

“The procedure is relatively simple.  We’ll get you properly positioned under the fluoroscope and get a good picture of your uterus.  I will insert a speculum in the vagina, then a cannula into the cervix.  Through the cervical opening I will introduce a radiographic contrast medium – a dye – into the uterus to expand it.  The dye will then travel along the fallopian tubes and, barring any blockages, to the ovaries.”

Dr. Klein paused for a breath and noticed the flash of worry on his patient’s face at the mention of blockages.  He knew she was concerned with the minor tubal adhesions her laparoscopy had revealed.  The doctor was certain her concern would be allayed by today’s test, but he couldn’t predict what else it may show.

“Once the dye reaches the ends of the fallopian tubes it will spill out the ends, indicating a clear pathway.  You will be able to clearly see that on the screen.”  The doctor smiled reassuringly.  “The whole test will only take a few minutes.”

Cate nodded.  “Do I need to stay perfectly still, like for an x-ray?”

“Not perfectly.  We’re watching a moving target, so to speak, so we don’t have to worry much about minor movement.  In fact, I may ask you to change your position on the table, to get a better view of one of the ovaries or to get a side view of the uterus.  We’ll see how everything’s laid out in there and how it shows up on the scope.”

“Okay.”  Cate blew out a long breath.  “So, after it’s done…”

“We’ll get you back into a nice warm treatment room and let you get dressed.  Then we’ll go over everything we’ve learned this week.”  Dr. Klein raised an eyebrow.  “So, you ready?”

“Ready as I’m gonna get, I guess.”

“Well, then…”  The doctor wheeled his stool toward the end of the table, positioning himself near Cate’s bent knees.  “Try to relax and let’s take a look inside.”

Cate pulled in and blew out another deep breath as she felt the nurse slide the blanket from her lower body, baring her to the machine.  She shivered again as goosepimples formed on her warm flesh in response to the room’s chill.  Her jaw clenched counterintuitively as she willed her body to relax.

“Let’s do it.”


“Tell me again.”

Cate chuckled softly and raised her glass to her lips.  She took a small sip of the ruby liquid, savoring it on her tongue for a long moment before letting it slide down her throat.  She set the wine glass down and smiled across the table at Jon.

“You saw the video.  Everything’s fine.  All clear.”

Her heart squeezed at Jon’s happy smile.  His foul mood had quickly disappeared once he finally arrived at Dr. Klein’s office, nearly an hour late.  He had gotten a quick recap of the day’s events from Dr. Klein, but Cate had been left to fill him in on the remainder of the consultation as the doctor had other patients waiting.

“No blockages or twists or kinks or anything.”

“None.  According to the good doctor, I have a perfectly healthy reproductive system.”  Cate grinned back at Jon.  “Or as he put it, ‘a good-looking set of tubes’.”

Jon snickered and took a drink from his own wine glass.  “Everything about you is good-lookin’, Baby.”  He gave her a mischievous leer.

Cate giggled softly at his playfulness.  Like Jon, she found herself more than just relieved at the outcome of the day’s procedure.  She was almost jubilant.  Though the test had yielded no definitive explanation of their fertility difficulties, it had cleared the way for the next phase of their journey.  One that would start almost immediately.

It hadn’t been hard to convince Jon to take her out for a celebratory dinner.  Today they had achieved only a small victory, but it was a welcome one.  Her spirits buoyed, Cate had even allowed herself a glass of wine.

“So, when do you start the drugs?”  Jon twirled some angel hair pasta around his fork before shoving it into his mouth.  He stared intently at Cate as he chewed.

“After Thanksgiving.”  Cate smiled coyly.  “If it comes to that.  Who knows?  This month we may get lucky, not even need to do the hyperstimulation.”

Jon nodded and took a drink of water.  “I like that idea.”  He chuckled throatily.  “And Dr. Klein says our chances may actually have been improved by this HSG thing?”

“Possibly.”  Cate speared a shrimp with her fork and popped it into her mouth.  She smiled at Jon’s expectant look as he waited for her to finish chewing.  “Apparently some studies have shown that women who have the HSG have a slightly increased chance of conceiving shortly after the test.  It’s like it kinda flushes out the tubes, I guess.”

“Makes it easier for the boys to swim upstream, huh?”  Jon grinned.

