Monday, November 3, 2014


So... here's the thing.

Life is unpredictable.  A huge, rushing, unstoppable roller-coaster.

The last few months of my life have been just that -- up and down, sideways, loop-de-loop, all at breakneck speed.  It's been a rush, a joy, incredibly stressful, and downright exhausting.  I started not just a new job, but an entire new career.  I took the bold step of following my heart, and I don't regret it for one second (at least not yet).  I feel like I'm doing what I was meant to do.  When Karma and Opportunity knock, you answer the door.

But this wonderful new life has brought with it 60-hour work-weeks, long commutes, frequent travel, and very little time for home, family, friends, or hobbies (or sleep, for that matter).  Add to that an unexpected medical "surprise" (no worries, I will be fine in a few months), and, well... you get the point.

This new phase of my life has also left me with about 5 minutes a day to actively listen to my Muses.  They are always with me, and I scribble furiously when I have a free minute here or there.  But at some point scribbled vignettes and hastily-typed scenes and conversations have to be patched together, smoothed and edited.  Crafted.  It's an intense process that requires quiet, concentration, and energy.  Very little of which I've had recently.

So, for those of you who still remember, who care about these characters... First and foremost, THANK YOU.  I will not leave you hanging forever.  I can't.  I need closure to Jon & Cate's saga even more than you.  But it might be awhile before I can resume, and I will not do it until I can do so with the same quality of writing as has come before.  Hopefully it will be soon, as my schedule seems to have some daylight in the months ahead... but I cannot promise when.

I'm still here, and will return as soon as I can.  Karma will let me know when the time is right.



  1. I changed my whole life 6 years ago and it took me almost 3 years until I was where I wanted to be. So I know what you're talking about.
    Hopefully it won't take 3 years until you have time to write again because I will miss you and Cate and Jon!
    But ... take all the time you need ... I'll be here when you're ready ... promise :)

  2. You need to take of you and enjoy your new endeavor as well as your family. If and when you have the proper time to spend with Jon & Cate, I for one will be here when you all return. Just don't disappear completely I will miss YOU!. ;)

  3. Take the time you need, I understand Medical, boy do I. Enjoy the new job, and I always say Family comes first.

  4. I'll be here when you start again, congratulations on your new career and your medical surprise.

  5. Thank you for this update. I do miss this story but, understand completely. You could have dropped this and moved on. You didn't I respect that. Thank you for keeping us informed and we will see you again when you are ready to post or need to give another update. This is too good to just let it go by the way side...

  6. Thanks for the update. It's greatly appreciated. I'll be here when you are able to continue.

  7. Congrats Hon will be here when you get back and Thank You for not just dropping us or the story!

  8. Im here with everyone else...ready & waiting for you when the time comes...Good Luck with the new Job!

  9. Just checking in. Hope you are in a better place in your life.

  10. Congratulations on your new life and for your bravery in following your heart. It will work out amazingly.
    Keep listening to your muses and scribbling and when you a chance put it all together for us. We will be waiting

  11. Just checking in to see how your doing. Hope everything is well. Miss you and Jon and Cate!

  12. Thank you for keeping us on the loop!! Don't worry, we can wait as long as YOU are ok!!

  13. I really really miss Jon and Cate. This was my favorite story so I was wondering if it is going to be finished?

  14. Just found this story. Please finish it

  15. I found your blogs - and have read all of them during the last 2 weeks. Not wanting to sleep because I could not tear myself away from jon and cate!
    I found myself distracted at work, wondering what the next chapters would bring.
    PLEASE come back and finish "if that's what it takes".
    I have wept, cried, and at times laughed so hard - my sides hurt - at their journeys.
    I also have to admit - I wanted so badly to read about how Jon proposed to Cate.
    You are an incredible writer - your descriptions, your emotion, your cadence of the story is fantastic.
    I hope you check in and read the comments and see how much we would love to have you continue/finish this story.
    THANK YOU!!!