“Something like that.”

“So what’s the magic date for this month?”

“Mmm…” Cate held up a finger as she took another sip of wine.  She swallowed slowly, then smiled.  “I should ovulate Monday or Tuesday.”

Jon waggled his brows suggestively.  “So that means we should get a head start on the baby-making this weekend, huh?  Since my swimmers can stay in there for a couple days, just hanging out and waiting for the egg to drop?”

Cate’s blue eyes sparkled as she laughed at Jon’s crude description of the biological process.  “Yeah, Baby.  Good thing we’re both in town this weekend.”

“Damn right.  And I intend to make the most of it.”

“I’m gonna hold you to that.”  Cate smirked and took another bite of her pasta.

“I hope so.”  Jon chuckled as he pulled his phone from its case on his belt.  He swiped a finger across the screen and tapped, bringing up his calendar.  “I gotta go down to Philly on Thursday and Friday, but otherwise I’m here.”

He tapped the screen a couple more times.  “Let me pencil you in to my schedule, here…”  Jon made a comical frowny-face as he pretended to concentrate on the electronic calendar.  “Yes, I do believe I can fit ‘ovulation’ in on Tuesday, between the gym and my hair appointment…”

Cate snorted at his silliness, even as her heart warmed.  “Yeah, yeah.  You better just hope I can work you in.  My calendar’s a mess this week.  Being gone so much the past few weeks for all these appointments hasn’t been the greatest thing for my case.”

Jon gave Cate a genuine frown.  “You’re not going back to those nutso hours, are you?”  His tone was disapproving.

“I hope not,” Cate shook her head in denial, her words sincere.  “But we’re getting to a pretty important juncture in this investigation.  In fact, I’m gonna be out of the City on Thursday and Friday too.”

“Why?  Where are you going?”

Cate sighed softly and gave Jon a patient smile.  His expression was now serious, almost petulant.  “Not far away.  Thursday I’m meeting with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Trenton, and Friday I’ll be in the Trenton Field Office for the day.”

“Trenton?”  Jon visibly relaxed when he heard that Cate wouldn’t be flying off to some faraway destination.  “What the fuck do you have going on down there?”

Cate smiled, knowing Jon wouldn’t like her answer.  “I can’t tell you.”  She giggled as Jon rolled his eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh.

“Okay,” she chuckled.  “I can’t give you details, but you know it’s a public corruption case.  Those things have long tentacles, lots of paper trails.  And of course they all eventually lead to the State Capitol.”

Jon cringed.  “Yeah, I probably don’t want to know.”  He had dabbled on the fringes of New Jersey politics long enough to comprehend the way things really happened.  That knowledge had weighed heavily in his decision to remain a private citizen rather than to throw his hat in the political ring.

Cate shrugged.  “I dunno.  It’s pretty danged sexy…”  She gave Jon a devilish wink with her taunt.  “Too bad I can’t tell you the dirt…”

“Ha ha ha,” Jon laughed sarcastically, not taking her bait.  He was serious:  despite his natural curiosity about Cate’s work he really didn’t want to know the details.  He worried enough about her as it was; Jon suspected if he knew the realities of her job he wouldn’t be able keep his fear for her safety stuffed deep down inside.

Cate chuckled gently, backing off.  “Anyway, I’m probably going to be working a lot more with the Trenton Office, if all goes as I think it will with this meeting.”

Jon’s brow furrowed.  “Well that’s gonna suck, commute-wise.”

“Probably.”  Cate nodded.  “I will probably just work there a couple days at a time, and stay over.”  She shrugged.  “I’ll figure it out when I know more.”  She tilted her head and gave Jon a quizzical look.  "How about you?  You didn't say how your meeting went."

Jon sighed and set his fork down on the rim of his plate.  "It was pretty much a waste of time.  You know how things go out there in Hollywood.  Everybody's on their own fucking schedule, not in any hurry unless there's a call sheet to be followed."

"You didn't talk about the project at all?"

"Yeah, we talked about it."  Jon shrugged.  "But we're still at the same point we were before I flew all the fucking way out there.  The pilot's in the can, they're four episodes in, and they want me to come in as a new regular."

"Do you want to do it?"  Cate smiled at Jon's little lip-curl of distaste.  She knew he was intrigued by the script, and he wouldn't have flown all the way to California for a meeting with the network if he had no intention of taking the part.

Jon nodded slightly.  "I dunno.  It's a cool gig, but the timetable's pretty fast.  I'd have to put writing the new record on the back burner for a little while..."  His gaze met Cate's.  "But it shoots here in the City, so at least I'd be around.  I wouldn't have to fly back and forth from coast to coast while we're working on our little project..."

Cate nodded at Jon's statement.  Though she was fully supportive of Jon accepting the acting job if he wanted to, she had wondered how they were going to continue fertility treatment if they spent more time apart than together.

"You don't have to make a decision right away, do you?"

Jon shook his head firmly.  "No.  I'm gonna have to meet with the suits again, but I told them it can't be this week.  So we'll see.  Anyway, I probably won't know before Thanksgiving."

"Well then, we'll deal with that when the time comes."  Cate smiled and took one more bite of pasta before setting her fork on the side of her plate.

Jon took another drink of his wine, purposely making himself pause before moving the topic back to the more personal.  He set the glass down and reached for Cate’s hand.

“So, although I have all the confidence in the world that I’m gonna knock you up this weekend…”  Jon grinned.  “Tell me again what Dr. Klein said about our next step in treatment.  With the fertility drugs.”

Cate smiled and turned her hand under Jon’s, curling her fingers up into his.  “Well… if I don’t get pregnant this cycle, I’ll start with the drugs a couple days into my next period.”  She looked down at their joined hands as her smile faded just a bit.

“And what does that involve?  Pills?  Shots?”

“Both, actually.”  Cate raised her gaze to meet Jon’s, her blue eyes glowing softly in the dim restaurant lighting.  “I’ll start with a course of pills for about five days, then a few days before I ovulate I’ll have to have a couple hormone shots.  Dr. Klein will monitor the effect of the hormones on my ovaries with blood tests and ultrasounds.  Then, when there are a couple egg follicles that are developed and ready to be released, he’ll give me a ‘trigger shot’ of another hormone, which will cause ovulation.”

Jon couldn’t help but smile.  “So there will be more than one egg floating downstream?”

Cate chortled softly.  “Yes.  A greater chance of twins, or… more.”  She knew Jon not-so-secretly had no objection to potentially siring twins.  She wasn’t quite as eager to embrace that possibility.

“And what about the insemination thing?”

Cate reached for her wine glass with her free hand as she shook her head.  “Dr. Klein said he doesn’t want to try intrauterine insemination quite yet.  He wants me to have a cycle or two for my body to adjust to the hormones.  If we don’t get pregnant through normal intercourse in the first couple months, then he’ll talk to us about IUI.”

Jon nodded slowly.  “Okay.  So, it’s November now… you’ll start the drugs in December.  We’ll keep doing our normal thing for December and January… and if you’re not pregnant by February we’ll take the next step.”  His voice was soft and even as he thoughtfully worked through the timeline.

“Yes.”  Cate watched Jon as his lips pursed in thought, then curved into a gentle smile.  Her expression mirrored his as he looked up to her face.

“Well, that sounds like a great Plan B to me.”  Jon’s fingers twined with Cate’s on the table and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.  “But I have every confidence in Plan A.”

Cate nodded as her heart squeezed at his optimism.  As usual, Jon was the cheerleader, the one fully expecting the Happy Ending.  She was grateful for that; it was an outlook she did not easily share.  Years of dealing with the darker side of human nature had jaded her.

But Jon still believed in miracles.  It was one of the things she loved most about him… especially now.

“So…” Cate pulled her hand gently from Jon’s and picked up her napkin.  She daintily dabbed at her lips before placing the linen square on the table beside her plate.  She gave Jon a beguiling smirk.  “About that Plan A.  How about we go home and work on it a little more?”

Jon grinned as he felt Cate’s foot slide against his calf under the table.  He chortled and tossed his napkin aside, then turned to look for their waiter, his hand raised.

“Check, please.”


  1. I'd enjoy this story a lot more if I hadn't done all these tests and procedures myself. Sucks. And takes all the fun out of sex. Of course I wasn't having sex with the guy SHE'S having sex with so maybe a different experience ;)

  2. Another great chapter...
